Break Week One Piece Chapter 987: Faithful Servant


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This clears up a lot. Spoilers always love to omit certain aspects of the chapter, and in this case, it was Kaido being drunk. Surely people don't forget what happened last time Kaido was drunk, and then what happened once he sobered up? Yall better choose carefully how your talk you shit these next two weeks, because you're only going to make yourselves out to look like fools.

Luffy's proclamation to Big Mom this chapter was fucking epic. He confused the hell out of everyone at first, and then goes and says some even more off the wall shit, in classic Luffy fashion.

Finally backup arrived for Zoro, Kid and Killer. Was beginning to think those guys would be fighting fodder until the end of the arc. Glad they got some help so they can finally move on to other things.

Queen as always entertaining as hell this chapter. And from the looks of it, they weren't doing anything because to them they were still in party mode. Kaido just gave the OK for them to stop drinking, and it's time to start fighting.

Honestly can't wait to see the Sulong transformation next chapter. And it looks like all the Minks are there. Someone made an interesting speculation in the spoiler thread that Kaido might destroy the Moon to stop the transformation. I don't know if I subscribe to that too much, but Oda does love to draw his parallels to Dragon Ball every so often. Would definitely be crazy if it happened.

All in all chapter was fire. It's going to be a long two weeks.
Not bad a chapter. Kaidou got slow reaction time, He sobered up with all the action. Eat dick haters.
Yamato telling Ulti that tonight they become Oden Kozuki, It almost felt like she was telling Ulti to join her. Hmm? Some feelings hidden there? But Ulti herself didn't really understand it and called Yamato an idiot. lol Loved the interactions between em.

Luffy Goat telling everybody there he's wanting to kick all of their asses. Iron Balls Luffy, and TBH he does feel a little different as a character then. Time will tell if it was just a moment or not.

Neko being boss just with the hidden face.
Then I dont think the minks and the scabbards will look as pathetic as folks may think
they might hurt kaido again. carrot without sulong , caught by brulee and diesel, with sulong, solo'd a fleet , had a run in with daifuku.
sulong minks should be pretty strong.
Idk I don't think they will do that much. Sulong minks don't really need hype, we really know how strong is that form since WCI. Wasting the main antagonist portrayal over something we already know the worth of would be odd. If Oda kept sulong secret since Zou I would have thought otherwise. I think minks might be able to pummel Kaido due to speed boost until the transformation run off but at the end Kaido's damage will be superficial. I think the first serious wound Kaido will take will be against either Luffy/Kidd/Law/Zoro....
are you referring to kiku stabing his hand?
Sure mihawk can severely hurt him, aint no one denying that.

You again just ignore context here, the man was attacked by surprise by multiple people and apparently they are using the haki luffy learned, so thats fine. The fact is he wasnt wounded much just some bleeding from his mouth and a tiny puncture in his hand,

Honestly, i doubt mihawk will come at kaido by surprise like these people did. If its a face to face 1vs1 for sure if mihawk lands hit they will hurt alot but so will kaidos hits.
It's just like Shitshio to downgrade other swordsman to suit his purposes/agenda. Kiku has been described as being really strong by Luffy and Zoro basically, Zoro... Not any of the other 9 Scabbards got the same thing; and yet Shitshio still is in his fantasy land.
Him saying he sobered up doesn't mean his durability suffered under being drunk.
people said last chapter that it was stupid for an emperor to get speedblitzed by scabbards, him being drunk might not have affected his durability but it might have affected his reaction speed and use of haki (both armement and observation) . There's a reason Oda had Kaido mention his state.


Lead them to paradise.
@Fujishiro it would be genuinely pathetic if Oda off panels the whole thing
Like I wanna see what these ***** can do rather than just see the outcome.
You mean like kanjurou? Dont get your hopes up fam, im kinda on the brink of dropping this manga for a good while.

When you think about dressrossa and how many fights there were and then this shitshow where 90% gets offpanneled, it just pisses me off tbh.
Him saying he sobered up doesn't mean his durability suffered under being drunk.
Not saying it did. But sober Kaido speed blitzes the fuck out G4. He's a whole different kind of fighter.

And do you honestly think just because Kaido was hurt it means anything? Lesser characters can survive attacks 1000s of times stronger. Getting past Kaido's durability is just the tip of the iceberg. It's going to take an absurd amount of high end attacks to put this guy down.
Not saying it did. But sober Kaido speed blitzes the fuck out G4.

And do you honestly think just because Kaido was hurt it means anything? Lesser characters can survive attacks 1000s of times stronger. Getting past Kaido's durability is just the tip of the iceberg. It's going to take an absurd amount of high end attacks to put this guy down.
Reality is, Mihawk is Saitama of One Piece and would casually one shot Kaido.
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