You see two action lines that are right at where the thigh (of whichever leg you think it is) must be, but you see that it's also literally fucking connected to his left buttcheek lmao.
Nothing you say makes sense, literally.
So his left thigh is connected to his left buttcheek, so? I dunno how that apparently is against all human anatomy? You do realise that the labcoat at the left side is at the point where is left buttcheek is which - once again - highlights the fact that Vergo lifted his LEFT leg, not the right leg as you retarded orang utan claim to be, since his labcoat was automatically stretching above as well.
That leg therefore has a left bent
Yes, that's exactly that what it is.
Only degenerated cave dwellers like you deny human anatomy.
You're saying the right leg has a freaking left bent.
No, that's what you said.
I mean I can't even wrap my head around how silly this is because it literally means his hip must be getting squished right about now, no??
Of course you cannot wrap your head around, except oxygen, nothing is there after all.

He's moving his hip right alongside his left leg to strike Sanji, that exactly is the problem?
Just like that dude over here which you weirdly made fun of because of the position:
Yet, you think THIS makes more sense anatomically:
Either you are a troll or a retard. I actually think it's just the former since I doubt anybody is actually that mentally retarded to claim Vergo used his right leg here.
Literally it is getting squished because he is kicking Sanji at Sanji's shoulder level
Sanji: 177 cm
Vergo: 247 cm
Vergo is a good chunk larger than Sanji, hence irrelevant.
Besides, skilled martial arts can lift their leg over their waist which makes your following sentence even more irrelevant. Just as you admitted on the other thread, Vergo is a literal superhuman with higher physical capacities than rl humans.
Supposedly he is doing this with his left leg so he must be shifting his entire torso for this, yet his right leg is bending to his left.
Um. No?
Where exactly do you see where his right leg is bending to his left? Because I don't see it. I even think that it's the contrast actually as Vergo's right leg is bending at the opposite direction to follow up with his choreography. Just like that dude above.
Of course you cannot even make sense; you are a degenerated cave dweller after all who still uses video game insults in 2020, rambling old man. ;)
Watching 300 different animes must have done that to you.
Even if you repeat this low tier bait like a broken record, it doesn't make it more effective.
I watch 300 different animes whilst you watch 300 different conspiracy theories and loudly applaud to that. We all have our flaws, okay?
Yes anatomy, because this is the only thing that follows from your premise
Sums up your lack of understanding common sense and logic.
yet I am still waiting for this dude to have a right leg that is tilting to the left
Yet I am still waiting for this dude to gain his momentum with his leg, stops it mid-combat and then weirdly twists his right leg above the waist and then fracturing his right shin to continue the attack...
There's just one thing, how exactly did Vergo gain momentum with his right leg? Could you explain that you smartass?