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Bruh. You can tell me i missed the point when you aren't even getting mine.

I'm not SAYING ZKK isn't happening. I'm saying Zoro is warranted a YC fight first smh. Zoro has no right to cut Kaido's head off if he hasn't been shown stronger than a YC, nor does it make sense if he is, if Luffy struggled for 8 hours to fight one prior to this arc.

Not having this conversation with blind fanboyism though, so please don't start with the whole "well, Zoro is already YC level" speak because there's zero merit in that statement at this point.
Finally, someone speaking sense. Half of the people objecting ZKK wouldn't have been doing so if Oda had just shown Zoro beating even Smoothie in WCI.
Potentially Sanji having to fly Momo out of Onigashma since now Onigashma isnt on land and there are no boats to take him. When we look back there have been several set ups for Sanji saving Momo.

Either way I just cant wait for what Sanji does.:few:
We've already assumed he's not gonna take part of the main fight (Akka Defeat) against Kaido... So probably it'll be as you say, take momo Out of Oni, and then an entrance saving someone..., while maybe fights King on the air...
The Vivre Card is possibly indicating a round 2 vs Kaido. The vivre card is probs Kaido’s - like Lola had BM’s. She probs have it to Ace for when he was ready for Kaido to easily find him. Question now is, who has the vivre card, Marco?
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