I want to see Yamato's transformed form and see how Kaido is beating the stuffing out of the Scabbards, but I think the real highlight of this chapter is Sanji simping for Black Maria

In addition, it also shits on Sanji's entire character arc in WCI even more.
Seriously, what was the point of this entire bullshit arc and his storyline with Pudding then?
His character and attitude towards women didn't progress one jota.
If anything, he actually regressed and now became a full blown creep/stalker (spying in the bathhouse) and whoremonger (going for the brothel looking for whores with his very first action during the raid).
This whole thing might be funny for 12-16 year old teenagers, but Oda has to understand that over 90% of his readers are 18+, with most of them actually being 25-35 years old, as shown by a recent survey.