Speculations After Sanji beats King you would understand he’s dog walking Doflamingo



parasite is overrated. just how they overrated vergo full body haki just because he was the first one to try it. raid suit can snap out of it, and even if not, doflamingo doesn't have strong enough attacks to take him out, if even King's attacks failed to scratch raid suit.


parasite is overrated. just how they overrated vergo full body haki just because he was the first one to try it. raid suit can snap out of it, and even if not, doflamingo doesn't have strong enough attacks to take him out, if even King's attacks failed to scratch raid suit.
Daddy's suit is OP:finally:
Luffy's Gear 3 does not have the weight of a fucking battleship. Even with a Elephant Gatling he couldn't destroy Noah.

RS Sanji can't even beat Law (and certainly not Cracker). I don't care if "Dressrosa" or "Wano" Law.
Are you really comparing Noah ship that’s prob half the size of fishman island to a marine battle ship? They are incomparable to each other... the size difference is just massive.
Some people are absolute morons. This is Noah in the Sea Forest of Fishman island, compare to the sunny. Please show us where it's "half the size of Fishman Island. It's not even 5% of a fucking forest.

We need to teach some basic art perspective.

What the fuck are you going on about? Look at Luffy's Elephant Gatling

Is Luffy's attack "half the size of Fishman Island"? The freaking Sunny that is tiny compared to most ships could house his Hawk Gatling.

The sunny could literally house a Gear 3 attack on top of it

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Again, it's depend where you placed Doffy. If you think Jack > Doffy then current Sanji beats Doffy. If you think Doffy is as strong as King then it depends on how Sanji will beat Queen. If you placed Doffy above the Calamities then......
king neg diffs sanji oda already showed us that
Fake news again.




Again, it's depend where you placed Doffy. If you think Jack > Doffy then current Sanji beats Doffy. If you think Doffy is as strong as King then it depends on how Sanji will beat Queen. If you placed Doffy above the Calamities then......

Fake news again.


Since anime is canon for Sanji fans, your boy got neg diffed by Kanjuro in the preview