I never said that immigrants can not work or behave like "normal human beings" w/e that means to you.
Refresh my memory, who was it that carpet bombed our cities? I misbelieve it was the germans themselves.
None of the cities were military targets.
"new germany"... I'd rather have the original germany bar war.
You think your ancestors came here for the benefit of germany? Or was there maybe something in it for them?
You are a complete fool if you believe this.
Regional customs are almost gone entirely except for a few places where a bastardization of it remains to this day. Theres only a handful or original germany left and its fading away aswell.
Thats not solely caused by immigration though. But it does not help either.
Here is an example of what immigration does
I have no problem with turkish people here. The ones that live next to my place are all well adjusted and well integrated. Move to cities like Frankfurt/Offenbach and its a different story. They are NOT, not even after 60 years, integrated.
Me too. But unlike you I am not delusional enough to believe that you are not drastically changing this country.
Right now its still manageable. In a few years when muslim are a huge chunk of the population you can kiss christianity here goodbye.
At that point people will not come here to adjust to the lifestyle of the original population, no, they will come here to life like at home, just a tad bit better.
There is a huge difference in having it happen naturally and over a long period than having it happen unnaturally and over the short spam of just 3 generations.
Absolutely disgusting. Nothing else to add.
Its typical "democrat" (theres no democracy in this country anymore) behavior. Its one of the reason why parties support immigration. They import a new voting base. Which social leech they import is going to vote against parties that support social leeching?
We are. And we are all unique. Thats how it should be. Thats how it should remain.
We are not. And that is a good thing. Its something worth perserving.
This way you celebrate diversity instead of destroying it.
Nations formed naturally. We humans are inherently tribal.
Why would that be vile? People can be proud of whatever they choose.
I am proud to be german. I am proud to have blue eyes. I am proud to be european. I am proud of what people from my country accomplished.
Its only vile if you think this stuff makes you better than anyone else.
You can have pride without looking down on others. Thats how it should be in my opinion.
I do not want foreigners in my country, but when I meet them I have not problem witht extending my hand to them and look them in the eyes as equals and as friends.