Started from the

now we’re
- Oda said he thought half the Supernovas would be out of the race by now. It’s survival of the fittest. Zoro’s drive won’t allow him to stop until he’s the world’s greatest swordsman, so it was inevitable that even a beast like Apoo is taken out. Just expected the chase to last a while longer.
Trolling aside. Personality, character design, articulation and devil fruit ability are beautifully in synch to create Apoo’s unique character profile. Even Horikoshi (MHA mangaka) praised him as one of his top 3 character profiles in One Piece. Hope he’s not out for good, albeit hoping he’s not back as anti-Kaido.
-In Skypeia, Zoro told Ohm he prefers not to fight with a motive. Personal rage would stifle his growth as a swordsman. That changed after Ohm hurt Chopper.
In this arc, Zoro:
1) Was enraged by food wasting. He related to O-Tama and the starved Wano citizens, probably drawing on his own experience with starvation
2) Wants to avenge Yasu
3) Was angered by Kiku’s amputation
4) Will most likely discover he’s a decsendant of Wano’s Shimotsuki Clan
In Punk Hazard and Dressrosa, his role was to be a dependable crewmate for Luffy. His fights vs. Monet and Pica never materialized from a place of personal emotional investment. For the first time after his training with Mihawk, he’ll be emotionally charged.
As a result, I have big expectations for his development as a combatant. Conqueror's haki is a matter of when not if. Hopefully, he uses Ashura to open Kaido’s wound. Then, it’s properly explained as a technique tied to his Shimotsuki/Ryuma bloodline.
-The main event will occur at The Flower Capital. And it should. It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say One Piece, as a narrative in general, hinges on scenes where oppressed folk witness Luffy defeat their tyrants. Wano citizens in particular need to behold an outsider saving their country. Just curious as to how the Luffy/Momo/Joy Boy plotline will be handled.
-Marco’s role will be to clear Zoro’s route to Kaido, initially. Marco vs King or Queen would be epic. Eventually though, Marco needs to support Luffy’s team vs. Kaido. My mans is lifting islands and shit

He just solo’d 9 strong samurai too. Luffy’s team will need extra lives facing this beast. Marco will be spamming Hyper and Max potions on Luffy and Co.
-Not a fan of keeping the Scabbards’ fate hidden post-fight. Obviously they lost, but I expected to see some fatalities. Even if none died, a number of them will be out of commission for the final battles on New Onigashima.
-Chopper is a top tier doctor. Helped cure the drugged children on Punk Hazard, the poisoned Minks on Zou, the plagued prisoners in Udon and now the ice plague. Make fun of his lack of fighting feats if you want, but that’s not his job. Queen sees Chopper in his nightmares. Please never call him useless again.
- Black Maria is drop dead gorgeous. Which means Sanji is in deep trouble

He always deals with traps set by beautiful women in an unconventional crafty way, so he’ll get out unscathed soon. You’ve got to be calm to use COO. Of course his COO is of no help when he’s about to see a naked woman