US Presidental Race : 2020

Who is taking the US Presidential Election ?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Kanye West

    Votes: 36 29.0%

  • Total voters
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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Something we haven’t fully acknowledged in this thread - Mitch McConnell is an utterly vile gremlin who stole multiple SC seats, and his re-election hurts almost as much as Donnie’s would. They will both spend the rest of eternity rotting in Hell once they die, which hopefully happens soon 🤞🤞🤞

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Something we haven’t fully acknowledged in this thread - Mitch McConnell is an utterly vile gremlin who stole multiple SC seats, and his re-election hurts almost as much as Donnie’s would. They will both spend the rest of eternity rotting in Hell once they die, which hopefully happens soon 🤞🤞🤞
Lol I call him Bitchy Mitchy


Life Is Good ✌️
It's so typical of you fucking leftists to get bent out of shape over a little nothing.
You acting so innocent but you still don't take my word about my family it seems... your logic is faulty from what I see.

First of all I'm not a leftist, I'm an independent (it means I vote for my own interests) and I simply believe in common courtesy and simple decency. Secondly, as a person that happens to be black, I simply asked you to refer to people that look like me and yes, people in your family as black PEOPLE. Third, my logic is flawless because unlike yourself, I utilize objective reasoning rather than spewing emotional diatribes. Finally, I'm going to puff on this J, and not respond to anymore of your ignorant messages. Smoked...out

First of all I'm not a leftist, I'm an independent (it means I vote for my own interests) and I simply believe in common courtesy and simple decency. Secondly, as a person that happens to be black, I simply asked you to refer to people that look like me and yes, people in your family as black PEOPLE. Third, my logic is flawless because unlike yourself, I utilize objective reasoning rather than spewing emotional diatribes. Finally, I'm going to puff on this J, and not respond to anymore of your ignorant messages. Smoked...out
pure class

First of all I'm not a leftist, I'm an independent (it means I vote for my own interests) and I simply believe in common courtesy and simple decency. Secondly, as a person that happens to be black, I simply asked you to refer to people that look like me and yes, people in your family as black PEOPLE. Third, my logic is flawless because unlike yourself, I utilize objective reasoning rather than spewing emotional diatribes. Finally, I'm going to puff on this J, and not respond to anymore of your ignorant messages. Smoked...out
Excuse me for offending you, but Fuck you for thinking I don't see my family as people, you have no right. You don't know me. Your problem is not my problem. You got offended over nothing. Your the ignorant one.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness

First of all I'm not a leftist, I'm an independent (it means I vote for my own interests) and I simply believe in common courtesy and simple decency. Secondly, as a person that happens to be black, I simply asked you to refer to people that look like me and yes, people in your family as black PEOPLE. Third, my logic is flawless because unlike yourself, I utilize objective reasoning rather than spewing emotional diatribes. Finally, I'm going to puff on this J, and not respond to anymore of your ignorant messages. Smoked...out
You had to use Snopp Dogg....that's so manipulative.....and its working...

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
hebert hoover

good ones?
that's all
Watergate was a hoax! Futurama revealed the truth.

James Buchanan
Woodrow Wilson
Herbert Hoover
Andrew Johnson
Warren G. Harding
Franklin Pierce
George Bush

That's more than 7 cause there been lots of shitty ones.

Abraham Lincoln
John F Kennedy(?)
Lyndon Johnson(?)
Theodore Roosevelt(?)
Franklin D. Roosevelt(?)
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