BornInAbyss Mar 5, 2022 Nik it's me Worona Woro. If you want to tag me just tag BornInAbyss next time. I just saw your tag in your thread.
Nik it's me Worona Woro. If you want to tag me just tag BornInAbyss next time. I just saw your tag in your thread.
Sir Tuna Sandwich II Feb 13, 2022 Zoro is the next jade emperor F*ck Imu! That's Zoro's seat and Imu just keep the seat warm for Zoro's godly ass
Zoro is the next jade emperor F*ck Imu! That's Zoro's seat and Imu just keep the seat warm for Zoro's godly ass
minamoto Feb 11, 2022 i have mision for u... go to don le fish profil and say to him u r a foder fish..
Cinera Dec 18, 2021 Enma's isn't going anywhere. Zoro's new epithet would be Enma's name ("The King of Hell"). It'll be with him throughout his journey and become his main sword.
Enma's isn't going anywhere. Zoro's new epithet would be Enma's name ("The King of Hell"). It'll be with him throughout his journey and become his main sword.
Reborn Dec 18, 2021 I don't see Zoro being stronger than Luffy Luffy > Zoro makes more sense to me, Nik Kun I do see them closer in strength and feel that the gap between them would keep on reducing as we will approach EoS However, I feel if Oda draws them fighting then it would end up in stalemate.
I don't see Zoro being stronger than Luffy Luffy > Zoro makes more sense to me, Nik Kun I do see them closer in strength and feel that the gap between them would keep on reducing as we will approach EoS However, I feel if Oda draws them fighting then it would end up in stalemate.
ConquistadoR Dec 15, 2021 Get yourself a tag lol, a Zori and Sandai Kitetsu tag :3
Get yourself a tag lol, a Zori and Sandai Kitetsu tag :3
Monkey D. Luffy Dec 8, 2021 Where do you scale Zoro with feather dusters?
Blackbeard Nov 29, 2021 A special gift Nik-chin, hope this encourages you to check Kingdom out.
A special gift Nik-chin, hope this encourages you to check Kingdom out.
Blackbeard Nov 11, 2021 For the "name a more badass trio" in your sig...
Well, he could be, maybe even #2, I guess.
We havent seen him after his broken will recovered.
But we also havent seen what Weevil can do.
Jinbe is also kind of a bad match-up but Misuta Zero should pull through regardless.