US Presidental Race : 2020

Who is taking the US Presidential Election ?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Kanye West

    Votes: 36 29.0%

  • Total voters
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Fallen Prince

So Georgia has been recounted and Biden still wins and Trump still loses, are we done with the USA elections now?
He will be official when electoral college votes in december.
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If his fat ass survives until then
Unless he clears his court battles. However its sad fact 70 million people vote for this idiot ,he will have infulence with GOP for time being.
He will be official when electoral college votes in december.
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Unless he clears his court battles. However its sad fact 70 million people vote for this idiot ,he will have infulence with GOP for time being.
It's a sad fact that the dems should of done more for the people instead of going on a wild goose chase for 4 fucken years trying to get rid of the orange man. Idk in what reality did they think that everyone was gonna be all buddies once the election was done, so many people were vilified for having a different opinion, lost their jobs, alienated by friends and family and even some cases wanting to end it all and you want to complain that 70 Mil voted for Trump? Why would they vote for a party that hates them and allowed thugs masquerading as "activists" and big tech silence them? Most of Biden's white house team are corporate goons so don't expect any positive outcome from his run so you still lost in the sense that nothings gonna change and if it is, it's probably gonna get worse from here on out.

Also you're no different than Trump, considering that I have seen you on this forum and another throwing personal jabs at his supporters, him, and his family. May want to seek help on that buddy.

Doesn't matter if Trump wins his legal battles, he's already stirred the pot and once/if he leaves office, Biden is gonna walk into a 4 year run of pure hostility and opposition and the Dems have themselves to blame for that.
I really do hope Biden doesn't recruit Rahm into his team, as a Chicagoan who was around throughout his entire run as mayor, I can honestly say he's a piece of shit through and through, Lightfoot is climbing up there too but that dude is in another level of garbage with how bad he ran Chicago into the ground.
Biden is clearly marginally better than Trump, but god damn are both extreme right pieces of shit who are only there to appease their financial donors. Kanye is a psychopath who thinks he's a demi god or something.

As someone who has reasonable political views by the metric of THE REST OF THE WORLD, ie progressive, which is considered centrist in a lot of the developed world, stuff like universal healthcare, reasonable minimum wage, etc, biden is going to be shit still. His cabinet is full of people like Tandon, who wants to cut social security, says other countries should pay us after we bomb them, and who stopped a story from her publication from being put out there because she was hoping for money from bloomberg, and it was critical of him. That's the kind of corrupt bs that we get in america.

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I have started to read a book on Roy Cohn, Donald's great mentor, it's a great way to better understand Trump's mentality, methods and shenanigans.

You realize that there is something really wrong in the system for these kind of guys to have not been thrown in jail a long time ago. Roy for sure escaped all form of human justice despite everything he has done.
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