Future Events Blackbeard Pirates vs Strawhat Pirate Matchups

Which matchups do you think will happen

  • Nami vs Catarina Devon

  • Nami vs Lafitte

  • Nami vs Vasco Shot

  • Sanji vs Avalo Pizarro

  • Sanji vs Sanjuan Wolf

  • Robin vs Catarina Devon

  • Robin vs Sanjuan Wolf

  • Franky vs Vasco Shot

  • Franky vs Sanjuan Wolf

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𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
@Cinera What do you think about Yamato vs Devon
Yamato is too strong for Devon:
  • She's capable of coating her attacks with Haoshoku, something that only "a handful of the very strongest" are capable of.
  • She's Kaido's daughter.

Zoro vs King convinced me that the Strawhats vs BB Pirates battles wouldn't be stomps.
1. What do you think it goes to if not his greed? We even see him now adorned in fine clothing and jewels and a crown. Namis a thief who stole to protect her town from a different corrupt and greedy despot. Pizarro works with her background.
Considering his corruption was so severe they locked him in Level 6 to be forgotten, something along the lines of torturing civilians for the smallest offense. He brandishes meat, which implies he may be a food hog. Maybe he starves his civilians as one of his forms of torture.

2. Namis story works with a kid fighting off a despot. But even then she is the Cat Burglar. And you think it’s a coincidence this greedy corrupt king meows?
Yes. Just as Doc Q is a doctor who deals with death like Brook. Just as Lafitte is also a dancing musician with a cane like Brook. And just as Wolf is a timid creature like Chopper.

3. Pizarro and germa have no connection. That’s always been forced and has zero basis.
How is it forced and have zero basis when Pizarro ruled a country in the same region as Germa 66?

4. Based on his design and history greed is a fair conclusion. Show me anything that could hint to Pizarro being connected to Germa. That’s like saying Lafitte and Brook know each other because they were both law men of the west blue.
That's not the same thing. Germa 66 is a VERY big name in the North Blue. Pizzaro rules a country in that region. The chances of them knowing each other is high.

5. How can you say Tsuru isn’t one of the strongest? From her generation she’s spoken in a similar manner to sengoku and Garp. She trained an admiral candidate as well. She’s one of the strongest of the marines.
Because she isn't a Fleet Admiral, an Admiral, and Garp is clearly stronger.

6. Going by this logic franky should be fighting Queen since they’re both mechanics.
Except Queen has been confirmed to be Kaido's top men and we have subtle hints the Straw Hat pairings will be based on occupation.

7. Yes but who was Kaku paired up with from that point on? Kaku and Jabra. There’s a reason that only 3 members of CP9 had zoan fruits and they corresponded to the monster trio. Oda draws monster trio connections. Not β€œRomance Dawn Trio” connections because the monster trio are the top 3 in power and authority of the crew.
Oda has simultaneously referenced the Romance Dawn and Monster Trio with Kaku by pairing him with Kalifa and Jabra, just as he did with Mr. 1 by making Ms. Doublefinger his official partner and Mr. 2 the next strongest.

8. So you think Blackbeard telling Moriah to join his crew right before a different former warlord joined Luffys crew isn’t some kind of parallel? It clearly was designed to parallel the two of them.
Blackbeard killed Moriah's subordinate and laughed their asses off about it. If anything, they'll kill Moriah for his Devil Fruit.

9. They didn’t bicker, they we’re introduced together making fun of Burgess. Just like king and Queen were introduced making fun of jack.
Where have they made fun of Burgess?


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
We don’t know how strong Devon is
We have no reason to assume that she's among "a handful of the very strongest":

More to the point, I expect Devon to fight Nami. Devon's entire shtick is hunting the heads of beautiful women. That screams "designated female opponent" and fits Nami more than any other woman in the crew (she's the character whose beauty is most emphasised and for who it has caused problems in the past (see Absalom)).

If Devon doesn't fight Nami, then I think it'll be Robin.
I was onboard with Sanji fighting Lafitte, but reasoning for Pizzaro to be more compelling.
  • Both are former North Blue royalty.
  • Pizzaro brandishes meat (may imply connections to food and I'd find it weird if the BB Pirates don't have a chef)
  • He and Shiryu were the only Level 6 prisoners not in the prisoner uniforms (subtle hype in my opinion).
  • His arms is a strong indicator he fights with his hands, a foil to Sanji's legs.
  • This aforementioned supposed pattern.
My list until further notice.

First 4 VS Titans 2 to 5
  • Zoro VS Shiryu (2)
  • Nami VS Lafitte (5)
  • Usopp VS Auger (3)
  • Sanji VS Pizarro (4)
Second 4 VS Titans 6 to 9
  • Chopper VS Doc Q (9)
  • Robin VS Devon (6)
  • Franky VS Wolf (7)
  • Brook VS Vasco (8)
Postskip Two VS First & Last Titan
  • Jimbei VS Burgess (1)
  • Final Straw Hat VS Final Titan (10)


Luffy vs Teach
Law vs Shiryu
Sanji vs Kuzan
Yamato vs Pizarro
Jinbe vs Burgess
Franky vs Wolf
Robin vs Devon
Nami vs Lafitte
Chopper and Brook vs Doc Q and Stronger
Usopp vs Augur

Zoro fights Mihawk instead of the BBP
Sanji x kuzan lollllllllll, yamato is miles above him, she is the one dealing with aokiji
Zoro will leave luffy crew after egg head.
And he won't go to search last poneglyph and laugh tale together with them.
Bb Vs strawhats will likely happen before laugh tale.
So it's likely going to be
Luffy Vs BB
Law Vs Aokiji
Sanji Vs Shiryuu
Yamato vs Pizzaro
Nami Vs Vasco
Robin Vs Devon
Usopp Vs Auger
Chopper Vs Doc Q
Franky Vs Wolf
Jinbei Vs Burgees
Brook vs Lafitte
Take this however you will, but in Odyssey, Franky expressed an interest in "fighting like men" against Burgess.
I love Franky and I really want to see him fight someone as strong as Burgess but that guy is a monster. On Dressrosa he was able to stop Mera Mera Sabo for at least 10 minutes. Alone and without the Buff Buff fruit :sanmoji:
Zoro will leave luffy crew after egg head.
And he won't go to search last poneglyph and laugh tale together with them.
Bb Vs strawhats will likely happen before laugh tale.
So it's likely going to be
Luffy Vs BB
Law Vs Aokiji
Sanji Vs Shiryuu
Yamato vs Pizzaro
Nami Vs Vasco
Robin Vs Devon
Usopp Vs Auger
Chopper Vs Doc Q
Franky Vs Wolf
Jinbei Vs Burgees
Brook vs Lafitte
That's never going to happen, Zoro's opponents are tailor made for him and not even Luffy could beat King, the moment he runs out stamina like he did 10x on the rooftop King would fucking melt him, Shiryu will be just as hax.