One Piece Chapter 1139 : “The Mountain Eater”

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Chrono left for good. Bro who thought he was the leader of the Sanji fandom agenda.

If you are reading you cannot come back.

You aren't accepted since u runned away, Oda probably hated Chrono that's the real story now that he is sure he won't come back as a Sanji fan he hyped sanji and also recognized MonsterZoro as the real Sanji number 1 fan on equal shoulder to shoulder with me. :shocked:
I pray that Zoro steps up and tries to takedown Scopper in Luffy's place only to get shit on :hope: Luffy already is gonna fight Loki and probably Shamrock too he doesn't need 3 major fights.
Nami will punch Gaban the same way she always does Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and he compare her punch with Big Mom's
Chrono left for good. Bro who thought he was the leader of the Sanji fandom agenda.

If you are reading you cannot come back.

You aren't accepted since u runned away, Oda probably hated Chrono that's the real story now that he is sure he won't come back as a Sanji fan he hyped sanji and also recognized MonsterZoro as the real Sanji number 1 fan on equal shoulder to shoulder with me. :shocked:
We Sanji fans are all on the same 並び :BigW:
It doesn't "necessarily" mean strength meaning the possibility of it being related to strength/status isn't ruled out. That's why context matters

And in this case, both before and after, they were praising Gaban's strength and popularity so it makes sense this kanji is being used to talk about strength/status. Use some critical thinking while applying context rather than taking a few japanese phrases out of context and finding posts of completely different context

Anyways, let's wait till Sandman. I'm waiting for a native Japanese person's opinion (because a native Japanese speaker who is a Zorofan did tell me it was related to strength) instead of taking a terminally online person's opinion who has no clue about how to speak Japanese and has a weird hate boner for a drawing. You can tag me and I'll take the L because I haven't completely ruled out the possibility since the kanji is the same but using some basic context: you'd know they're talking about strength since that's what they were praising Gaban about both before and after
Sandman said the same thing again, we asked him in GC and he posted the same post :

You ain't helping your case.

Also, they never compared their strength but statut :

• His statut as the left handman of the PK alongside Vice Captain Rayleigh.

• A Legendary character alongside Rayleigh and Roger = similar to Oden with Whitebeard and Roger.
Here's an interesting question not related to the agenda.

Is Gaban The Lurking Legend too?

People thought it was Imu but Imu while lurking can't be a legend since he's supposed to not be known/kills those who know of him.

And while Oda said that a year ago. He took SEVERAL unexpected breaks, for OPLA and other stuff, which puts the chapters not on schedule. Theses chapters may have fell around that statement if he'd not took extra breaks.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Sandman said the same thing again, we asked him in GC and he posted the same post :

You ain't helping your case.

Also, they never compared their strength but statut :

• His statut as the left handman of the PK alongside Vice Captain Rayleigh.

• A Legendary character alongside Rayleigh and Roger = similar to Oden with Whitebeard and Roger.
Bruh let it go.

You are acting like we have anything to lose. Infact, we gained... Equal footing with Luffy.

Only fandom which actually lost is Luffy fandom lmao

So sanji bros and Zoro bros should unite to duck on that nika fandom who thought Luffy by EoS can neg diff whole crew lmao
Ready for the accusations of sour grapes, but this chapter really just confirmed all the issues I have with Gaban coming back as a wise mentor character. Just been done before.

We got the generic “oh, this guy is just like Roger” flashback that we’ve already seen a billion times. And Oda’s saying Gaban is old gen Sanji with all the subtlety of a brick, and with the worst part of Sanji’s personality. We didn’t need Ray introduced getting lost and someone saying “LOOK IT’S OLD ZORO”.

And then we have the dumb test. We are long past the stage of anyone thinking that Luffy needs “tested”. Ray didn’t feel he even needed to test Luffy and that was years ago when luffy was a comparative weakling. The resemblemce to Roger was enough, not his strength. Now Gaban already knows that Luffy defeated Kaido and he’s still doing it? How strong does he think Loki is lol?

And in general, if you have characters called Gold, Silver and Copper (Bronze), I really don’t think it makes much sense to spend like fifteen years going into Gold and Silver in detail, then finally go ”but the number three guy, I’ve spent next to no time on, he’s cool as well.” There’s a reason why the OP fights always go Sanji first, then Zoro, then finally Luffy. It makes more dramatic sense.

Gaban has a cool design, though, Oda does usually do well with his cool old men. The scar is a bit marked with flame looking, but no real link to the black ship and the whirlpool so far. And I did find the trolling of him liking when other people get into trouble funny.
Here's the thing op fans are dense as a brick and whenever Oda trys to be subtle they completely shit the bed.

I don't blame Oda for being so heavy handed with the connection to Sanji.

Lastly Gaban appeared in Buggy's flashback in orange town he's clearly been a character on Oda's mind for a long time.