I actually implore people to take these matchups seriously:
- Luffy v. Kaido
- Zoro v. King
- Sanji v. Queen
- Jinbe v. Jack
- Franky v. Sasaki
- Brook v. WsW
- Robin v. Black Maria
- Chopper v. Page 1
- Usopp/Nami v. Ulti
If Franky can handle Sasaki, then Brook and Robin can handle WsW and Black Maria respectively. If we all expect Zoro/Sanji/Jinbe to handle YC's this arc then it's reasonable to assume that Jinbe vs. WsW and Sanji vs. Black Maria are not permanent fights. If we see Usopp/Nami struggling with Ulti alone, then its reasonable to assume they will team up to handle her in the end (Usopp always "loses" before he wins) while Chopper handles someone like Page One.
The legwork and logic is already there. People just need to be patient
- Luffy v. Kaido
- Zoro v. King
- Sanji v. Queen
- Jinbe v. Jack
- Franky v. Sasaki
- Brook v. WsW
- Robin v. Black Maria
- Chopper v. Page 1
- Usopp/Nami v. Ulti
If Franky can handle Sasaki, then Brook and Robin can handle WsW and Black Maria respectively. If we all expect Zoro/Sanji/Jinbe to handle YC's this arc then it's reasonable to assume that Jinbe vs. WsW and Sanji vs. Black Maria are not permanent fights. If we see Usopp/Nami struggling with Ulti alone, then its reasonable to assume they will team up to handle her in the end (Usopp always "loses" before he wins) while Chopper handles someone like Page One.
The legwork and logic is already there. People just need to be patient