Search results

  1. MangoSenpai

    If you could have any super power, what would you choose and why?

    Like the title asks, if you could choose any power you could possibly think of, what would you want to have? What is your thoughts behind why you want that power? Is it something that will help you achieve your life goals? Is it something that is overall just convenient? Whatever it is, I am...
  2. MangoSenpai

    [FNZ] Super Role Madness [Season 2] Round 14 - Tower of Druaga

    Hosted by @MangoSenpai and @novaselinenever @AL sama @Noctis @Dragomir as his sidekick In mankind’s first great civilization there was a king whose legend would live on for millenia, ruled by the one and only King of Heroes, Gilgamesh himself. 60 years have passed since King Gilgamesh defeated...
  3. MangoSenpai

    Sign-up [Season 2] Round 14 - The Mythical Tower of Druaga (Monster Mafia)

    The Mythical Tower of Druaga Hosted by @MangoSenpai and @novaselinenever as his sidekick In mankind’s first great civilization there was a king whose legend would live on for millenia, ruled by the one and only King of Heroes, Gilgamesh himself. 60 years have passed since King Gilgamesh...
  4. MangoSenpai

    Real question; Anyone actually like to drink room temp water?!

    I just peeked a NF thread and the OP legit thought room temp water was the best, and I'm like what the hell kind of alien invasion is going on on NF rn?! So I need to ask the populus of WG if they are aliens or not that prefer roomtemp water over cold?! AL, don't even think about closing this...
  5. MangoSenpai

    If someone were to visit your country what would you reccomend them to see/try?

    Like the title suggests, I'm curious to see what your personal picks for places to go and visit in your country would be. You know what they say, you can go look at tourist sites and whatever, but most often the locals have the knowledge that the rest don't have! I suppose in fairness to begin...
  6. MangoSenpai

    Pointless thread without any purpose

    This thread serves no purpose at all. Feel free to.. do something I guess
  7. MangoSenpai

    One word stories!

    I'm sure all of you are familiar with this! The rules are SIMPLE; You can only post 1 word at a time, and together we all make a story! You CAN add punctuations after or before your word if you feel it's neccesary, or fitting! I will start! Once
  8. MangoSenpai

    The Consulting and Advice thread

    Hello good people of WorstGen! I was uncertain whether or not I was gonna make a thread solely for my own purpose, or if I could perhaps make this into a fruitful thread for more people than just myself. The reason that I make this thread was originally because I felt like I knew what I wanted...
  9. MangoSenpai

    Your Life's biggest Bruh Moment

    Hello everyone, in this thread you're welcome to post your life's biggest bruh moment. I can't think of what mine currently is, but feel free!
  10. MangoSenpai

    I am nobody, and nobody is me

    Hello, I am merely a ghost, an abberation of the past. Some may say I should not be, yet others cling to the hope that my very existence gets forevermore interwoven into the very fabric of reality. I go by many names with many epithets, yet most know me simply as the Mangoman, though the senpai...