[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Hey everyone. Hope for a fun game.

Any reason? Is this a spite lynch?

I really didn't get this question from you. It was right at the begining of the day. Players don't have any reason to put vote but either for fun or to get reactions.

You should be able to undertake this yet your asked for a reason or questioned it for spite Lynch? Why?

can we play the game now
Your meta is off today. Being quite serious. What brought the change?
so is light a mafia role?
From last few games you wanted to die because you didn't like being town.

This game it gives vibe that you are feeling good.

Did you end up as scum finally?
One scum in Nat/Zara
That's a RVS vote. It is generally placed on players early on the game with no reasons for seeing their reactions. It is called Random Voting Stage. Although I'm not a fan of RVS myself but I'm trying it out.
Why you casted random vote on neutral and not on nat/zara to see their reactions?

Why you want to see NW reactions more than nat/zara among whom you see one sus?
Concerned isn't the word I'd use, more like curious.

Because you were town last game, and now you're playing like a completely different person.
You are also playin different than last game when you were town so it's weird seeing you questioning gambit for being off
Lol he didn't claim seriously.

And no one should claim, that's beyond dumb. NO ONE SHOULD CLAIM, ESPECIALLY NOT TOWN. TRUST ME.
No one even think of claiming. I can't stress this enough.
Really not a fan of such posts. Give vibe that you are trying to gain town trust by stressing this two times.

One should claim when there is utmost need but shouldn't make it a mass claiming for no reason
Ah ok thanks. Well I think it's better said now than later.

I'm a miller meaning I have a passive that makes me show up as guilty when cops invest me. Yes I am town. I'm saying it now so cop don't waste resources investing me because you will get a guilty result.
Oh you are Miller. Too convenient. Can you tell me what you can do?
Took 27 minutes just to anwer this? :whitepress:
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No bro, i do, i just misread it hahahaha.
Fuji - 27 mins late reply is not a good indication to use.

If one deliberate ignores you while being active here then you can raise doubt or question him further but not because he responded 27 mins late.
Also since most of you think I'm town I think I would get killed tonight.

That's a good thing since my role is not that useful after all so they would waste their night action to kill me.

Are you trying to come clean by saying that scum will not kill you because your role isn't good enough?
Just burnout. End of the workmonth, in my case the 10th, is horrible for me. I've been working 12 hours a day for the past few days and will do so until the 10th. That's why I hoped this game would start around the 10th or at worst 9th, because after the 10th I usually take a day or two off.

I've skimmed it now.

NW leaning townie. Doesn't match his scum meta at all. He's more active and useful.

Gambit leaning townie. I took his L claim as a joke and mimicking when L introduces himself to Light. No way he'd claim such an important role that easily and be the primary target for scum. He's playing much differently than the game we observed from the dead chat, but since I am not familiar with his meta, I am basing it off on his play now, and he's active, probing, asking questions.

TAC mounted a good enough defense against Gambit's questioning. But TAC always feels scumy to me, so I'll put him neutral for now, until I see more of him. Don't wanna sus someone that stated they'll be gone.

You. As of now leaning townie. But please stop measuring how long people take to respond or when they are gone. We are all here of our own volition and have real lives and stuff to deal with, not to mention all the different timezones. Don't base your sus on that.

Queen's matching her style. Silent at the start, more active later on.

Cobra I genuinely don't know lmao. Seemed to be a bit more content playing this round that he usually is, but I am not gonna judge him on that.

The rest nothing much. I either haven't played with them before (Poison) or they haven't caught my eye in any way.

These reads are off. You have give town reads to few but there is no neutral or scum read. This is off because as a town we begin this game seeing everyone as neutral. We place them as scum and town based as game progresses.

Quit calling me like that. :milaugh:

My blind reads are there is scum between Poison, Rayan, Gambit and Kiwi. Zara is off his previous meta too, but I liked his reactions so far.
I will give the benefit of doubt to Yo and DrunkenInformant until they come back.

Explain your reads

Vote lynch Gambit @Rej @Noctis

That's actually a really good point. He was feeling the room to see who sided with whom before going after me. Then plenty of his reasonins, like I said, were pretty paper thin and shitty.
To me, Gambit vs tac is like gambit nit picked with you. I don't see Gambit case being strong. It was tin foil and too much of a stretch. Kiwi did raise some good counter argument but again kiwi case isn't that much stronger either.

So,i didn't like how quickly you jumped on voting gambit.

@Queen can we have more of you in the game from D1 ? What's your take on Gambit vs tac?
Jokingly claiming the main protagonist of the series is not a good look. Until he gets a counter claim I'm taking it at face value.
Isn't it pretty normal a joke though, to claim THE MC? Though my intuition would say not a positive look.
Hi guys
First of all good job wasting my time and attention going through the first 6-7 pages.

Lets start this off shall we

Yo Tan Wa




Green= Core(for now)

Blue( unsure/neutral on)

Grey= Somewhat of a scummy feeling coming from them.

Black= If youre in there, then for me the chances of you being scum is high and i dont trust you, at all.

Thing will change depending on how the fluff/lurking/scum hunting ratios of each of these people is.
Gambit and Yo tan is scummy tbh. What's your progression.? How could you form a list without interacting?
this is why u should catch up before replying

you typed an essay defending someone who admitted to lying about their claim 🥴
I have defended none. I made my statement, would have done that even if I was caught up. And come on you really think I can keep all my thoughts intact while catching up to 14-15 pages? Also you really think I can catch up to that in one go? Lemme answer you I hate catching up so that is never going to happen.
Why you casted random vote on neutral and not on nat/zara to see their reactions?

Why you want to see NW reactions more than nat/zara among whom you see one sus
Cause I sus my town reads first and make sure they are town. For the scum, all are scum until proven otherwise.

In Nat/Zara there is one scum and I can get to them by reading them cause if I was able to draw the conclusion to that part.

But I vote those who didn't make me come to any sort of conclusions by simply reading them.


Ghost Princess
Your claim is very convenient for scums to pull.

It can go either way. You understand this right?
So? Just because I have a dumb passive doesn’t mean I’m at people’s mercy and have to beg for my life by laying out all of my cards.

Read me like you would with any town members is what I’m asking.
Listen, with the amt of players here 18 tbe, there's no room for fake claims
If we list down all the characters who played significant role to the entire series then chances of fllling up the slots will be just.

One more question, are u finding a room to fake a claim just im case?
Are you rolefishing darling?


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Cause I sus my town reads first and make sure they are town. For the scum, all are scum until proven otherwise.

In Nat/Zara there is one scum and I can get to them by reading them cause if I was able to draw the conclusion to that part.

But I vote those who didn't make me come to any sort of conclusions by simply reading them.

Can you expand on your reads on nat and zara and which one of them you see as sus?
So? Just because I have a dumb passive doesn’t mean I’m at people’s mercy and have to beg for my life by laying out all of my cards.

Read me like you would with any town members is what I’m asking.
Why responding it in aggressive way?

You must understand our perspective as well - scums can use Miller claim in claim game.

And, you are very capable to blend with town as scum. I know how witty you can be.

Anyway, if you don't wanna tell then so be it. We will see
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So you aren't scum.

But then you are hardly useful as town.

You don't scum hunt nor you co-operate much.
So why not we Lynch you and end your misery of being town again?
I have caught upto 23 pages, i will tell what i feel so far.

Neutral - My initual impression of him was bad, and said i would keep an eye on him, Reborn n Tac. Tac vote on Kiwi was obviously had no substance it was first post, bt he still had to ask if he got something or it was spite lynch. This give me Scummy Neutral vibes, especially from the game i hosted a day before. But as i read his posts more, i changed my stance on him, one particular post of him to Poison to read even the fluff Pages for their interactions stood out to me. Add to that his fear for being shooted due to being town read by everyone. He could be faking it, bt so far i read him townie.

Poison - Not much. But i got townie vibes from her posts and when i added her in my townie list, her first reply was sussing me for reading her town and possible chances of me shooting her at night. Again townie game.
I need to look more into her vote on Neutral.

Gambit- He claimed L role in the start, and later on backtracked, hinting it was a strategy on his part. He could be scum fishing out for real L or he could be townie fishing out scum reactions.
But given he really was pursuing Tac and others, feels to me like he is scum hunting. Townie read for nw, bt i would still like to keep eye on him.

Fujishiro- Gave Rainbow list of all players without being asked about it, so a good start. Rayan questioned him on it, and his reactn to it was bit on aggressive side. Explained his reads in his next post and sussed Rayan back in return.
I got bit alarmed of him adding me in Green list and not giving any explanation on it in his next read post. Bt it was cleared out, he mistook Rayan for me, and gave my reads on Rayan. These mistakes can be indication of both scum n townie. Reading so many posts, one can easily make a mistake, bt i have seen many scum slip like that, so i would like to keep reading him again later on. One good thing about him was, he was open to being looked into, and quoted all his posts to Tac on his own like he got nothing to fear, for now he is townie for nw.

I will speak on others in my next post.


Why town read to both of them so early?

But gambit did vote for tac

And tac did vote for gambit later

Will you care to answer my questions if you finish eating your 🍿
My answer why did I question TAC? Just a normal question.

I'm on page 22. I'll try to catch up.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I have caught upto 23 pages, i will tell what i feel so far.

Neutral - My initual impression of him was bad, and said i would keep an eye on him, Reborn n Tac. Tac vote on Kiwi was obviously had no substance it was first post, bt he still had to ask if he got something or it was spite lynch. This give me Scummy Neutral vibes, especially from the game i hosted a day before. But as i read his posts more, i changed my stance on him, one particular post of him to Poison to read even the fluff Pages for their interactions stood out to me. Add to that his fear for being shooted due to being town read by everyone. He could be faking it, bt so far i read him townie.

Poison - Not much. But i got townie vibes from her posts and when i added her in my townie list, her first reply was sussing me for reading her town and possible chances of me shooting her at night. Again townie game.
I need to look more into her vote on Neutral.

Gambit- He claimed L role in the start, and later on backtracked, hinting it was a strategy on his part. He could be scum fishing out for real L or he could be townie fishing out scum reactions.
But given he really was pursuing Tac and others, feels to me like he is scum hunting. Townie read for nw, bt i would still like to keep eye on him.

Fujishiro- Gave Rainbow list of all players without being asked about it, so a good start. Rayan questioned him on it, and his reactn to it was bit on aggressive side. Explained his reads in his next post and sussed Rayan back in return.
I got bit alarmed of him adding me in Green list and not giving any explanation on it in his next read post. Bt it was cleared out, he mistook Rayan for me, and gave my reads on Rayan. These mistakes can be indication of both scum n townie. Reading so many posts, one can easily make a mistake, bt i have seen many scum slip like that, so i would like to keep reading him again later on. One good thing about him was, he was open to being looked into, and quoted all his posts to Tac on his own like he got nothing to fear, for now he is townie for nw.

I will speak on others in my next post.
Don't you begin your day with asking questions first to scum hunt then give reads?

Why reads first?
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