US Presidental Race : 2020

Who is taking the US Presidential Election ?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Kanye West

    Votes: 36 29.0%

  • Total voters
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Good for you. Grats on being offended by a meme. You've entered SJW territory.
Someone being offended that you posted an edited photo of a black slave being whipped by a slave master doesn’t make them an SJW lmao you’re actually insane.

You don’t have the balls to post that on your social media page though, only an anonymous anime forum because you’re soft.
Someone being offended that you posted an edited photo of a black slave being whipped by a slave master doesn’t make them an SJW lmao you’re actually insane.

You don’t have the balls to post that on your social media page though, only an anonymous anime forum because you’re soft.
It's a fucking meme, from Biden saying If you don't vote for him then you ain't black. Oh look, another person getting offended. Aren't you guys the insane ones.

Ever seen Roots? BTW?
@Ravagerblade Trump should’ve done more for the middle class than be giving major blowjobs to the top percent. The wealth inequality is bigger under Trump. You can’t have that amount of wealth inequality with destabilisation, which is why you get riots. Hope the riots start impacting the eallatreet hacks and corporate America. French Revolution style
Wallstreet is left. Fucking multi millionaries are left. Bernie became a millionaire and he went soft on them because he become them.
I don't see how the inequality is bigger... show me the stats.
It's a fucking meme, from Biden saying If you don't vote for him then you ain't black. Oh look, another person getting offended. Aren't you guys the insane ones.

Ever seen Roots? BTW?
You keep talking about what Biden said and ignoring the black slave being whipped in a tree part. Is English your second language or something? I can use Google translator to translate my post in whatever language you’re more comfortable with since you have the English reading comprehension skills of a child.
You keep talking about what Biden said and ignoring the black slave being whipped in a tree part. Is English your second language or something? I can use Google translator to translate my post in whatever language you’re more comfortable with since you have the English reading comprehension skills of a child.
Why the fuck are you getting so offended? because it depicts what happened in history? Live with it, It's done, It's over. Get the fuck over it. Keep dwelling on it and it's going to keep being an issue. Your the insane one.
@Ravagerblade Trump should’ve done more for the middle class than be giving major blowjobs to the top percent. The wealth inequality is bigger under Trump. You can’t have that amount of wealth inequality with destabilisation, which is why you get riots. Hope the riots start impacting the wallstreet hacks and corporate America. French Revolution style
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