Why would I? If the Elections are Fair, It's Fair... I don't know what you exactly think of me...
But The world see's how terrible Biden is. It's either the good people, or the corrupt, the people that want power and to stay in power.
I think you're a guy that believe's the world is "out to get Donald Trump"
I dont like Biden, am not his biggest fan especially during his time as a senator where he made critical mistakes i.e 1994 crime bill, bussing, being against gay marriage until he was a VP, but he'll be a far more competent and much better president than Donald Trump.
Donald Trump big lies.
Eliminating Deficit and Debt: Deficit precovid over a Trillion Dollars, because rich people need tax cuts
Draining the Swamp: Brought in Rich people who put their interest far above the publics
Mexico is going to pay for the wall: That obviously did not happen
No Health Care Plan: Apparantly it's beautiful, just no description
Covid is a Democratic Hoax: We have the most cases, one of the highest mortality rates, on the 3rd wave and over 225000 people have died.
Elimnate Common Core
Eliminate carried interest loophole
The list goes on too