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  1. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    But Tashigi is some random outsider chasing after Zoro's shadow. Jinbe is supposed to be a respectable member of the crew that needs his own good moments. Would be lovely if you're right, though.
  2. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    It does look like it's heading there, even if I don't like it. Otherwise Oda wouldn't send Jinbe over and he's repeated now for the second chapter in a row that the fight is still ongoing and that he must stop it. Honestly, Oda couldn't be going out of his way more to have Lucci save face...
  3. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    Don't shut that down as a concept. There can be meaning in simple things that gets lost in translation, even if not useful here for powerscaling purposes and has been disproven. If talked properly it's just an interesting topic of discussion like any other. That some may obsess over it is a...
  4. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    Even @EmperorKinyagi knows Zoro is winning.
  5. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    Honestly, he should really learn to do that better after so many years. It felt off then and it feels off now.
  6. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    I'm probably the one Zorofan who dragged the huff/wheeze discussion this thread the longest and I just find lost in translation nuances interesting. I don't think anyone from the fandom has had a meltdown in this thread.
  7. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    The bruises are the same they both had before the fight started, though, and I don't remember other cases of Zoro going all out and sheathing swords unless it's for one specific move, after which he unsheathes them again. So while the huffing and dialogue, as well as the sweating, suggest the...
  8. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    There could be a whole debate about Zoro's KoH drawbacks and about how they could have improved since the King fight: he already had an epiphany right there. But Marimo isn't even using santouryu for some reason.
  9. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    The fuck? I can certainly call Oda out for whatever I want. Don't get me wrong, it's not about "ZORO NEEDS TO BE THE STRONGEST IN THE VERSE", but about "why the hell didn't Zoro go all out earlier and finish him off?". It's in his best interest to do so, and nothing still suggests Lucci can...
  10. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    I later acknowledged I was wrong in believing that.
  11. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    But we can't deny the stats boost from the awakening. What would you compare it to if not G5? I really won't defend Zoro if that happens. I'll slander Oda, though.
  12. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    Let's make this faster. How much attention do you need?
  13. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    So you agree with me? Awakening is both's strongest forms, and not using rokushiki is the same as Luffy not using gomu gomu techniques. I'm not sure Lucci isn't using tekkai in his clashes, though, but I understand turning it to slander since he certainly hasn't named it if he's used it.
  14. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    Indeed. Those arguments have always plagued any kind of debate and are the dumbest thing one can say. Especially getting aggressive over it. It goes beyond agendas. You can criticize someone else's work without being able to do it better than him or it being your job. I can tell a chef did a...
  15. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    I don't think Zoro needs to get fully serious (ie King of Hell and Asura), but hope that he does get more serious, as in use santouryu. Yes, Zoro could use Shi Shishi Sonson to beat him or something, but it would be more respectful if he uses anything santouryu. Lucci is one of my favorites and...
  16. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    I don't think he needs to, the bandana is just a narrative element to showcase Zoro being serious, similar to Zoro using less or more swords. 1708289607 Again: it's not my job.
  17. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    Dumbest argument around: it's not my job. That doesn't mean whoever's responsible fulfills it to perfection.
  18. Moegara

    Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

    If Lucci isn't down by the time Jinbe gets there I'll shame Zoro myself.