Is Bleach Better than Kingdom?

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It's look like Rei think that Kai is responsible for her circumstances..
Rei had to participate in ritual and most likely killed her own sister because Kai killed previous Shiryu.
So Kai was indirectly responsible for her misery..
And she here for revenge rather than simply following assassination order
Exactly what I'm thinking, she'll get defeated and soon change her mind and character. Whether or not she joins the HSU is something else. I don't she will because, well, you need an actual arc to mold in like Sosui and Naki had. But I do think that she'll be a helper in the future, appearing sporadically to help with whatever troubles Kyoukai might face.
It's look like Rei think that Kai is responsible for her circumstances..
Rei had to participate in ritual and most likely killed her own sister because Kai killed previous Shiryu.
So Kai was indirectly responsible for her misery..
And she here for revenge rather than simply following assassination order
I think she is going to get beaten at some point. How or by Kyoukai alons, don't know.

But Kyoukai might tell/show her how she could have refused Killing her sister, and gain her freedom like Kai did. Then she might /might not join Hishin unit but most likely help them in dire times.
Likes: yj
Thanks to revolution from r/Kingdom Discord

Hi everyone, I'm here to just inform you regarding the upcoming releases of Weekly Young Jump for the next 5 weeks. There will be 2 double/joint/combined/merged issues scheduled in the coming weeks. For those who are new, a double/joint/combined/merged issue is meant to cover for 2 weeks and does not contain 2 chapters. If there are no personal breaks by the author, the release schedule for Kingdom officially are as follows.

Weekly Young Jump Release Schedule:

Issue #04•05: Dec 24th --> Chapter 665
Dec 31st: Magazine Break
Issue #06•07: Jan 7th --> Chapter 666
Jan 14th: Magazine Break
Issue #08: Jan 21st --> Chapter 667 (TBD)

Do note that the above are the official release dates for the Japanese Raw. As for the Sense-Scans release, it will depend on how fast they acquire & do the scanlation process on the chapter.

Thank you very much for your attention & have a nice day.
Though I didn't like this story line initially. It's good that we are not gonna be saturated with continuous wars. This Kyokai storyline gives me the sense of nice little diversion before we get to another huge Zhao arc again!!
I'll be feeling fresh when we are gonna be back to the main battle against Zhao