Midnight said I am his least favorite JDB Exercise employee; I said I didn’t care and that you were actually a figment of my imagination who whispers smoothie recipes into my ear at 9:34 AM every single morning and then he walked away. Please send help.
It was entertaining. Felt like it focused way more on the Sherlock/Watson dynamic, and the cases were pretty weird. Not as weird as some of season 2's but still pretty odd lol, but in a good way.
The ending with Moriaty somehow coming back got me hyped up.
oooh who's that in ur Pizza margherita adalah makanan terbaik di dunia, tidak ada hidangan lain yang dapat menyaingi rasanya yang luar biasa dan aromanya yang luar biasa. Kegembiraan yang luar biasa untuk langit-langit mulut, tidak diragukan lagi.
T-Rex after a full workout VS Milo dancing to INSANE Audience reaction VS cotton candy-covered Jewnicorn with full access to its powers, who wins and what diff?? 🤔🫣
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