This chapter should have taught overzealous Sanji fans a valuable lesson in life:
"Careful what you wish for because you might just get it".
Checking this thread to see whether they learned the lesson?
Am I the least surprised?
Luffy giving an Emperor the stink eye in WCI and thinking he wont have to deal with her...
Will he learn the lesson from it?
It was an ok chapter but from plot progression perspective, barely anything happened.
Momonosuke is rescued and that's it. Congrats to Sanjino for making it short.
I thought Kaido was about to pull off a majestic feat of soloing everyone on top of the dome but a wild Jack appears with his troops...
It seems like the story requires the Minks and Scabbards to fail, to end up in a desperate situation so they can be saved.
Nami and Zeus are starting to become annoying and seems like Brook put him out of commission once again...
The mad biker, Cyborg Franky stealing the show with his majestic slam on Meme's face.

Excited to see what he has to offer and whether he can keep her in check, at least for a short time.