US Presidental Race : 2020

Who is taking the US Presidential Election ?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Kanye West

    Votes: 36 29.0%

  • Total voters
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Interesting tidbit- Donald Trump and James Polk are the only US Presidents to not have any pets. I don't trust people who don't like animals.

Edit- can also add Harry Truman to the list, he got a puppy as a gift and promptly gave it away.
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Quote the post! Find the words you’re referencing and show them to me!
Lets start from moment when you tried to lagh on me, case I said about election violations. You start calling me MAGOt, who believe in conspiracy theories, but then when I said that we live in corrupt world, and we got violations all time whatever election it is. Then you started to call Trump corrupt, case he also violate elections.
You are slippery person so I will need quete too many posts, and even if I did that, it wouldn't change a thing.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Lets start from moment when you tried to lagh on me, case I said about election violations. You start calling me MAGOt, who believe in conspiracy theories, but then when I said that we live in corrupt world, and we got violations all time whatever election it is. Then you started to call Trump corrupt, case he also violate elections.
You are slippery person so I will need quete too many posts, and even if I did that, it wouldn't change a thing.
So you can’t quote the post where you claim I equate race with sexual identity or whatever the hell you said? Be honest, is that because it doesn’t exist?

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Interesting tidbit- Donald Trump and James Polk are the only US Presidents to not have any pets. I don't trust people who don't like animals.
Abraham Lincoln was tallest 6'4
James Madison was shortest 5'4
Warren G. Harding had the biggest feet Size 14
William Taft was the heaviest 320lbs

Fallen Prince

if trump's opponent is not biden but a dog, the result is no different, the only advantage of biden is non-trump.
Where is the source for that.

Az, Ga, Pa, Nv all in play for both candidates
I thought Arizona got declared by AP ?
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we are getting a recount fellas
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@Jew D. Boy @Fallen Prince

Best depiction of the election

Maga voters in Az "Count the vote"
Also Maga voters in Pa "Stop the count"

You cant make this shit up

Fallen Prince

Anyone want an update Donnie up 15K in GA with 60K votes left
Damn it will be tight biden has to win more than 70 percent . Looks like Georgia will side with trump.

Looks like Penn is only good thing is biden winning big
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a re-count?!?!?!?!? i thought we already won

Most likely in Georgia it will go tight . If biden wins with 100s of vote left trump will file for recount.
Damn it will be tight biden has to win more than 70 percent . Looks like Georgia will side with trump.

Looks like Penn is only good thing is biden winning big
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Most likely in Georgia it will go tight . If biden wins with 100s of vote left trump will file for recount.
Georgia is not over remaining votes will be counted tonight Biden is down by 15K, recount is imminient because it's within .5

For az, additional votes 500k are yet to be counted so that's not out of the picture yet

Pa has 750k more counts which biden needs to win 63% of those
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