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The perception of what people believe top tiers should act and be like differs from how Oda views it my friend, he doesnt make them fit the same ''Vanilla'' baddass mold, BM is a goofy mentally stunted woman, Aokiji is a lazy womanizer(asked nami out first time he saw her), kizaru is permanently high and or has some sort of brain damage, Kaido is a drunk who likes taking hits(evidenced by how he stood there and let luffy hit him, now scabbards), etc

Id say Mihawk fits the ''Vanilla' baddass mold, and thats fine. But i feell its very diminutive to think that only that archetype can get close to being at the top, especially given that Oden showed us that he doesnt like to fit the mold when it comes to his characters.
at the moment of encounter with jinbei and robin
she wasnt goofy at all
and was going for the kill.
Olin is "goofy "
big mom is pretty much always down to business
seems like just an excuse to me


Lead them to paradise.
wb (roger's equal) still looked like much better than big mom does rn.
the gap is so vast , its almost funny to consider both equal in context of their prime.
WB was allowed to look good because he was fighting the marine, plot breaks were off. He wasnt trying to kill any SH.

BM is trying to kill the SHs, and that cant happen. So we get this. Wait until you see her actually fighting/being allowed to fight before judging her bro.


Lead them to paradise.
at the moment of encounter with jinbei and robin
she wasnt goofy at all
and was going for the kill.
Olin is "goofy "
big mom is pretty much always down to business
seems like just an excuse to me
You dont understand what i mean by goofy mate, BM herself is a goofy character, who cares only about sweets, acts like an absolute retard most of the time, stumbles around,etc thats what i mean by goofy. She may have serious intent, but oda wrote her being goofy since the start, walking through the earth, falling off zeus when he goes for nami's thunder balls, falling into a waterfall, etc
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stating facts about big mom is not liking her
yet the same big mom stans would agree oda treats her character like shit and would never treat any other yonko/admiral like that.

the difference between us is that
I dont blame the author for why big mom's pathetic
I just think she is pathetic.
Your problem is that you equate Character to power honestly. I dont see it that way but thats just me you know.
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If for nothing eles, I'll still read One Piece even though its turning into war arc naruto with the massive plot holes and PIS just to see people seethe about Linlin being in more arcs.
My favorite well fed pink haired mother continues to occupy headspace even without trying.
Agree Big Mom is great, even if Oda continue to downplay or clown her...


Peerless In History
i like Big Mom too, but Oda's treatment to her is so trash. lets be real now.
It could be better but don't expect him to treat he like a bad ass. She's a clumsy old lady with freak strength. He treats her like this because it literally means nothing for her strength. I'll only hate her when he inevitably ruins her character arc but until then, I will continue to like her character out of personal fun and for the fact that she makes so many people seethe and resort to bouts of intellectual dishonesty out of hate for her.


Peerless In History
stating facts about big mom is not liking her
yet the same big mom stans would agree oda treats her character like shit and would never treat any other yonko/admiral like that.

the difference between us is that
I dont blame the author for why big mom's pathetic
I just think she is pathetic.
I just explained to you why Akainu won't be in the same situation but ok. Your contrived opinions are just that.
stating facts about big mom is not liking her
yet the same big mom stans would agree oda treats her character like shit and would never treat any other yonko/admiral like that.

the difference between us is that
I dont blame the author for why big mom's pathetic
I just think she is pathetic.
You wanna talk facts?

You think a character that can:
- fore-arm a kong gun and laugh
- control the weather
- insta-kill people that show fear
- casually create energy slashes that pulverize miles of matter
- neg-diff the most durable commander in a weakened state
- make a first commander wince in pain with just conqueror's haki
- fly
- run the second largest empire in the world

A character that was:
- assessed to have fleet admiral potential as a child before getting a devil fruit
- stated to have never taken damage despite operation in the most dangerous sea
- stated to have started the first large scale pirate empire
- operating at the same time as legends as Whitebeard, Roger, and Shiki


You think that character is, and I quote "pathetic".


Lead them to paradise.
In chapter 5 it is said:
Before the Yonkous era, Roger, Shiki and Whitebeard reigned over the New World. Thatch says Kaidou behaves more like a mobster than a pirate.

ace novel vol 2

whatever translation says those 3 plus big mom were yonkos must be something new.
Yo bro,i got the ace chapters translated for you to read if you havent read them all yet.
Agree Big Mom is great, even if Oda continue to downplay or clown her...
here's the thing tho
why is there a disconnect with how the fandom feels about a certain character's power level
and what the author continues to show
why does the fandom know so much more about big mom
than the man who made the character in the first place.
could it be that gasp
what is actually "downplay" is big mom not meeting the ridiculous expectation fandom has put on her as a "yonko" while the author is literally following what he intended her role to be anwyays.
what a joke.


Pepebusi Spammer
It could be better but don't expect him to treat he like a bad ass. She's a clumsy old lady with freak strength. He treats her like this because it literally means nothing for her strength. I'll only hate her when he inevitably ruins her character arc but until then, I will continue to like her character out of personal fun and for the fact that she makes so many people seethe and resort to bouts of intellectual dishonesty out of hate for her.
again, i knew the "trolling" wont do any damage to her at all.
but lets be real, thats why too much for a Yonko.


Lead them to paradise.
here's the thing tho
why is there a disconnect with how the fandom feels about a certain character's power level
and what the author continues to show
why does the fandom know so much more about big mom
than the man who made the character in the first place.
could it be that gasp
what is actually "downplay" is big mom not meeting the ridiculous expectation fandom has put on her as a "yonko" while the author is literally following what he intended her role to be anwyays.
what a joke.
I mean thats the thing, she still hasnt been hurt yet nor was her strength downplayed, her being moved around is to be expected with how oda treats her as a character, but that says nothing about her actual strength imo.
Wait untill this shit goes like game of thrones.

I feel OP will go through what Games of thrones has suffered. Many will end up disliking OP ending because there is too much hype to it and if oda falls shortof it he is going to be crucified by same reddit derps.
Holy moly the irony, watching it all burn would be the true gift of life, like watching parasitic enzymes kill off their host or drug addicts killing their supplier during a dry season
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