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Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
It is funny, Because it was Joe Biden but the media wants to claim it was Trump.
On the media stuff, yeah they are VERY anti-Trump. They sweep everything bad about Biden under the rug and even Twitter, Facebook and Reddit caters to the left. Anything good about Trump or bad about Biden? It gets deleted and you get banned.

You dont have to take a political side to see the blatant bias, lies and cover ups. CNN especially is a joke.
On the media stuff, yeah they are VERY anti-Trump. They sweep everything bad about Biden under the rug and even Twitter, Facebook and Reddit caters to the left. Anything good about Trump or had about Biden? It gets deleted and you get banned.

You dont have to take a political side to see the blatant bias, lies and cover ups. CNN especially is a joke.
Exactly. Thanks for seeing that too.
So what he says Offends you either way?
He can't speak his own mind?
Hannity's a fuckwad. Carlson isn't terrible, He's a counter to the rhetoric the left spew out.
The Media is terrible. Covering half truths and covering up what looks bad for them or the party they back. I seen it, Did you not hear about how they aren't really covering the Hunter Biden Emails.... That's some shady ass shit. And you still want to vote for him.
Biden putting Biden first, not the American People.
When Trump speaks his mind it's... wow what a person, standing up for the people. When other people complain about the bullshit he spews it's you are all fucking babies... deal with it.

We agree the media is terrible. No one should use their basis of argument from any media outlets when presenting an argument they should use their facts from government, nonpartisan studies.

If Trump wins I will accept his victory just like I did in 2016.

If Trump loses, are you going to say that the election is rigged?
When Trump speaks his mind it's... wow what a person, standing up for the people. When other people complain about the bullshit he spews it's you are all fucking babies... deal with it.

We agree the media is terrible. No one should use their basis of argument from any media outlets when presenting an argument they should use their facts from government, nonpartisan studies.

If Trump wins I will accept his victory just like I did in 2016.

If Trump loses, are you going to say that the election is rigged?
Why would I? If the Elections are Fair, It's Fair... I don't know what you exactly think of me...
But The world see's how terrible Biden is. It's either the good people, or the corrupt, the people that want power and to stay in power.
Why would I? If the Elections are Fair, It's Fair... I don't know what you exactly think of me...
But The world see's how terrible Biden is. It's either the good people, or the corrupt, the people that want power and to stay in power.
I think you're a guy that believe's the world is "out to get Donald Trump"

I dont like Biden, am not his biggest fan especially during his time as a senator where he made critical mistakes i.e 1994 crime bill, bussing, being against gay marriage until he was a VP, but he'll be a far more competent and much better president than Donald Trump.

Donald Trump big lies.

Eliminating Deficit and Debt: Deficit precovid over a Trillion Dollars, because rich people need tax cuts
Draining the Swamp: Brought in Rich people who put their interest far above the publics
Mexico is going to pay for the wall: That obviously did not happen
No Health Care Plan: Apparantly it's beautiful, just no description
Covid is a Democratic Hoax: We have the most cases, one of the highest mortality rates, on the 3rd wave and over 225000 people have died.
Elimnate Common Core
Eliminate carried interest loophole
The list goes on too

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
I think you're a guy that believe's the world is "out to get Donald Trump"

I dont like Biden, am not his biggest fan especially during his time as a senator where he made critical mistakes i.e 1994 crime bill, bussing, being against gay marriage until he was a VP, but he'll be a far more competent and much better president than Donald Trump.

Donald Trump big lies.

Eliminating Deficit and Debt: Deficit precovid over a Trillion Dollars, because rich people need tax cuts
Draining the Swamp: Brought in Rich people who put their interest far above the publics
Mexico is going to pay for the wall: That obviously did not happen
No Health Care Plan: Apparantly it's beautiful, just no description
Covid is a Democratic Hoax: We have the most cases, one of the highest mortality rates, on the 3rd wave and over 225000 people have died.
Elimnate Common Core
Eliminate carried interest loophole
The list goes on too
It's really about choosing who you believe to be the lesser evil. One of my cousins described it as choosing between Dumb and Dumber.

Though both of them lie alot and have a bunch of cons, but Trump has done some good but the media keeps it on the down low and only focus on the shitty things he's done(and some of the good stuff is portrayed as bad as well).

For Biden, for 47 years, 8 years as VP, has done nothing of note except the 1994 Crime Bill. Biden is also one of the worst liars I've ever seen(saying he wont end fracking at the debate even though he continuously said he'll do just that multiple times before in his campaign). He also has some of the most blatantly racist comments ever that makes Trump look like the 2nd coming of Christ. "If you dont vote for me, you ain't black"....."Obama is the first articulate black person in America" etc...
It's really about choosing who you believe to be the lesser evil. One of my cousins described it as choosing between Dumb and Dumber.

Though both of them lie alot and have a bunch of cons, but Trump has done some good but the media keeps it on the down low and only focus on the shitty things he's done(and some of the good stuff is portrayed as bad as well).

For Biden, for 47 years, 8 years as VP, has done nothing of note except the 1994 Crime Bill. Biden is also one of the worst liars I've ever seen(saying he wont end fracking at the debate even though he continuously said he'll do just that multiple times before in his campaign). He also has some of the most blatantly racist comments ever that makes Trump look like the 2nd coming of Christ. "If you dont vote for me, you ain't black"....."Obama is the first articulate black person in America" etc...
Joe Biden, not the best candidate, but by far and away better than Donald Trump

Transitioning from fracking is what he said. Trump has done 0 good and has constantly lied and when people call him out his supporters who obviously dont look at evidence... because why would they say "THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA IS OUT TO GET HIM"

All the dude has done is lied, he's lied over 20000 times, it's so blatantly obvious.

Biden with Obama passed Obamacare i.e expanding access to healthcare giving people with preexisting condition health insurance. ACB is there, goodbye to that and no health plan from Trump, because it's Trump.

Gay Marriage passed under his administration

Violaitons against Women's Act

Also who's the bigger liar the guy that retweets QAnon or the guy that does not retweet QAnon?
It's really about choosing who you believe to be the lesser evil. One of my cousins described it as choosing between Dumb and Dumber.

Though both of them lie alot and have a bunch of cons, but Trump has done some good but the media keeps it on the down low and only focus on the shitty things he's done(and some of the good stuff is portrayed as bad as well).

For Biden, for 47 years, 8 years as VP, has done nothing of note except the 1994 Crime Bill. Biden is also one of the worst liars I've ever seen(saying he wont end fracking at the debate even though he continuously said he'll do just that multiple times before in his campaign). He also has some of the most blatantly racist comments ever that makes Trump look like the 2nd coming of Christ. "If you dont vote for me, you ain't black"....."Obama is the first articulate black person in America" etc...

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You ain't telling me anything different.

You're not funny... obviously, your sense of humor ABSOLUTELY SUCKS, obviously, had to be repeated to get the message accross.

Im so jealous about how extremely humble you have been throughout this whole discussion... /s

Joe Biden has had his creepy moments along with his moments of choosing his words unwisely as well. I, along with people with common sense know he's not a criminal.

I would rather be salty then some sanctimonial jackass who enjoys believing in countless conspiracy theories.

You're not funny... obviously, your sense of humor ABSOLUTELY SUCKS, obviously, had to be repeated to get the message accross.

Im so jealous about how extremely humble you have been throughout this whole discussion... /s

Joe Biden has had his creepy moments along with his moments of choosing his words unwisely as well. I, along with people with common sense know he's not a criminal.

I would rather be salty then some sanctimonial jackass who enjoys believing in countless conspiracy theories.
hahaha Your a triggered salty person. jesus christ get the fuck off the internet you can't handle it.
You leftist just love the Russian conspiracy though fucking hypocrite.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Joe Biden, not the best candidate, but by far and away better than Donald Trump

Transitioning from fracking is what he said. Trump has done 0 good and has constantly lied and when people call him out his supporters who obviously dont look at evidence... because why would they say "THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA IS OUT TO GET HIM"

All the dude has done is lied, he's lied over 20000 times, it's so blatantly obvious.

Biden with Obama passed Obamacare i.e expanding access to healthcare giving people with preexisting condition health insurance. ACB is there, goodbye to that and no health plan from Trump, because it's Trump.

Gay Marriage passed under his administration

Violaitons against Women's Act

Also who's the bigger liar the guy that retweets QAnon or the guy that does not retweet QAnon?
You forgot his corruption with Russia. Despite that, Trump has made unemployment the lowest it's ever been(if statistics are true), increases jobs, made the US energy independent, lowered taxes across the board(they increased like a mothafucker his first year though), cracked down on illegal immigration, passed Acts that greatly benefited the Black community and made Russia+North Korea chill out for now. The economy was on the rise but Coronavirus(plus his negligence), made the economy crash and burn. Right now it's on the rise with the timing of it being questioned.

Biden also showed lots of corruption with China with the Hunter Biden scandal. Under Obama, he allowed illegal immigration to flourish, taxes to greatly increase, said people wont lose their insurance which was a lie and very poor actions against ISIS(didnt know how to handle them) and war crimes. So much good, so much bad. You just cant win with this shit.
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enough of this topic

Stupid conservative, liberal terrorist you are