Questions & Mysteries Mihawks never fight against Kaido because he doesn't want

But Shanks does exist so all your essay falls flat
Shanks exists and it is not confirmed/unconfirmed that Shanks falls within the WSS title. In the same way somehow, WB could be WSM and Kaidou WSC even though he is a man? Shanks does not have to fall into that category.
If Mihawk's best portrayal come from another character (who he fought YEARS ago, Pre-Yonkou status) and not himself, that is a just another poor showing of his. His on screen feats are just not of the same caliber as Shanks (and other Yonkou). He himself states that being PK (which requires the defeat of the 4 Yonkou) supercedes his title of WSS. Everything points to Shanks > Mihawk. Roger used a sword and was never considered WSS, (Shanks uses the same sword that Roger did for good measure). Blame Oda for making WSS as clearcut as it really should be. He should've just given Shanks an axe and called it a day.
It's funny how this topic continues. Why should we compare Kaido with a man stuck with Vista , easily blocked by Jozu, sword is deflected by Crocodile, and even Mr1 can block his attack.

Anyone who thought he was hiding his powers was an idiot. There are no characters in One Piece who try to lower their power to fight equally against the weaker. If he was at Yonko tier or higher, his simple slash could knock out Vista or Jozu. And Vista never can both fight and laughing with him


Kitetsu Wanker
Why would Oda draw Linlin behind Luffy when she's standing right in front of him? Won't it feel odd?
Precisely. It's probably more about the personality those 6 share in the pic.
However, cant see too much similarity between WB and Luffy and Rocks is the weirdest one.
However, I think it shows people Kaido fought at some point and they harmed him.


The only one who can beat me is me
The Mihawk and Shanks duo is much like WB and Roger in the sense that one had a title of conqueror of the seas, while the other had the title of individual success.

Whitebeard was the WSM, Roger was the PK. You can argue forever which was the superior title but there is no guarantee WB would defeat Roger in a fight (or vice versa) just because he held the title of WSM. And that's because we have loads of other info as well as portrayal to back that, no need to blindly look at titles and ignore the rest of the story.

WSS = shittier version of WSM
Yonkou = Shittier version of PK title

Titles by themselves do not guarantee jack all, it's just another piece of the puzzle. They never have, go revisit MF. Shanks is Oda's poster boy for the middle generation (as Roger was to the old gen, as Luffy is to the current gen), nothing is set in stone here.

This is a story being told, not a boxing ring with a W/L record and 1v1 bouts setup where everything is cut and dry. Until further info is given sure you can logically claim Mihawk would defeat Shanks thanks to his title, but by no means is that a guarantee given Shanks' personality and portrayal throughout the series.

If you believe in absolutes then you should have a problem with anyone claiming Roger = WB. It should be WB > Roger. Problem is that Oda has done everything in his power to show those two as equals, not gonna let a hype tool like a title tell me otherwise. Oda has done a terrible job if he wants to show WB > Roger, and he's doing a terrible job of showing Mihawk > Shanks thus far (that's the only reason over half the community thinks Shanks is stronger, you can blame Oda for that). For the sake of ranking culture go ahead and put WB at #1, it's not illogical but in the story it really doesn't make a damn difference as the gap would be negligible.

Kaidou is the only one from this generation who has been given the proper time and effort to say he is guaranteed above another top tier without needing to fight them (not saying he can't lose). And it's not his WSC claim that did it, that alone wouldn't hold much water (Hype without proper backing remains just that..hype). Maybe Mihawk's time will come, but it's not now.

Until then I'm going to treat Shanks and Mihawk like WB and Roger lite, because I haven't been given a good enough reason not to.
you are left when WB said that this fight was legendary and shanks said his scary are doing by Mihawk
He didn't call it "Legendary" in the sense you are thinking. He referred to it being "A legend" as it happened so long ago many people rarely talk about it anymore.

As for why Mihawk never fought Kaido, it's obvious because Kaido is not a Swordsman. Mihawk doesn't care about being the strongest in the World, he only wants to be the Strongest among Swordsmen.

It is getting out of hand though, because now here we are on Wano, the Country of Swordsmen, and there is still yet to be a legit Top Tier Swordsman mentioned in the same breath as Mihawk anywhere in the story with the exception of him and Shanks fighting when they were younger. All we've seen him do is bully weak Pirates, slack off during Marineford, and tingle with excitement at the prospect of being hunted by the Navy. The Vivre card states Mihawk has beaten "All these strong Swordsman" and yet we haven't come across a single one in 20 years and 1000+ chapters. Somethings gotta give soon, because the only thing we have to go on that he is Top Tier, is him and Shanks being comparable.
Yeah not the fact that he's only one with a black blade since Ryuma.
And? What does having a Black Blade even mean? Extremely strong/Top Tier CoA? That doesn't validate someone being a Top Tier. If that was the case Katakuri would be top tier for having a Top Tier form of CoO.

Mihawk is Top Tier because he's the World's Strongest Swordsmen, and there are Top Tier swordsmen in the World. Not because "He has a black blade like Ryuma."
And? What does having a Black Blade even mean? Extremely strong/Top Tier CoA? That doesn't validate someone being a Top Tier. If that was the case Katakuri would be top tier for having a Top Tier form of CoO.

Mihawk is Top Tier because he's the World's Strongest Swordsmen, and there are Top Tier swordsmen in the World. Not because "He has a black blade like Ryuma."
A black blade is not just Top Tier CoA. It is coated that way from high level battles.

This is a feat that not even Roger or Whitebeard accomplished. Only a "sword god" that single handedly terrorized the entire World Government and kept them outside of Wano.
A black blade is not just Top Tier CoA. It is coated that way from high level battles.

This is a feat that not even Roger or Whitebeard accomplished. Only a "sword god" that single handedly terrorized the entire World Government and kept them outside of Wano.
It was never said it was from high level battles. Only that the Sword was forge that way through many battles. For all we know Mihawk and Ryuma fought hundreds of duels in order to turn their blades black.

It especially makes sense for Mihawk because he wanted to be the strongest, so he fought anyone he could. This isn't like Roger and Whitebeard who only fought when necessary. It could be they simply just didn't have the same amount of fights as either Mihawk or Ryuma in order to forge their blades black.

There is no concrete evidence at the moment at how one goes about it. Only speculation we can go on, and speculation doesn't validate it being a "Top Tier" feat.
Both strong CoA and many battles are a requirement for a black blade. But also the way you use the Haki. Roger and Whitebeard were seen using barrier Haki. Maybe Shanks enhances his blade with internal destruction Haki too. While turning your blade black requires using Ryuo in the manner of cutting. Which Hyogoro pointed out, that the swordsman becomes one with the blade through Haki flow.

I mean it's just speculation of course. But it wouldn't make sense otherwise for someone of Roger's and Whitebeard's caliber to not turn the blade black. Their Hakis were so strong that people were propelling through the air across the entire island. It can't get much higher than that. And Whitebeard as per title > Mihawk. And while Whitebeard had a powerful DF to compensate, Roger had no DF, so he was all about physical stats and Haki/will. And Roger > Mihawk in combat power.
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The Mihawk and Shanks duo is much like WB and Roger in the sense that one had a title of conqueror of the seas, while the other had the title of individual success.

Whitebeard was the WSM, Roger was the PK. You can argue forever which was the superior title but there is no guarantee WB would defeat Roger in a fight (or vice versa) just because he held the title of WSM. And that's because we have loads of other info as well as portrayal to back that, no need to blindly look at titles and ignore the rest of the story.

WSS = shittier version of WSM
Yonkou = Shittier version of PK title

Titles by themselves do not guarantee jack all, it's just another piece of the puzzle. They never have, go revisit MF. Shanks is Oda's poster boy for the middle generation (as Roger was to the old gen, as Luffy is to the current gen), nothing is set in stone here.

This is a story being told, not a boxing ring with a W/L record and 1v1 bouts setup where everything is cut and dry. Until further info is given sure you can logically claim Mihawk would defeat Shanks thanks to his title, but by no means is that a guarantee given Shanks' personality and portrayal throughout the series.

If you believe in absolutes then you should have a problem with anyone claiming Roger = WB. It should be WB > Roger. Problem is that Oda has done everything in his power to show those two as equals, not gonna let a hype tool like a title tell me otherwise. Oda has done a terrible job if he wants to show WB > Roger, and he's doing a terrible job of showing Mihawk > Shanks thus far (that's the only reason over half the community thinks Shanks is stronger, you can blame Oda for that). For the sake of ranking culture go ahead and put WB at #1, it's not illogical but in the story it really doesn't make a damn difference as the gap would be negligible.

Kaidou is the only one from this generation who has been given the proper time and effort to say he is guaranteed above another top tier without needing to fight them (not saying he can't lose). And it's not his WSC claim that did it, that alone wouldn't hold much water (Hype without proper backing remains just that..hype). Maybe Mihawk's time will come, but it's not now.

Until then I'm going to treat Shanks and Mihawk like WB and Roger lite, because I haven't been given a good enough reason not to.
Fair point.
The Mihawk and Shanks duo is much like WB and Roger in the sense that one had a title of conqueror of the seas, while the other had the title of individual success.

Whitebeard was the WSM, Roger was the PK. You can argue forever which was the superior title but there is no guarantee WB would defeat Roger in a fight (or vice versa) just because he held the title of WSM. And that's because we have loads of other info as well as portrayal to back that, no need to blindly look at titles and ignore the rest of the story.

WSS = shittier version of WSM
Yonkou = Shittier version of PK title

Titles by themselves do not guarantee jack all, it's just another piece of the puzzle. They never have, go revisit MF. Shanks is Oda's poster boy for the middle generation (as Roger was to the old gen, as Luffy is to the current gen), nothing is set in stone here.

This is a story being told, not a boxing ring with a W/L record and 1v1 bouts setup where everything is cut and dry. Until further info is given sure you can logically claim Mihawk would defeat Shanks thanks to his title, but by no means is that a guarantee given Shanks' personality and portrayal throughout the series.

If you believe in absolutes then you should have a problem with anyone claiming Roger = WB. It should be WB > Roger. Problem is that Oda has done everything in his power to show those two as equals, not gonna let a hype tool like a title tell me otherwise. Oda has done a terrible job if he wants to show WB > Roger, and he's doing a terrible job of showing Mihawk > Shanks thus far (that's the only reason over half the community thinks Shanks is stronger, you can blame Oda for that). For the sake of ranking culture go ahead and put WB at #1, it's not illogical but in the story it really doesn't make a damn difference as the gap would be negligible.

Kaidou is the only one from this generation who has been given the proper time and effort to say he is guaranteed above another top tier without needing to fight them (not saying he can't lose). And it's not his WSC claim that did it, that alone wouldn't hold much water (Hype without proper backing remains just that..hype). Maybe Mihawk's time will come, but it's not now.

Until then I'm going to treat Shanks and Mihawk like WB and Roger lite, because I haven't been given a good enough reason not to.
A really good argument. I support this kind of approach, especially when Oda often uses powerscaling to push the plot forward. So imo insulting a character's powerlevel just to make another character superior while Oda deliberately makes it vague and flexible, will just decrease our enjoyment of arguing the powerscaling itself, besides putting ourselves as an annoying part of the fandom.


Lead them to paradise.
Mihawks always wants to fight agaisnt strong people: shanks, prime WB and luffy or zoro eos (which mihawk want to be stronger than shanks). So will be very clear to think than kaido and Mihawks had fighted in the past, but really than never happened. That's because why Mihawks will be fight agaisnt one who reconized than shanks or oden are stronger than him. Of course if he doesn't can defeat these swords which are weaker than him, there are nothing reason to fight Mihawks was wasted his time with a fight that he knows will be win 100%.
He said Oden and Shanks can fight him, not stronger than him.

But keep coping lol.

For the record, Mihawk is automatically included if Shanks can fight Kaido which is something we already knew.
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in this moment i didn't know he's losed agaisnt shanks
When did Kaido lose against Shanks, care to show a panel? Did i miss something, i'm confused.
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Fans still don't understand something, there are three things we know about Mihawk

1. He fought Shanks
2. He didn't fight other Top Tiers
3. He is waiting for Zoro (And Luffy) to surpass Shanks

It's not that difficult really, these three Info reveal everything
Shanks is Strongest Characters & he & Mihawk are Rivals, but since Shanks lost his Arm, Mihawk lost interest in fighting him & is waiting for someone New

In other words Mihawk believe Shanks is Greater than all other Yonko & Top Tiers
He have no interest in Relics of Old Era


As for how Oda is handling him, it's also very simple & portrays Mihawk as Greatest alongside Shanks:

1. Just when Story started, we were introduced to Three Dangers of being a Pirate: Navigating the Unforgiving Seas, Meeting powerful Foes & surviving the Military Power of Pirates (Crews) & Luffy learned that he must Get Stronger, get Powerful Crew & survive the Ocean with Great Ship & Navigator, but guess what? Oda randomly introduces this Character who roams the Oceans in literally a Chair, destroys Fleets of 50 Ships because they disturbed his sleep & he is World's Greatest Swordsman & also chases Pirates through Grand Line & also one of Blues just because he was Bored! It's like everything that Oda was hyping up about Luffy's Journey & Dangers of the Sea, this guy throws them in the Trash Bin

2. Oda does Hype almost every single Character when they appear, but that Hype lasts for some period, however after 1000 Chapters, Mihawk is still unexplored in the Story. He is clearly an Endgame Character & Oda decided to Hype/Introduce him decades before which means he is among few Characters that Oda want us to always wait for his time to shine, otherwise he could have just introduced him shortly before Final Arc similar to how he introduced Kaido & BM couple Arcs before their own. This is something that Oda only did with Shanks, Mihawk & Dragon. They are clearly the Characters with Longest Hype & the most waited for

3. IMO Shanks is hyped beyond any other Character in the Series, so when we see Oda sacrificing some of that Hype for the sake of Mihawk, it tells so much about how Incredible Mihawk is. Teach Hyped Shanks, Kaido hyped Shanks, WB hyped Shanks, Roger hyped Shanks, Oda himself hypes the guy, but when Mihawk is involved (Who is almost same Age as Shanks & same Era), Oda decided to grant Title of Greatest Swordsman to Mihawk instead of Shanks, decided to make Mihawk the one who refuses fighting Shanks & bad mouth him instead of opposite, decided to make WB mention Mihawk when he meets Shanks even though he didn't need to at all & also the Latter says that his eye injury isn't from Mihawk (Implying that Mihawk was one of the guesses of WB)

4. During the Summit War, Oda had to handle so many Powerful Characters & they all needed their moments to shine (Most at least), and we saw many Characters Interactions, however Mihawk is the "Only" Character in that Top Tier War who wasn't interested in anyone except Luffy, how can you be inside such a Huge War alongside most of the Greatest Figures in the World & your interest is mainly focused on the only Rookie among them! That shows how much Mihawk truly isn't interested in Old Era or Current One.
We had few Scenes of him with WB, Jozu, Vista, Croco ... etc but even though he showed respect to them, he didn't continue his interest in them, but with Luffy? He chased him many times & multiple Characters had to step in

5. In SBS, Oda said "Legends among Men like WB, Shanks & Mihawk" showing that Oda himself group Mihawk with those two even though he is neither Old not have Big Influence like Yonko, he is a Young Lone Fighter & yet Oda calls him a Legend with WB.
Viver Card further hype him even more claiming that he is waiting for someone even stronger than Shanks & that he sit at the top of the world & is greatest Swordsman in both name & actually. And even in earlier Databooks, it was stated that Mihawk is even stronger than Shanks

Mihawk is Hyped in every way, His Introduction + SBS & Databooks + Shanks Parallels & Portrayal + His Title + His Personality & relation to Luffy/Zoro + His reserved spot in Final Arc + Him being only Top Tier from Current Era alongside Shanks, all of these show that Mihawk & Shanks are Greatest Characters currently in One Piece similar to Roger & WB in the Past

So as i said, Mihawk never got interest in Yonko or any +30 year old Character, because he already have Shanks
Mihawk is a swordsman, he fights swordsmen.

The premise of your hypothesis is already false by stating that Shanks is the strongest, nowhere said or proven.

Whereas we have gotten plenty of statements putting Kaido at that spot.

Kaido is not a swordsman therefore Mihawk's title doesnt apply, and so chances are those two never met.
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I believe Mihawk and Shanks have equal stats,skill and haki.
Difference being that Mihawk isn't a cripple.
Oda's decision to have Shanks lose a limb was a purely cosmetic one, therefore i doubt it affected how he viewed his powerlevel and interraction with other peers.
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It was never said it was from high level battles. Only that the Sword was forge that way through many battles. For all we know Mihawk and Ryuma fought hundreds of duels in order to turn their blades black.

It especially makes sense for Mihawk because he wanted to be the strongest, so he fought anyone he could. This isn't like Roger and Whitebeard who only fought when necessary. It could be they simply just didn't have the same amount of fights as either Mihawk or Ryuma in order to forge their blades black.

There is no concrete evidence at the moment at how one goes about it. Only speculation we can go on, and speculation doesn't validate it being a "Top Tier" feat.
Of course it's from high level battles. No fodder is going to coat his blade permanently black.
Fans still don't understand something, there are three things we know about Mihawk

1. He fought Shanks
2. He didn't fight other Top Tiers
3. He is waiting for Zoro (And Luffy) to surpass Shanks

It's not that difficult really, these three Info reveal everything
Shanks is Strongest Characters & he & Mihawk are Rivals, but since Shanks lost his Arm, Mihawk lost interest in fighting him & is waiting for someone New

In other words Mihawk believe Shanks is Greater than all other Yonko & Top Tiers
He have no interest in Relics of Old Era


As for how Oda is handling him, it's also very simple & portrays Mihawk as Greatest alongside Shanks:

1. Just when Story started, we were introduced to Three Dangers of being a Pirate: Navigating the Unforgiving Seas, Meeting powerful Foes & surviving the Military Power of Pirates (Crews) & Luffy learned that he must Get Stronger, get Powerful Crew & survive the Ocean with Great Ship & Navigator, but guess what? Oda randomly introduces this Character who roams the Oceans in literally a Chair, destroys Fleets of 50 Ships because they disturbed his sleep & he is World's Greatest Swordsman & also chases Pirates through Grand Line & also one of Blues just because he was Bored! It's like everything that Oda was hyping up about Luffy's Journey & Dangers of the Sea, this guy throws them in the Trash Bin

2. Oda does Hype almost every single Character when they appear, but that Hype lasts for some period, however after 1000 Chapters, Mihawk is still unexplored in the Story. He is clearly an Endgame Character & Oda decided to Hype/Introduce him decades before which means he is among few Characters that Oda want us to always wait for his time to shine, otherwise he could have just introduced him shortly before Final Arc similar to how he introduced Kaido & BM couple Arcs before their own. This is something that Oda only did with Shanks, Mihawk & Dragon. They are clearly the Characters with Longest Hype & the most waited for

3. IMO Shanks is hyped beyond any other Character in the Series, so when we see Oda sacrificing some of that Hype for the sake of Mihawk, it tells so much about how Incredible Mihawk is. Teach Hyped Shanks, Kaido hyped Shanks, WB hyped Shanks, Roger hyped Shanks, Oda himself hypes the guy, but when Mihawk is involved (Who is almost same Age as Shanks & same Era), Oda decided to grant Title of Greatest Swordsman to Mihawk instead of Shanks, decided to make Mihawk the one who refuses fighting Shanks & bad mouth him instead of opposite, decided to make WB mention Mihawk when he meets Shanks even though he didn't need to at all & also the Latter says that his eye injury isn't from Mihawk (Implying that Mihawk was one of the guesses of WB)

4. During the Summit War, Oda had to handle so many Powerful Characters & they all needed their moments to shine (Most at least), and we saw many Characters Interactions, however Mihawk is the "Only" Character in that Top Tier War who wasn't interested in anyone except Luffy, how can you be inside such a Huge War alongside most of the Greatest Figures in the World & your interest is mainly focused on the only Rookie among them! That shows how much Mihawk truly isn't interested in Old Era or Current One.
We had few Scenes of him with WB, Jozu, Vista, Croco ... etc but even though he showed respect to them, he didn't continue his interest in them, but with Luffy? He chased him many times & multiple Characters had to step in

5. In SBS, Oda said "Legends among Men like WB, Shanks & Mihawk" showing that Oda himself group Mihawk with those two even though he is neither Old not have Big Influence like Yonko, he is a Young Lone Fighter & yet Oda calls him a Legend with WB.
Viver Card further hype him even more claiming that he is waiting for someone even stronger than Shanks & that he sit at the top of the world & is greatest Swordsman in both name & actually. And even in earlier Databooks, it was stated that Mihawk is even stronger than Shanks

Mihawk is Hyped in every way, His Introduction + SBS & Databooks + Shanks Parallels & Portrayal + His Title + His Personality & relation to Luffy/Zoro + His reserved spot in Final Arc + Him being only Top Tier from Current Era alongside Shanks, all of these show that Mihawk & Shanks are Greatest Characters currently in One Piece similar to Roger & WB in the Past

So as i said, Mihawk never got interest in Yonko or any +30 year old Character, because he already have Shanks
And why should the greatest man of the era be just a Shichibukai? And remember himself has called Vista stopping duel, which means he will face many difficulties to beat Vista.
Of course it's from high level battles. No fodder is going to coat his blade permanently black.
Some high level fights? Of course. Everyone of them? Not a chance. Nobody starts off as a high level character. Zoro's been using Wado since he was a kid and every fight he's been in is one step closer to turning it black, and he just entered into his first high level fight in the series, and won't have many more by EoS, but will turn Wado Black.
I wonder why people don't shit on Dragon like they do Mihawk.
People actually shit on most of the Top Tiers who aren't their favorite. Dragon is just an anomaly because we barely know anything about him, and he is always given nothing but hype. It's hard to shit on someone you don't really know anything about. Roger is a prime example... Nobody ever shit on him until Oden's flashback, and now people use the dumbest shit to downplay him like "He begged Oden to join" and "He never fought Kaido and Big Mom."