Future Events Will Oda really have the balls to end the Luffy show?

Its relevant because he sees kaido as his own opponent not luffys, he is not supporting luffy like the rest of the crew hes here for kaido HIMSELF

So ? Luffys ties to wano are weak at best, he has no tie that zoro doesnt whilst zoro has way more.
tama -

He literally spent time training with momo -

even taught him sunnachi
apart from that luffys motivation to beat kaido is no different to kidds, its selfish because they both got clapped

Unlike luffy, zoros anger toward kaido has no personal reason to get famous from killing him, its all deep rooted from all his experience on wano.
Firstly oda has had zoro do the same things oden did in his flashback

save 26 year old hiyori/toki


get nursed back by hiyori/toki

had hiyori/toki crying on them in almost identical fashion

zoro tamed odens sword only other person ever

both attacked orochi in anger

both times they were blocked

zoro is still following what oden did
ie he went to sneak and kill a drunk kaido

Now hes at the point that oden reached when he decided to kill kaido

as proven here

his target during the raid from the begining was kaido not orochi despite him hating orochi
even oden had no personal beef with kaido outside of him being orochi muscle
it was orochi who
- killed his dad
- attacked his wife and kids
- made deals with outsiders and ruined wano

he just realized the point as shinobu said killing orochi does nothing when kaidos there

then theres yasu the guy who was with oden in the flashback who made a bond with zoro who saved the alliance with his death
who zoro said hed avenge

even yasu knew kaido was the real problem

Zoro has odens will he will finish the job oden failed to do and slay the dragon above the flower capital

zoro is doing no such thing, oda made a very clear difference between zoro and the rest of the strawhats when it comes to kaido
first zoro says

We wont last to fight kaido
from the start ZORO WAS AFTER KAIDO
this is nothing like dressrosa because not only is zoro paving luffys way to kaido like he did with pica he TOLD LUFFY TO TAKE HIM TO KAIDO IGNORING QUEEN

so no he doesnt consider this luffys fight at all
Then zoro separated from luffy whilst the others did this
now the other strawhats
first nami and ussop jump in to take page one and ulti away to pave the way for luffy

Then unlike zoro sanji and jinbe literally tell him they are there to make sure he has stamina for kaido and THEY ARE THERE TO PAVE THE WAY

oda literally moved zoro so he wasnt there to pave the way for luffy as you said and made sanji and jinbe do it instead

meanwhile zoro continues to say what HE is here for
and it has nothing to do with luffy
hes here to kill kaido on his own accord

:gokulaugh: Give him a chance.
So he killed before, which means you didn't debunk anything. Luffy not killing is only apart of the forshadowing. You didn't answer my question. Do you wamt the evidence
thats irrelevant. Zoro has never killed ON PANEL. until then this point that zoro will kill kaido is failed. Also I’ve already seen the “ evidence” from aofiji video to many other posters on here And it isnt sufficient but sure maybe you have something I haven’t heard
No especially not this arc
Luffy's promise is to become a great pirate the same thing yonko are and Roger was and then meeting Shanks
This meeting as Shanks said is close i think next arc the elbaf arc will be when it happens so Luffy has to leave this arc with as much credit as he can get and be known and accepted as a truly great pirate


World's Strongest Swordsman
thats irrelevant. Zoro has never killed ON PANEL. until then this point that zoro will kill kaido is failed. Also I’ve already seen the “ evidence” from aofiji video to many other posters on here And it isnt sufficient but sure maybe you have something I haven’t heard
Yes he has. He killed the magistrate at the start of wano
And he killed a dragon
Oda pulled the same shit at Dressrosa.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. :gonope:
Zoro ain't Law bro, Zoro going to accomplish his dream. I seriously wonder why people think other characters are more important than Luffy right hand man and trigger of one piece. All these years when people thought the supernova captains were going to be more important and relevant than Zoro. Lmfao Get it through yall heads Its Luffy first then the SH and then everybody else.
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thats irrelevant. Zoro has never killed ON PANEL. until then this point that zoro will kill kaido is failed. Also I’ve already seen the “ evidence” from aofiji video to many other posters on here And it isnt sufficient but sure maybe you have something I haven’t heard
Yes he has lol

Ok if you seen that video why did you say their no forshadowing. I can say other things that more recent


Kitetsu Wanker
*Sensing inanimate objects is useless in a fight compared to future sight.
*comparing cutting pica to kkg is dumb luffy knocked out surume with a regular elephant gun while underwater weakened from his df.
*zoro has not shown internal destruction ryou like luffy has...try again
*snakeman outclasses any attack speed zoro has shown. Katakuri could barely keep up And he has the best coO in the series we’ve seen.
* It's more useful than the FS which appears for less than 1% of the total fight.
* Nameless slash>KKG, deal with it.
* Zoro hasnt had his haki broken by hakiless fodder like Hody Jones, try again.
* Zoro just casually blitzed Queen from a mile away, he didnt even see it coming. Katakuri saw Snakeman coming even without FS.


when it comes to zoro there’s never been an instance where Oda would drag zoro and Downgrade him like you all believe. some scenarios come to mind for example back in fmi. He had zoro bodybag the villain before luffy heck luffy and Sanji needed blood transfusions while zoro never. theres tb too,baratie. Zoro beating pica made anything luffy did look like peanuts. see if oda is afraid to give shine to zoro because of luffy why didn’t he have zoro on the sidelines protecting tama while luffy beats Hawkins instead we got otherwise. There’s more but Oda simply doesnt hold back zoro when he has the chance he lets him show out. zkk doesn't fall to luffy.. zoro is a mc too he matters just as much
* It's more useful than the FS which appears for less than 1% of the total fight.
* Nameless slash>KKG, deal with it.
* Zoro hasnt had his haki broken by hakiless fodder like Hody Jones, try again.
* Zoro just casually blitzed Queen from a mile away, he didnt even see it coming. Katakuri saw Snakeman coming even without FS.
I like how you can’t counter any of my points...you just say random things like deal with it lmao :gokulaugh:

luffy used fs multiple times in Udon helping hyougoro using it fairly easy.. just stop it

*if queen didn’t see it coming then you just proved my point...it was a sneak attack and queen wasn’t even paying attention.
like you said katakuri SAW IT COMING and still didn’t know what hit him. Point proven thanks


Oda's MCs(according to himself) are Luffy, Zoro and Nami. He doesn't know what to do with Nami to be used as an MC so she is a lost cause now. Zoro does have chances of getting more screentime like an MC. Other than that he is just focussing on Luffy...probably because Oda sucks are using characters. The 2 year without other SHs(and still those who were present had jack shit done with them apart from obviously Luffy) is the evidence we need to see that he only is concentrating on one character or just sucks at using others./QUOTE]
He never said Nami and zoro are MCs
Luffy is the MC, zoro and Nami were triggers alongside Luffy back then.


Zoro Worshipper
thats irrelevant. Zoro has never killed ON PANEL. until then this point that zoro will kill kaido is failed. Also I’ve already seen the “ evidence” from aofiji video to many other posters on here And it isnt sufficient but sure maybe you have something I haven’t heard
He admitted he wants to behead Kaido, Zoro has seemingly changed. No reason to believe this shall not be the case here. Whether he can or not we will wee, but that's not the point of the subject matter.


Kitetsu Wanker
I like how you can’t counter any of my points...you just say random things like deal with it lmao :gokulaugh:

luffy used fs multiple times in Udon helping hyougoro using it fairly easy.. just stop it

*if queen didn’t see it coming then you just proved my point...it was a sneak attack and queen wasn’t even paying attention.
like you said katakuri SAW IT COMING and still didn’t know what hit him. Point proven thanks
Yes, you need to deal with things that are obvious and dont need to be argued, nameless slash>KKG.
Yes, yes, he used FS on fodder while not using it ever when he was clowned, lmao.
Wrong, lol. Queen was looking straight at him, lmao.
No, Katakuri didnt see it in future sight until he decided to watch why he gets hit. He saw it coming without FS, that's how slow it is, lol.
He killed Hawkins subordinates
Those don’t count...zoro didn’t mean to kill them the slash was meant for Hawkins.
Zoro ain't Law bro, Zoro going to accomplish his dream. I seriously wonder why people think other characters are more important than Luffy right hand man and trigger of one piece. All these years when people thought the supernova captains were going to be more important and relevant than Zoro. Lmfao Get it through yall heads Its Luffy first then the SH and then everybody else.
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Yes he has lol

Ok if you seen that video why did you say their no forshadowing. I can say other things that more recent
Why do you people keep bringing up the dragon? You do know that luffy has also killed animals right?:whitepress:
also like I said above zoro had no intention of killing Hawkins subordinates. These are pretty bad examples if this all you have