Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Just saw this from the latest volume SBS thread

So 60 year old Usopp is boasting about Luffy and Zoro... seems like those two made the biggest names for themselves... nicely done Oda :myman:
Didn’t even need to be said . That’s what make the Sanji boys so annoying but they only gonna Make it worst for themselves this was the wrong arc for them to be talking this much shit

Cyrus the Cactus

Mihawk Reigns Supreme
Just saw this from the latest volume SBS thread

So 60 year old Usopp is boasting about Luffy and Zoro... seems like those two made the biggest names for themselves... nicely done Oda :myman:
Mr. Not-a-swordsman-is-really-a-hakigod Shanks got an anthropomorphized sword too, just like Zoro :vistalaugh:

Likely about Luffy being Pk
Zoro being WSS
But what about Sanji being the most wanted man by the Marines? :luchosop:


The Road To Harmony
i love how people say that pica is weak but i m 100% he would beat page one with ez:myman:
I've never understood the glorification a borderline filler character like P1 gets. He's about as synonymous as Wanze, rolewise, and has even less special about him. What's even worse is that his defeat isn't even made apparent after all these chapters. So just saying, using him to elevate someone else is a dangerous game.
I've never understood the glorification a borderline filler character like P1 gets. He's about as synonymous as Wanze, rolewise, and has even less special about him. What's even worse is that his defeat isn't even made apparent after all these chapters. So just saying, using him to elevate someone else is a dangerous game.
Some dudes say that sanji beat someone stronger than pica but dude pica will beat the shit out of page one no lie :milaugh:
they say pica is weak beacause zoro low diffed him :josad:
I've never understood the glorification a borderline filler character like P1 gets. He's about as synonymous as Wanze, rolewise, and has even less special about him. What's even worse is that his defeat isn't even made apparent after all these chapters. So just saying, using him to elevate someone else is a dangerous game.
but page one was cool :cheers:

and obviously above hawkins who LoW DiFfEd ZoRo