[FNZ] Super Role Madness Round 12: Death Note

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Lazy is the way
Yeah I admit I play weird and I have explained it I don't like to get strong town read D1 since that would make me target for NK on N1. Why are you asking this again?
Because a lot of your posts doesn't really make sense again and again

Actually TAC was inactive after Dragomir voted him so your reason doesn't make sense.
Tell me what doesn't make sense I am happy to answer everything

I think I explained myself quite clearly now if you don't want to understand it is on you

Don't care if I look sus this way but when I see potential sus, I would pursue it.


Because a lot of your posts doesn't really make sense again and again
Okay which post?

Tell me what doesn't make sense I am happy to answer everything

I think I explained myself quite clearly now if you don't want to understand it is on you
You said TAC wasn't active after he put you on his sus list so you Didn't defend yourself but he was inactive after Dragomir voted him so your reason that he wasn't active doesn't make sense imo.


Doing a couple Isis now. Starting good with Meg. Can't say I like all I saw from her. First half of D1 she was fairly active and hunting. But from the second half, she fell off and had this detached feel about her. Naruto game she was invested throughout the entire thing. That same meta was in the first half of D1 but not the second. Can't say that meta change is a good look.
Flower and you being masons was kinda unexpected but I buy it. I hope it's true though because if not that's some genius move from you lol

But I believe that you are telling the truth since it would be risky to use this as defense imo

On the TAC and Gambit stuff, I think both of them are scums. So I'm fine with lynching the two

But that one vote won't hurt her so I just left it on her

How I saw, she did pretty much nothing but fluff post and questioned a little NW but that's it
You said in the first quote that you're ok with lynching Gambit or Tac, but how come up never did? Did you want to avoid getting your hands dirty since they were both leading wagons.

I don't see the logic on keeping your vote on Poison. A vote that won't do anything.


Lazy is the way
Okay which post?

You said TAC wasn't active after he put you on his sus list so you Didn't defend yourself but he was inactive after Dragomir voted him so your reason that he wasn't active doesn't make sense imo.
No I said that when I lashed out against "your post" he was not active and his post was from a long time ago, and some things he said were not true anymore like my activity and contributions etc
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