Warchief Sanji D Goat May 1, 2020 Happy Birthday Akai2-san. Hope you will return soon. I miss you already :pepemwai:
Akai2 Apr 3, 2020 Love u guys, was gr8 hanging out during quarantine. Cya after the timeskip! Dueces. https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/threads/one-piece-spoilers-the-waiting-room.5/page-1934#post-316403
Love u guys, was gr8 hanging out during quarantine. Cya after the timeskip! Dueces. https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/threads/one-piece-spoilers-the-waiting-room.5/page-1934#post-316403
Akai2 Apr 1, 2020 Kozuki Oden character analysis + final arc buildup. Give it a read if you have a minute. Thanks! https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/threads/kozuki-oden-%E2%80%93-the-man-who-stopped-the-flow-of-time-a-character-analysis-final-arc-buildup.3720/
Kozuki Oden character analysis + final arc buildup. Give it a read if you have a minute. Thanks! https://worstgen.alwaysdata.net/forum/threads/kozuki-oden-%E2%80%93-the-man-who-stopped-the-flow-of-time-a-character-analysis-final-arc-buildup.3720/
Warchief Sanji D Goat Mar 31, 2020 Akai2, I saw your post in the Waiting Room LOL. Mark my word, Sanji will kill Kaido this arc XD.
Monkey D. Luffy Mar 26, 2020 Did you ever run into @Noctis? In almost the same vain you love Detective Conan, he LOVES Blood+, another Adult Swim anime program.
Did you ever run into @Noctis? In almost the same vain you love Detective Conan, he LOVES Blood+, another Adult Swim anime program.
Akai2 Mar 25, 2020 I'm still thinking about JoJolion 95. Perfect example of how flawless execution can turn the most predictable event into an unforgettable experience.
I'm still thinking about JoJolion 95. Perfect example of how flawless execution can turn the most predictable event into an unforgettable experience.
Finalbeta Mar 23, 2020 Your avatar is one of the bests and funniests I have ever looked at in my years-data'ed weeb career my man
Your avatar is one of the bests and funniests I have ever looked at in my years-data'ed weeb career my man
Akai2 Mar 21, 2020 Shout out to @Buusatan94 for keeping us entertained during quarantine with interesting threads.
Akai2 Mar 20, 2020 This place has provided a platform for all of us to come here and have some fun during tough times. Love you all!
This place has provided a platform for all of us to come here and have some fun during tough times. Love you all!