[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
If the voting was to be done at that same moment, I would have gone with TAC. Many things changed since that post. I clearly said I’m not convinced of voting anyone at the moment ... at least not compared To how willing I was to vote TAC. You wanted me to tell you who I would vote and I said i wouldn’t, nat said it’s ok if I said what my gut feels and my gut told me to vote Poison.
also, I wouldn’t count myself actively participating until page 30, I said it on numerous occasions, being 13 pages short puts you in an unfavorable situation especially when the first 20-25 pages Are largely based on previous games assumptions but you still have to go through them even if you don’t know what people are talking about is true or not since it’s your first game.

that’s why I told you to give me more time To have a better read on things now that I’m actively participating than to rely on my reads when I was 13 pages behind.
It's fine if you don't have a clue about whom you wanna vote.

Whats not fine is when you say "if I have to go then I will go with this player who isn't your primary sus at all based on some inconsistent reasoning"

You made a choice. No one forced you or had gun over your head to definitely name someone you wanna vote. So you wilfully picked Poison and I was just curious why you did so over zara and cobra.

Also, your reply didn't answer my question at all.

You gave read till page 15.

Later you Reduced sus on tac based on kiwi post made on page 24.

Poison was still active at that time and went inactive a bit later if I remember well.

Then you said you vote poison.

I asked you why?

You said because zara is at least active but poison stirr things and goes inactive.

I quoted your read where you actually sussed zara for deflecting while being active and argued why you placed poison over zara for being inactive as players can be inactive for many reasons.

Then you reply saying you running 13-15 pages behind. You reduced sus on tac based on kiwi post made on page 24, you sussed poison more than zara for inactivity and she went offline after page 24.

And, I really don't understand why you brought up the reason that you are 13-15 pages short and haven't actively caught up as reply to my question to know why you used inactive as reason to sus put poison over zara

Frankly speaking, I am finding you inconsistent.

I will wait for you to catch up and give reads.

But till then

Vote Lynch ali


Blood Manipulation
At some point, I thought TAC is the closest for me to vote on, but after Kiwi’s Post, I did not feel the same.

If We absolutely have to lynch someone, i would probably lynch Poison.
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Actually, I’m lost between Poison and Gambit. They are so close for me.
Is this because of Gambit's push on him, or how TAC reacted, or another reason?


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
He’s not hunting as much as townie reborn that’s why. Could be because of a hangover or whatever but Reborn’s feeling like a cheap imitation of his usual self.
I won't scum hunt much.

I will do whatever time I will have left after my work is done.

You can sus me for that but that's how I will play.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Going off hunches?
How do you feel about light/Nat?
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Just give me a hunch I don’t need a full explanation.
Light is a bit passive

Nat - being like town but packing scum hunt
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no, his questions feels off. His usual questioning is on point while these ones feel a bit forced. About your gameplay, I think I don’t have a clear read on you to tell but the only thing I know is the two of you aren’t scums together
What questions you feel forced?

Can you pinpoint exactly?
He’s not hunting as much as townie reborn that’s why. Could be because of a hangover or whatever but Reborn’s feeling like a cheap imitation of his usual self.
It is hard scum hunting to this degree like Reborn do in every game, and thn see players start sussing you for not doing this in all games from thn on. It's very exhausting, and time consuming.

Almost feel like laying back and not scum hunting witnessing this, why go through this much trouble.

Also, Why not you scum hunt n make case Tac, not these easy sus posts. Give us your reads, any change from one you gave before?


Fake news :catpole:
I called out Poison for her weird vote and came to a different conclusion than yours. I observed her today and she was more into conversing than actually playing the game. And I didn't see a proper explanation for her vote on you IIRC today.
And then for Gambit, yeah I'm ready to admit Kiwi's reasoning is hella convincing. That's what changed it for me. That and the fact that his prying was losing a lot of momentum, especially that slip(?!) about "the most important role" vs "important role". Nah
I think she said she has no read on me so that's to gain reaction on player she has no read while on Natalija/Zara she read them sus based on gut feeling. Did you skip that? :catsure:

Yeah Gambit read TAC as neutral now but still didn't unvote him. Kinda diplomatic.


I will never forgive Oda
It is hard scum hunting to this degree like Reborn do in every game, and thn see players start sussing you for not doing this in all games from thn on. It's very exhausting, and time consuming.

Almost feel like laying back and not scum hunting witnessing this, why go through this much trouble.

Also, Why not you scum hunt n make case Tac, not these easy sus posts. Give us your reads, any change from one you gave before?
I’m on mobile so I ain’t composing big posts or hounding people. Not sharing my reads every ten hours either, not until something happens or I connect dots.
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You are not pulling this again. :wellwell:

I see You changed reads on me, is this reactn to me sussing you in my post to Nat?
:choppawhat: I don’t know where I changed my reads on you or where you sussed me lmfao. If you mean the Reborn thing, I’m just seeing what he thinks. Picking his brain.dont take it personal


Blood Manipulation
I think she said she has no read on me so that's to gain reaction on player she has no read while on Natalija/Zara she read them sus based on gut feeling. Did you skip that? :catsure:

Yeah Gambit read TAC as neutral now but still didn't unvote him. Kinda diplomatic.
If it's there than I must have missed it:catpole:let me go through 10 pages to find the quote
Cause I sus my town reads first and make sure they are town. For the scum, all are scum until proven otherwise.

In Nat/Zara there is one scum and I can get to them by reading them cause if I was able to draw the conclusion to that part.

But I vote those who didn't make me come to any sort of conclusions by simply reading them.
If you're talking about this, than that still doesn't answer my initial reason for thinking the vote is weird:
I also want to state that my impression of Poison's vote on you is a little different @NeutralWatcher

This is her first time playing here with a lot of us. If she wanted to use this technique, it wouldn't make sense to have it done at all.

She doesn't know how we react or our level of experience. I don't think she was ever gonna get anything of quality from that vote.

But I missed that she was sussing Nat and Zara from a gut feeling. If she was to randomly put a vote on someone it should have been one of them. That is the only logical reason for putting a random vote like this on a player base that is unknown to you.
Also NW, please keep using emotes, I will never use that against you :owo:
I don’t know where I changed my reads on you or where you sussed me lmfao. If you mean the Reborn thing, I’m just seeing what he thinks. Picking his brain.dont take it personal
Playing clueless, are you:catsure:

You provided reads somewhere arround Page 13, had few in Red and counted me Neuteal town lean.

I sussed you in my first post, then holded back my reads on you, thn you wanting L to claim, then to Nat saying you play D1 sus card when you are scum.
Gambit I'll place him neutral for now. He was previously townie for me, ngl reading Kiwi's post made me doubt that. Not enough to read him as scum, but enough for me to doubt my read.

Cobra I believe is a dumb townie, but he's not being helpful, which kinda matches his style. But the things he's saying and doing are awful.

I've got a town read on Yo. He's putting himself out there and asking questions and interacting with players.

Rayan's looking better than he did yesterday. He doesn't remind me of his scum meta.

I wanna see more from Melon. So far she's not done anything for me to consider her townie, and she's usually more proactive when townie.

Flower's been awfully quiet. Reminds me of her meta in the cat game. Let's see what she has to say.

Vote lynch @Flower @Rej @Noctis

I'll give more detailed reads later when I finish work.
Bruh, am I not allowed to enjoy my Saturday afternoon or wut?
Whats not fine is when you say "if I have to go then I will go with this player who isn't your primary sus at all based on some inconsistent reasoning"
I don’t have a primary suspect because my primary suspect (TAC) felt mush less sus (at least to put my vote on) after Kiwi’s post.
i said it over and over but you don’t seem to take it. I said I wouldn’t vote cuz I (my brain) remain unconvinced, however, if I was obligated to choose someone, I (my gut) would choose Poison.
you clearly saw me saying i wouldn’t vote anyone yet you still make me look like I chose Poison outta big planing and thinking when in fact I chose her based on my gut feeling just like my gut feeling tells me not to enter a dark cave even though there’s no evidence of danger inside.
I even told you why my gut chose her even though there is no possible way to explain how a person gut works yet you still not convinced.

You made a choice. No one forced you or had gun over your head to definitely name someone you wanna vote. So you wilfully picked Poison and I was just curious why you did so over zara and cobra.
Frankly, I didn’t choose from the beginning cuz I didn’t have a suspect justified enough (for me) to vote against and tag the hosts, I even didn’t make anything official with the Poison thing but you keep portraying things as if i was pushing for a vote against someone when no such thing actually happened!

Frankly speaking, I am finding you inconsistent.
you are being stubborn, from all the fueds going on right now, you decided to take a nothing Situation and turn it Into some assumption-based case Even though I answered every question you asked and even told you to wait for me a bit further for me to get a better read on the remaining players ... all of this wasn’t enough for you ...

I only lynch vote people In two cases:
1- they are highly suspicious to me not (low suspicion)
2- if they are being quite and I want to make them talk a bit.

i obviously was cooperative enough to answer your posts, so I wasn’t quite (even when the game started, the only reason I didn’t talk is because I didn’t receive the notification)

to think you would classify me as highly suspicious because you see me inconsistent with all the inconsistencies and all the tension going on else where makes me believe you want to fraud me.

Is this because of Gambit's push on him, or how TAC reacted
it’s because of both reasons.

Vote lynch Reborn @Rej @Noctis
I don’t like what you did and I will not be quite about it.
reborn HS for frauding And lynch voting me based on nothing.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I will simply say one thing.

Scum hunting based on my way (asking lot of questions and then grilling players to see reaction and answering them while re rafin thread to pick inconsistency along with that aggressiveness meta of mine and leading town) requires lot of investment into game from me.

It's just not time consuming but mentally taxing because I have to build cases and dig inconsistencies while reading posts again and again.

I can't keep on doing that for the sake of game and winning it at the cost of my real life work anymore.

I will do whatever I can but not at the cost of my work no matter what.
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