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Kinemon has Ryuo so he injured Kaido. But he can not hold Enma, and Zoro can. So Ryuo Zoro >> Ryuo Kinemona. Yes, Zoro has Ryuo, Oda has already shown it, he trained with the TOP 1 swordsman for 2 years
Try harder
Kinnemon hurt kaido, kinnemon cuts fire, kinnemon is one of the leaders of this alliance that includes zoro as underling.
He has better feats and portrayal than Zoro.

Prove to me Zoro > Kinnemon based in feats and portrayal
Im waiting. Oh don't mention future feats "zoro will cut kaido" that hasn't happened yet.

Retainers never tried to tame enma , and zoro only tamed it easier ,mainly becayse he had wado , a sword made from the same dude who made enma.
So it wasn't mainly because of Zoro's ryuo or strenght.
So basically your argument for Zoro > Kidd is, Zoro is a mc. Lmao. As if that stopped Law from outshining Zoro in TWO STRAIGHT ARCS. You Zoro fans have no argument for Zoro being over Kidd so now you all are using this bs “relevancy” argument. Just keep dreaming about Zoro killing Kaido and when you wake up you’ll see Luffy and Kidd taking down Yonkos :milaugh:
Law had massive PT those arcs as a matter of Fact be had the Most panel time of a non SH in the whole series While Kidd this arc is #36 in PT.
Look Im not saying Kidd is irrelevant but that was a bad example.
Are you saying Kaido appearing out of nowhere and torching the strawhats is NOT an ambush?

Sure. Whatever

If your point is that the situations aren't alike then that's my point as well. The situations are not alike. So comparing them doesn't work. Kid isn't near luffy because of that situation.
Did I say that Kidd is stronger than Luffy for this reason? No
Kaido's was not an ambush, at least not to Luffy, was Luffy's own decision to attack him

Y'all are just ignoring all the parallelism that have been made between Luffy and Kidd during all Wano and even before, it's the plain definition of denial :milaugh:
okay sorry my bad i thought you were talking about Kidd and Apoo scene in the anime. And the question now is, how could you know if Killer and Kidd didnt get one shoted by Kaido? i khow they fought, but Luffy fought Kaido too untile he got one shoted
Hawkins says "They fought until they both collapsed". Doesn't leave much space to interpretation, the kept more than a 1 shot at least
Try harder
Kinnemon hurt kaido, kinnemon cuts fire, kinnemon is one of the leaders of this alliance that includes zoro as underling.
He has better feats and portrayal than Zoro.

Prove to me Zoro > Kinnemon based in feats and portrayal
Im waiting. Oh don't mention future feats "zoro will cut kaido" that hasn't happened yet.

Retainers never tried to tame enma , and zoro only tamed it easier ,mainly becayse he had wado , a sword made from the same dude who made enma.
So it wasn't mainly because of Zoro's ryuo or strenght.
Kinemon and Kanjur's eyes almost fell out when Zoro cut Pika, that's enough))) And the fact that Zoro could with Wado or not does not matter, with Enma Zoro hurts Kaido / BM easily (even with 2 other katanas, but this already my opinion)
Try harder
Kinnemon hurt kaido, kinnemon cuts fire, kinnemon is one of the leaders of this alliance that includes zoro as underling.
He has better feats and portrayal than Zoro.

Prove to me Zoro > Kinnemon based in feats and portrayal
Im waiting. Oh don't mention future feats "zoro will cut kaido" that hasn't happened yet.

Retainers never tried to tame enma , and zoro only tamed it easier ,mainly becayse he had wado , a sword made from the same dude who made enma.
So it wasn't mainly because of Zoro's ryuo or strenght.
it was mainly beacause of Zoro's strenght.

Tengu says it works much like a cursed blade...... :NEXT

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