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Great chapter...

Ulti and Paypay interactions are still gud and entertaining...the best duo out of F6

Tama saying just "enemy ship"is interesting and she asked time for 3 minutes for what? and on which ship she has come? my guess is BMP or marine? anyways waiting for detailed explanation and Tama is so daring and dashing...that is how Luffy sis should be....Momo should learn a thing or two from her....infact she was the one who was instrumental in the destruction of Udon prison.....I am intrigued about her role other than just taming gifters...also, it is good that her powers doesn't work on actual df users....

Next comes Yamato, the way she was protecting Momo and attacking sasaki subordinates is commendable....she is one hell of a comptetent and tough fighter....her raw strength is so amazing and she hasn't used her DF (?) powers yet....interesting to see the CAP of her limits....what did she actually read in that Oden's journal...

Law is as usual in his shady business and if we are lucky, we may get to know about the information related to "D" especially the talk about "unfortunate fate"...and lol, Luffy as usual doesn't care about the "D" thing which is characteristic of him and I like it that way....

Kid and Killer duo looked cool and it is really surprising that they are ahead of everyone....let us see who will reach the top first

World's strongest pirate Kaido...enough said......Kaidou sending many home runs as usual...good to see scabbards put up a fight before they go down....

Bigmom gave heart attack to everyone...luckily she was not interested in any of them....but I don't think she will reach top without the interference of anyone....

Lol Oda, he just has to end the chapter with fucking gag...I am as much interested as other events of what Sanji is going to do in next chapter....

All in all, good chapter 3.5/5


Zoro Worshipper
I waited so long for this on a panel.
Thank you Kaido-sama.
I'm under the impression that Killer is subjected to Kaido in some way. Must be for all he went through during this arc since he ate the Smile, he must have been traumatized and perhaps this could eventually influence his statement. :P nevertheless I admit that now Killer looks changed and he is lucid with his statements so perhaps he truly believed that all along.

Kaido D. Stronger

I'm under the impression that Killer is subjected to Kaido in some way. Must be for all he went through during this arc since he ate the Smile, he must have been traumatized and perhaps this could eventually influence his statement. :P nevertheless I admit that now Killer looks changed and he is lucid with his statements so perhaps he truly believed that all along.
Damn it bro, you feel like doubting, I don't understand, accept it at once.Keep looking for reasons X and Y won't do, Killer is looking normal, fighting with his captain, and kid agreed, is kid also subject to this?
Another cool chapter(when the first spoilers got out I thought that the chapter will be nothing special) and we are now 4 chapter till we reach 1000!

I hope that Yamato will join the SHs and also that Oda will tone down a little bit with "I am Oden" gimmick.Hope that in the future it will come in smaller doses.Can't wait to see Sasaki in action,he has a such cool sword.

Nice to see Kid and Killer again who hyped Kaido a lot,by extent Oden and BM.Shame that the rest of the Kid pirates aren't with them,would love to see Heat in action.

Also by the looks of it Law ain't joining the fight yet,given that he is searching for the RP.
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Great chapter.

For a second i read NFUFUFU and got hyped

- Tama's line was very important. I hope those are marine ships, but probably will just end up being the BMP.
- Yamato is getting better with each chapter now.
- Kaido was beastly this chapter, ngl, i wonder if the Scabbards are already defeated.
- Big mom saying she goes up there probably means that she won't and someone is gonna stall her. Zoro has yet to interact with Big mom and Marco needs to save chopper otherwise the dude kicks the bucket.

Where is King
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