E.Oda is not losing his consistency, there was no build-up between Zoro and King, and he is not going to write a fight between them just because Zoro fans wanted it. King is more suitable for Sanji, because both can fly and they can fight on the sky. Remember Doflamingo, when not even Law could reach Doflamingo, he used Sanji to counter him on the sky, because there was a point; it was a sky fight. Now this could be the same. King is not suitable for Zoro, because clearly, as I said many months ago,
''If E.Oda is planning to match King with Zoro, then there was no build-up between the two, which would be weird considering E.Oda's style.
If there is a build-up, then there is one with Orochi, I would rather see Zoro taking on Orochi and his minions, because he actually tried to take down Orochi before, but ironically, stopped by Kyoshiro who was Denjiro in disguise. I would rather see him taking on Orochi + Orochi's minions + Oniwabanshu, instead of soloing someone as powerful as King, because that wouldn't make sense both in terms of power levels and story telling.''
King's true power is his zoan flying ability, not his sword skills.
King is obviously around Doflamingo's level, in fact as a YC1, he should be slightly stronger than Doflamingo like Katakuri. This is why Sanji has a big power up like Raid Suit now.
Imagine now, Orochi resurrect himself by using his mythical zoan and try to kidnap Oden's daughter, and then Zoro comes to rescue. And then he finishes Orochi once and for all.