US Presidental Race : 2020

Who is taking the US Presidential Election ?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Kanye West

    Votes: 36 29.0%

  • Total voters
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It matters because y’all have no consistency on shit like that, no proof of what you’re saying, and you’re willfully ignoring the fact that Republicans cheat in pretty much every election, probably including this one just for good measure. Also, this is America, and either of us can say whatever the fuck we want to each other...isn’t that one of your own precious arguments??
Republicans cheating, hmmm. Yes or not idc.
But the hypocrisy that you think Biden and cronies aren't?

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
The irony of this post
Again, EVERYONE can see it EXCEPT them. He admitted that he doesn’t care if it’s on his side! Who would take anything he says seriously? :choppawhat:
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Republicans cheating, hmmm. Yes or not idc.
But the hypocrisy that you think Biden and cronies aren't?
I have written a lot of stuff here, the bare minimum of research and find a post where I implied that Biden isn’t corrupt, that I support everything he does, or anything to this effect. You won’t do it, and you wouldn’t come up with anything even if you did.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Again, EVERYONE can see it EXCEPT them. He admitted that he doesn’t care if it’s on his side! Who would take anything he says seriously? :choppawhat:
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I have written a lot of stuff here, the bare minimum of research and find a post where I implied that Biden isn’t corrupt, that I support everything he does, or anything to this effect. You won’t do it, and you wouldn’t come up with anything even if you did.
Well Denial is first step of Loosing something

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
I dont get the people who wants a candidate they didnt like to be as horrible of a president as possible so they can get impeached(and feel validation of being right)..wouldn't that be bad for everyone if the Pres is trash?
It didn't played just a role. France literally financed your war and gave you navy. Without France the USA would be beyond gone
And then Spain and Netherlands helped you too, not only france
Lmao look at how desperate you Europeans are for respect and glory. Do you even hear what you're saying? You're bragging and boasting while comparing European countries to 13 mere colonies. That's like an adult bragging about being superior and helping an infant. Not to mention I never once claimed that America was superior to Europe in 1765. Yes, once upon a time nearly 300 years ago, France was superior to a bunch of colonies filled with militia soliders, do you want a cookie and a pat on the back for that or something?

Spanish Empire in 1898 was ridiculously weak. In fact it was so weak it couldn't protect their colonies in south America. So bragging about defeating Spanish Empire when it was beyond broken is not really that important.
I knew this was going to be your rebuttal. Typical European tactic to downplay America's vast resume of impressive Ws. Interesting how the Spanish Empire was "ridiculously weak" in 1896, and yet less than a hundred years earlier, France under Napoleon I was struggling to keep a firm grip on Spain in the Peninsular Wars. Let me guess what you're going to say next, Spain was strong in 1807 - 1814 but became "ridiculously weak" in 1898 huh?

I purposely brought up USA defeating the Spanish Empire because I knew you would call it weak, which would then indirectly harm the credibility of your defense of France since France struggled to keep Spain under control in the very same century.

And lol
Prussia - or rather unified Germany would utterly destroy USA on land combat
Which Prussia would destroy the USA? The Prussia that was almost wiped off the map during the Seven Years War if it wasn't for the miraculous event that saved Prussia, dubbed as the Miracle of the House of Brandenburg? Frederick the Great himself said "a cruel reverse! I shall not survive it. I think everything is lost. Adieu pour jamais".

Or maybe you're referring to the Prussia that was crushed by Napoleon during Battle of Jena-Auerstedt and spent the next several years subjected by France?

Or maybe you're referring to the Prussia that needed Italy's help during the Austro-Prussia war in order to create a two front war?

Yeah I'm sure Americans are sleeping at night in terror at Prussia's military might. Prussia wouldn't even be able to bring their army across the Atlantic to begin with lmao. It was only in the mid 1800s with their war with Denmark that they even started to invent in an actual navy, and even then it was a poor navy compared to the rest of the Great Powers. Prussia has never been a threat to the United States.

Now let's move on to a unified Germany, which I assume you're referring to the Second Reich led under Kaiser Wilhelm II. This is where things get interesting. You see, everyone's favourite German Emperor actually ordered his generals to come up with a plan for war against the United States of America. In fact, the German Empire came up with three plans. And guess what Field Marshal Alfred von Schlieffe had to say about the plans? He said that they would end in defeat. Imagine being the Emperor of the Second Reich, and getting told that your war plans are dumb as fuck by your field marshal? Absolutely embarrassing. Germans should be grateful that the Emperor chose to listen to his field marshal otherwise his Second Reich would have collapse sooner then it already did. At the end of the day, I can post photos of American soldiers in Berlin. Can you do the same with German soldiers in Washington DC? Didn't think so.

At the end of the day, present day Germany owes it's very existence to the United States. The United States liberated and freed Germany from the Nazis, helped it recover, heal, and prosper with the Berlin Airlift and the Marshal Plan and pushed hard for German reunification unlike other European leaders that were firmly against it. The USSR was firmly against German reunification. France under François Mitterrand was against German reunification. Italy under Giulio Andreotti was against German reunification. The United Kingdom under Margaret Thatcher was against German reunification You know who was a huge supporter of German reunification? The United States under George H.W. Bush.

Germany owes it's very existence to the United States, meanwhile a majority of the European Great Powers turned their back on Germany. Don't you ever compare the two nations ever again.

And this is your biggest fail.
USA is far from ruling the world
The United States was the strongest country in the world after World War II and a global hegemon after it's biggest rival collapsed at the end of the Cold War.

Not when China has their hands deep inside your pockets
So first your strategy was to bring up every Western European country that you could think of and when that failed, you then decided to bring up China? Show me where China is on a European map. The United States will continue to be superior to France or any other Western European country regardless of whatever takes place between the United States and China lmao, so I don't even get why you're bringing China up.

Yea we do know our place. Its called

Universal Healthcare
Free Education
Social Benefits
No school shootings
Far less pollution
Better food
And yet here you are, along with the rest of your European friends. Constantly obsessing over the United States election, constantly checking for updates 24/7, constantly talking and thinking about the United States. Why? Because the United States is the greatest country in the world and all of western Europe revolves around it. You will never see a bunch of Americans posting 24/7 in a France election thread because France isn't relevant or prestigious enough to ever have that affect on American citizens.

And no, you aren't aware of France's place in relation to the United States so let me make it very clear. France along with the Western Europe owes it's very existence to the United States. Once upon a time, France was the greatest country in the world under Louis XIV and under Napoleon I, to the point that the French language was the lingua franca of the world and all European aristocracy knew how to speak fluent French, but gone are those days. France has been on a downward spiral and a decline of power and prestige ever since. Sure we have cute attempts by Napoleon III to restore France back to it's former glory via the Crimean War and the Second Mexican Empire, but France was humiliated on the world stage when Napoleon III was captured in the Battle of Sedan and then a humiliating painting of Napoleon and Bismark having a conversation was created. France was disgraced in front of the entire world.

Then we have World War I. French soldiers are wearing nice, bright, red pants, begging for German machine guns and heavy artillery's to use French soldiers as target practice. Luckily for France, the United States realized France would never pay back their loans (you were talking about France giving money to the US once right?), so the United States decided to come to Europe and save France from the wrath of the Second Reich. The French should be grateful to the United States.

After this war, France turns into a country of cowards. Building the Maginot Line because they were terrified of Germany every night. Abandoning their allies Czechoslovakia and Poland when they needed France's help the most (I thought you Europeans had each others back???). Getting conquered by the Third Reich in a mere six weeks. The Lion of Verdun Philippe Pétain becoming a turn cloak and practically becoming a Nazi himself. But once again, through the mercy and kindness of the United States, General Eisenhower managed to liberate France and save Western Europe once more. And the United States was even kind and merciful enough to give France all of it's colonies back. But was France grateful? No. France immediately asked to participate in the occupation of Japan but the United States told them to get lost.

And here's my favourite example, the Suez Canal crisis. A plan for Israel, the United Kindom, and France to invade Egypt and for the United Kingdom and France to show the world that they are still global powers to be feared. And how did that end? Oh right, the United States ordered all three countries to leave Eygpt and all three countries obeyed. France and the United Kingdom were humiliated on the world stage (though I'm sure France is used to this at this point), and it made clear to the entire world that the glory days of France were over.

Now in all honesty, I'm not even sure why you got defensive when I stated the United States is superior to France. That's a fact of life. No different from stating the sky is blue, that fish swim, or that birds fly. The United States is the greatest country in the world and has been since the 20th century. When the United States of American commands France to jump, France and the rest of Western Europe are only allowed to reply "How high master?". Nothing more, nothing less. As President Monroe once famously said when he released the Monroe Doctrine...

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Remember when all those Trumpers called the Libs crybabies and snowflakes saying Trump was going to win.

Now they're the ones crying, music to my ears

Well, at least People love their President after 4 years of him being President, which is cool. But soon you will call Biden as horrible President, remember my words.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Ill be saying, Wow he's so much better than Donnie, I can actually sleep at night.

Not @Jew D. Boy nor my fault that those idiots lack any critical thinking and buy into his bullshit
They’ll whine that I supported Biden the whole way through when I’ve been critical of him the whole time...there’s enough mutual understanding on the left that we can both vote for a candidate with varying levels of support for their ideologies, whereas on the right, it’s adapt or die (sometimes both!) and they won’t accept anything less than full loyalty. Doesn’t sound very American, or perfectly symbolic of the same, I really can’t tell anymore.
Ill be saying, Wow he's so much better than Donnie, I can actually sleep at night.

Not @Jew D. Boy nor my fault that those idiots lack any critical thinking and buy into his bullshit
Who's a donnie supporter here and why you still name calling, thought your side was the sane ones with big brains?

I hope Donnie dies from COVID after seeing himself lose the election :cheers:
I hope covid kills at least 2/5 of this country, not like anyone will do anything innovative in the next 20 years. :cheers:
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