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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Before wano began

Zoro fans - he will get shine in land of Samurais

Others - damn zoro fans live in delusional world

During wano Act 1

Zoro fans - wow oda is hyping zoro and laying down evidence that he will cut kaido.

Others - zoro fans are so toxic and just talk fanfic. He will fight orochi

After wano act 1...

Zoro fans - zoro will cut kaido and also have possibility to kill kaido

Others - zoro won't cut kaido at all. He will tag team king or queen.

Others after oda gave zoro some big feats and portrayal- zoro will cut kaido but when he will be weakened.

Oda - ima end the career of all haters with my zoro wank.

Drops chapter 997

Puts zoro along with luffy, Kidd and law against two yonkous
Being a nuisance to a full power Yonkou is more than Katakuri could ever hope to be.

When Big mom went on her rampage Katakuri claimed that there's no way to stop her and that Whole cale island is done despite him, smoothie and Daifuku being present.

Then we come to Wano and Marco stalls Big mom just fine to a point where she has to literally run away

Marco >~ Katakuri

Specific powers work differently.
And Katakuri talked about stopping her physically, which Marco can´t do either, he can just prolong shit but can´t evade the inevitable.

Also not full power Big Mom either, a point she literally makes.

I have nothing against the notion Marco being > or strongest Y1C, nothing he has shown suggests that though, sorry.


Before wano began

Zoro fans - he will get shine in land of Samurais

Others - damn zoro fans live in delusional world

During wano Act 1

Zoro fans - wow oda is hyping zoro and laying down evidence that he will cut kaido.

Others - zoro fans are so toxic and just talk fanfic. He will fight orochi

After wano act 1...

Zoro fans - zoro will cut kaido and also have possibility to kill kaido

Others - zoro won't cut kaido at all. He will tag team king or queen.

Others after oda gave zoro some big feats and portrayal- zoro will cut kaido but when he will be weakened.

Oda - ima end the career of all haters with my zoro wank.

Drops chapter 997

Puts zoro along with luffy, Kidd and law against two yonkous
He's there just like Killer is.

SN trio are still the main players
Killer and zoro will be out sooner or later
Then let's bet if you think so

If Zoro last until Kaido and big mom get serious, you get banned from the site. Nth you and inspectorMu get banned
You are lucky i didn't accept our bet :suresure:
@Jackteo @Tobi @Marimo_420 @Monet @MarimoHeado @Calypso Oda is shitting on King too much .... Jack had zou, queen had whole udon and now the war to show themselves but King ? Nothing, just one or two small panels every 5 fucking chapters. I still hope he is gonna show something but for now, it's really hard to wank him and painful to see this ...
King the background is ready for Sanji then, he is a commander, he has to be important :blush:
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