Questions & Mysteries What would you guys do if Zoro doesn't fight Kaido at all?



I’m comparing it because it’s the same. Characters in this series talk a bunch of shit. A lot of the time, they don’t back it up or it’s a bluff. It literally happened to Luffy earlier in the arc, the first time he tried to fight Kaido. Zoro has been victim of it in the past, when he challenged Mihawk and got destroyed with a butter knife. It happens all the time.
How is it a bluff? You gotta be kidding yourself.

Let me run this by briefly...

Zoro in 989, wanting to join Luffy to fight Kaido
Zoro in 995, once again reiterating that he wants to fight Kaido and that the balcony is a drag:

Zoro in 997; after seeing Kiku’s severed arm falling from the rooftop, finally gets fed up with the “games” in the balcony and makes his proclamation. Then even goes on to say he wants to go up there once again:

Once is chance
Twice is coincidence
Three times is a pattern.

And then you got this statement from Kaido after the Scabbards failed in their attempt to cut him down;
Pretty obvious the direction Kaido’s dialouge is pointing to.

After all the sword that mortally wounded him and was untouched for decades, a sword whom even the Scabbards dared not to tame is now wielded by Zoro
Pretty obvious connection already drawed between Oden and Zoro, further pointing towards him cutting Kaido.

And then you got the legend of Ryuma cutting a Dragon “above the capital”

Zoro draws obvious parallels to Ryuma and now the stage for the final fight is looking the capital of Wano, once again pointing towards an obvious direction.

I can go on but I think any sensible reader gets the point already, how is this in any way a bluff?

To call all this a bluff or compare it to some off hand comment made by Sanji for which the purpose of was to handle an imminent danger to his crew is absolutely ludicrous.

Like you either gotta be not reading some parts of Wano or you are just in complete denial of what’s to come with Zoro.
He talked shit, and didn’t pull through. It’s happened many times to many characters in the series, but for some reason, Zoro must be immune to it.
Do you maybe wanna try and bet?

You think either Zoro will not fight kaido at all or Zoro will go up to fight Kaido and do even less than Kin'emon and the others did, right?

This is where you're going with this.

Wanna bet? like an actual bet.
How is it a bluff? You gotta be kidding yourself.

Let me run this by briefly...

Zoro in 989, wanting to join Luffy to fight Kaido
Zoro in 995, once again reiterating that he wants to fight Kaido and that the balcony is a drag:

Zoro in 997; after seeing Kiku’s severed arm falling from the rooftop, finally gets fed up with the “games” in the balcony and makes his proclamation. Then even goes on to say he wants to go up there once again:

Once is chance
Twice is coincidence
Three times is a pattern.

And then you got this statement from Kaido after the Scabbards failed in their attempt to cut him down;
Pretty obvious the direction Kaido’s dialouge is pointing to.

After all the sword that mortally wounded him and was untouched for decades, a sword whom even the Scabbards dared not to tame is now wielded by Zoro
Pretty obvious connection already drawed between Oden and Zoro, further pointing towards him cutting Kaido.

And then you got the legend of Ryuma cutting a Dragon “above the capital”

Zoro draws obvious parallels to Ryuma and now the stage for the final fight is looking the capital of Wano, once again pointing towards an obvious direction.

I can go on but I think any sensible reader gets the point already, how is this in any way a bluff?

To call all this a bluff or compare it to some off hand comment made by Sanji for which the purpose of was to handle an imminent danger to his crew is absolutely ludicrous.

Like you either gotta be not reading some parts of Wano or you are just in complete denial of what’s to come with Zoro.
Dude, Luffy said that he was going to beat Kaido and then got immediately curbstomped. Stop with this nonsense that Zoro absolutely must be immune from it.

As far as Ryuma and Oden, no, there aren’t any parallels between them and Zoro, at least nothing beyond superficial things. Zoro carried their swords, that’s it. As far as Ryuma cutting a dragon, Zoro did that on Punk Hazard. And it’s funny how you mention Enma being “the sword that mortally wounded him and was untouched for decades,” which is a blatant lie on two counts. It didn’t “mortally wound” Kaido, and it wasn’t the sword to do so. It was one of two, which severely undercuts its significance, on top of the simple fact that simply holding the sword does not make him as strong as Oden, who sailed the entire world on Roger’s ship and was in his prime when he fought Kaido.

Furthermore, Oden does not parallel Zoro at all, he parallels Luffy. And speaking of Luffy, it’s funny how you put more weight on Zoro’s words, than on Luffy’s words, who has an actual feud with Kaido, as opposed to Zoro, who Kaido wouldn’t know from a bag of dirt.

Stop quoting me, man. I’ve had this debate numerous times across numerous threads here, and I’m not interested in relitigating it for the umpteenth time inside this echo chamber.
Maybe you intellectuals could point out exactly the issue with it? Because Zoro has not fought Kaido, and also will never, ever be on the level of people Luffy contends with. Even if he does end up fighting Kaido, Luffy will now and always curb stomp him, as will the people that are Luffy’s rivals.

Also, the two of you quoted someone in a thread where the last comment is from over two months ago. Doesn’t make you look sad at all 😂
You don't get to switch up now. Their no, even if. Your whole point was Zoro wasn't going to do shit. Your wrong take your Fat L and sit down in the corner where you belong
Dude, Luffy said that he was going to beat Kaido and then got immediately curbstomped. Stop with this nonsense that Zoro absolutely must be immune from it.

As far as Ryuma and Oden, no, there aren’t any parallels between them and Zoro, at least nothing beyond superficial things. Zoro carried their swords, that’s it. As far as Ryuma cutting a dragon, Zoro did that on Punk Hazard. And it’s funny how you mention Enma being “the sword that mortally wounded him and was untouched for decades,” which is a blatant lie on two counts. It didn’t “mortally wound” Kaido, and it wasn’t the sword to do so. It was one of two, which severely undercuts its significance, on top of the simple fact that simply holding the sword does not make him as strong as Oden, who sailed the entire world on Roger’s ship and was in his prime when he fought Kaido.

Furthermore, Oden does not parallel Zoro at all, he parallels Luffy. And speaking of Luffy, it’s funny how you put more weight on Zoro’s words, than on Luffy’s words, who has an actual feud with Kaido, as opposed to Zoro, who Kaido wouldn’t know from a bag of dirt.

Stop quoting me, man. I’ve had this debate numerous times across numerous threads here, and I’m not interested in relitigating it for the umpteenth time inside this echo chamber.
Ryuma cut two dragons one while he was traveling and one in the FC which he came famous for. Te dragon ryuma slayed abroad was western like the one in PH kaido is eastern and also seriously no parallels. The editors note said inherited will, if he doesn't that would be the big chekhov's gun OP.

I wouldn't mind if you said he wouldn't kill Kaido as a matter of fact I dobt believe it my self but saying he won't fight him is just blind fanboyism


Survivors Guilt
LMFAOOO!!!!!!! It’s bullshit for Zoro to get a powerup and cut Kaidou. But there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Kidd and Law doing it cause they’re tha strongest Supernova Captains after Luffy......

It’s gonna be fucking hilarity when Zoro cuts tha bitch like butter and @OEKaneki either goes radio silent cause he don’t like it or he balls his eyes out cause Luffy doesn’t get as much shine as he wants em to


World's Strongest Swordsman
Dude, Luffy said that he was going to beat Kaido and then got immediately curbstomped. Stop with this nonsense that Zoro absolutely must be immune from it.

As far as Ryuma and Oden, no, there aren’t any parallels between them and Zoro, at least nothing beyond superficial things. Zoro carried their swords, that’s it. As far as Ryuma cutting a dragon, Zoro did that on Punk Hazard. And it’s funny how you mention Enma being “the sword that mortally wounded him and was untouched for decades,” which is a blatant lie on two counts. It didn’t “mortally wound” Kaido, and it wasn’t the sword to do so. It was one of two, which severely undercuts its significance, on top of the simple fact that simply holding the sword does not make him as strong as Oden, who sailed the entire world on Roger’s ship and was in his prime when he fought Kaido.

Furthermore, Oden does not parallel Zoro at all, he parallels Luffy. And speaking of Luffy, it’s funny how you put more weight on Zoro’s words, than on Luffy’s words, who has an actual feud with Kaido, as opposed to Zoro, who Kaido wouldn’t know from a bag of dirt.

Stop quoting me, man. I’ve had this debate numerous times across numerous threads here, and I’m not interested in relitigating it for the umpteenth time inside this echo chamber.
Oden has nothing to do with luffy.

Oden had 0 personal beef with kaido.
Just like zoro odens beef was with orochi
He just realised orochi is fodder and you need to take out the strength behind him.

Zoro this arc has literally being doing similar things to what oden did in his flashback all throughout.
LMFAOOO!!!!!!! It’s bullshit for Zoro to get a powerup and cut Kaidou. But there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Kidd and Law doing it cause they’re tha strongest Supernova Captains after Luffy......

It’s gonna be fucking hilarity when Zoro cuts tha bitch like butter and @OEKaneki either goes radio silent cause he don’t like it or he balls his eyes out cause Luffy doesn’t get as much shine as he wants em to
Not that I presumed reading was your thing, but I never said that I had a problem with Zoro getting a power up, only who it was against. I said it would be bad writing, because it would be, for that power up to lift Zoro from Pica and Killer to Kaido, given that Luffy had to go through Doflamingo, (far stronger than Pica and Killer), Cracker (far stronger than Pica and Killer) and Katakuri (far stronger than Pica and Killer), only to get oneshot by Kaido even after that and then having to go through a training period to stand in front of Kaido and be able to handle him.

All that said, I guess I can’t be surprised anymore that this site is full of trolls, given that the moderators are part of it as well. Do me a favor, and don’t quote me/tag me again either. I’ve already said I’m not interested in rehashing this for the umpteenth time.
Not that I presumed reading was your thing, but I never said that I had a problem with Zoro getting a power up, only who it was against. I said it would be bad writing, because it would be, for that power up to lift Zoro from Pica and Killer to Kaido, given that Luffy had to go through Doflamingo, (far stronger than Pica and Killer), Cracker (far stronger than Pica and Killer) and Katakuri (far stronger than Pica and Killer), only to get oneshot by Kaido even after that and then having to go through a training period to stand in front of Kaido and be able to handle him.

All that said, I guess I can’t be surprised anymore that this site is full of trolls, given that the moderators are part of it as well. Do me a favor, and don’t quote me/tag me again either. I’ve already said I’m not interested in rehashing this for the umpteenth time.
Zoros cutting kaido . Luffy had to fight all those commanders just to catch up to his own first mate . What a shame . Go cry somewhere else bucko . Your favorite character fought doflamingo cracker and katakuri and still did less damage to a yonko then kinemon who is way inferior to zoro. Sucks to be a luffy fan huh
Not that I presumed reading was your thing, but I never said that I had a problem with Zoro getting a power up, only who it was against. I said it would be bad writing, because it would be, for that power up to lift Zoro from Pica and Killer to Kaido, given that Luffy had to go through Doflamingo, (far stronger than Pica and Killer), Cracker (far stronger than Pica and Killer) and Katakuri (far stronger than Pica and Killer), only to get oneshot by Kaido even after that and then having to go through a training period to stand in front of Kaido and be able to handle him.

All that said, I guess I can’t be surprised anymore that this site is full of trolls, given that the moderators are part of it as well. Do me a favor, and don’t quote me/tag me again either. I’ve already said I’m not interested in rehashing this for the umpteenth time.


Survivors Guilt
Not that I presumed reading was your thing, but I never said that I had a problem with Zoro getting a power up, only who it was against. I said it would be bad writing, because it would be, for that power up to lift Zoro from Pica and Killer to Kaido, given that Luffy had to go through Doflamingo, (far stronger than Pica and Killer), Cracker (far stronger than Pica and Killer) and Katakuri (far stronger than Pica and Killer), only to get oneshot by Kaido even after that and then having to go through a training period to stand in front of Kaido and be able to handle him.

All that said, I guess I can’t be surprised anymore that this site is full of trolls, given that the moderators are part of it as well. Do me a favor, and don’t quote me/tag me again either. I’ve already said I’m not interested in rehashing this for the umpteenth time.
Seems you got tha same problem too then, since in tha first sentence of my response I clearly say getting a powerup and cutting Kaidou is your issue.....

Either way, sure let’s have a serious discussion. Zoro getting a powerup and cutting Kaidou is your issue, but Luffys only tangible powerup we can point to RIGHT NOW is Ryou and as we’ve found out now, Zoro has Ryou. So he already has what’s necessary to harm Kaidou and we know for a fact he hits harder than EVERY scabbard so what’s tha issue with em harming Kaidou again? I mean Luffy learned Ryou in what? A couple days? And Zoro appears to have had it since before Wano but Luffy is gonna be able to harm Kaidou with his Ryou but it’s bullshit if Zoro can.....

By tha way, saying Zoro shouldn’t be able to harm Kaidou cause he fought Pika and Killer is a poor point considering that he washed Pika and Killer only got a hit in cause of Gyukimaru and even then Zoro one shot hit. That’s also if you ignore Zoro and Issho having a scuffle off panel in Dressrosa and Issho calling Zoros flying slash ferocious.....

That point you’re trying to use(which is flawed) also applies to Luffy too know that right? Was it reasonable for em to go from bleeding out against Hody to knocking Doflamingo around like a pinball? Was it also shitty writing for Luffy to learn FS? An ability that he had 0 hint of having previously or being remotely close to having? Tha same ability Katakuri was said to train and achieve, Luffy awakened and made battle ready in less than a day.....


World's Strongest Swordsman
Just the simple fact that Zoro doesn't fight against Kaido wouldn't be enough to drop one piece for Zoro fan Boys but after that, thousand of fans who have got tired of hearing their BS will slaughter them and amongst them will be me. Zoro fan Boys are already the laughing stock of the community, everybody laughing at them, me and my friends spending our time trolling them very hard, they put the lost nail on their coffin with Zoro Killing Kaido agenda.
post 997
Right, because you quoted a months old quote out of kindness and a willingness to have a genuine discussion.

The main character of the series said that he intended to fight Kaido and was going to beat him, and then got squashed the first time he squared up against him. He talked shit, and didn’t pull through. It’s happened many times to many characters in the series, but for some reason, Zoro must be immune to it.

Law and Kid are the two top dogs of the generation behind Luffy and have been separated from all of the rest alongside Luffy as the leaders of it. They’re in another league than Zoro. So, no, I don’t mind. Zoro is not on the level of people Luffy contends with, and never will be.
lmao just from this argument u just embrassed urself though
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▪Luffy fans and their friends :
Luffy has to fight Kaido he is the MC and fought doffy / cracker / Kuri bla bla and also did the training in Udon oh i don't mind law and Kid to join him though they are his rivals also Zoro didn't fight someone worthy .
▪Me and Oda : GTFOH with ur headcanons Kid who is featless and has Ls throughout the new world or Law who didn't do shit in this arc and struggled against Hawkins not even a single time ?? from getting mid diffed by base Doffy to fighting Kaido magical power up 😱 .
Oda made it clear to u and i talk to all the fans here Zoro never accepted Luffy as a character stronger than him reread what he said in dressrosa when he saw luffy getting clapped against Fuji ppl are using headcanons and they blaim oda for nothing for the sake of their fanfaction being proved wrong
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Kitetsu Wanker
I said it would be bad writing, because it would be, for that power up to lift Zoro from Pica and Killer to Kaido, given that Luffy had to go through Doflamingo, (far stronger than Pica and Killer), Cracker (far stronger than Pica and Killer) and Katakuri (far stronger than Pica and Killer), only to get oneshot by Kaido even after that and then having to go through a training period to stand in front of Kaido and be able to handle him.
You are projecting Luffy's weaknesses onto Zoro and others, a side effect of the mentality "if Luffy cant do it, nobody can".
I have said it countless times, Luffy's combat style is ineffective, that doesnt affect the efficiency of other combat styles.
Goes through Doffy, Cracker and Katakuri and cant put a scratch on Kaido. Kinemon and rest didnt go through Doffy, Cracker and Kata.

It is not bad writing, Luffy is simply far from where you think he is, he is the one doing the catching up.
He is the one who needs countless power-ups to stay relevant, others dont need it because they are more effective.
Swordsmen keep on cutting, no power-ups needed. The best part is that Zoro probably wont get any PU against Kaido.
Luffy not being able to do something that Kinemon and Kiku can: bad writing
also, Luffy getting every possible haki PU delivered on a silver platter: deserved

its a good thing that this "Luffy is ahead of..." talk can finally be put to rest. it was never reasonable and is now provably wrong. thank god.
The best part is that Zoro probably wont get any PU against Kaido.
He's already gotten Enma, which he flat out said was going to make him stronger.

Just because Oda babies Zoro, and kept him out of any situation that could potentially make him look bad before giving him a powerup, it doesn't mean Zoro was as strong as you guys think he was prior to receiving the Sword.