That's what i waited for and
Oden with
two o wazamono blades could give Kaido a
lasting damage with his Ryu and still couldn't make a
black blade all those attacks from scabbards are nothing to Kaido even though They replicate Oden's technique Togen Totsuka no lasting damage appeared GTFOH fodders

▪Zoro tamed enma in 10 seconds and it has Oden's soul and also it was used to Oden's CoA

and Zoro wasn't around to make Kaido lives a little longer

he will give him a lasting damage with
Rengoku Onigiri the weakest and the slowest santoryu technique
Rengoku Onigiri >~ Togen Totsuka ( Oden ) >>> Togen Totsuka ( Sulong inuarashi YC 2 - Denjiro YC2 - Ashura doji YC 3 - Kinemon veteran level ) 
And you know what by portrayal
Ryuma is far above Oden even Kinemon and his daughter see him above Oden

and we won't forget to talk about Mihawk the WSM who has a saijo o wazamono and black blade while despite Oden wank and his Ryu + Blades he is still below Mihawk level

Kaido can't heal from from an attack used by o wazamono blades + Ryu that couldn't make Oden forging a black blade what will happen to him when he will get attacked by a saijo o wazamono and a Ryu far stronger than Oden's Ryu and could make Mihawk forging a black blade

Ryuma >~ Mihawk > Oden >~ Kaido