General & Others Bounty Discussion and Speculation

Rate the Wano Bounties

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If he defeats someone else yes. But he only fought Hawkins who is a low priority enemy

But he may get a bounty boost because kid so maybe about 600-700 million
He fight against Emperors and defeated weakest worst generation member

800 mln is more fair for him (especially if we add boost because of Kid)
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Luffy : 5B
Zoro : 3.2B
Sanji : 997M
Final Bounty? Yeah, maybe even little more than Your prediction but after Wano(?) no fucking way

1.4-1.7 billions is max after Wano
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Luffy 3.5b ( making he the third highest active pirate bounty after Shanks and Teach)
Zoro 1.420b
Sanji 1.330b
Jinbei 638m
Robin 520m (for Black Maria and not being captured, but could even be higher)
Ussop 500m (for Ulti&P1)
Franky 494m (will get angry over not reaching 500m)
Brook 383m
Nami 266m
Chopper 1000

Yamato 550m (same as Ace)
Law 1.5b
Kid 1.470b
Killer 400m

Think the only other character from Wano that can get a bounty is Momo, but civilians from Wano going against a pirate and getting a bounty for this dont make sense, would make look like WG was on the pirates side.

Also the Dukes (think they have one), Marco and Izo could get increases, but i dont think they will.

Mihawk 2b
Weevil 1.088b
Buggy 1.5b

After Wano we will get to know what Teach is doing and he will also have a new bounty: 5.247.600b
All SHP Crews shall have new bounties exceeding their opponent they fought in Wano although its questionable how the Marine HQ shall have the information as details as CP0 bcoz we know that Drake is busy with fighting and he even unconscious right now. Out of all SHP Crew, only Usopp, Chopper and Brook didn't have proper opponent themselves.
Luffy: 4.5bil - 4.7bil
Zoro: 1.4bil ++ (Higher than Sanji)
Sanji: 1.3bil - 1.4bil ++ (Lower than Zoro)
Jinbei: ~900mil
Robin: >500mil
Franky: 400mil - 500mil
Usopp: 200mil - 300mil
Nami: 200mil - 300mil
Brook: 100mil - 300mil
Chopper: <100mil
Iirc, there are no witness on Sanji beating queen, arent there??... then 1B is hard to deal.

Unlike Zoro performance. It is 'if i recall'
The CP0 stated that the calamities have been defeated. All of them. Which means they know they have been defeated, which means they know who did it. So far those spies of kaido have been reporting all the fights. So yes there are witnesses to Sanji beating queen.
He fight against Emperors and defeated weakest worst generation member

800 mln is more fair for him (especially if we add boost because of Kid)
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Final Bounty? Yeah, maybe even little more than Your prediction but after Wano(?) no fucking way

1.4-1.7 billions is max after Wano
You don’t get a big bounty boost for failing to take down an emperor (look at Bege)
I think I’m going to stick with my prediction after seeing recent events:

Luffy - 3b
Zoro - 1.2b
Robin - 1b
Sanji - 770m
Jinbe - 610m
Usopp - 500
Franky - 440
Brook - 433
Nami - 416
Chopper - 100m
Yamato if she joins 550m maybe
Carrot if she joins 50m

Kid and Law 1.5b
Killer 700m


Zoro Worshipper
I don't think Usopp will probably have that much of a major booster :/ what do you guys think? Perhaps being part of a crew that shocked the world could be enough alone still.
Think Kid will be like a post-WCI Luffy lvl in the piracy world, a stong captain, but not yet enought to get a 1b subordinate like the emperors, Killer could get a Jinbei like bounty if was only strengt, but his fight with Hawkins who is just a headliner and have a "low" bounty go against him, kind like the Kid Pirates are a step behind the SH's.

For Yamato, power wise think she could get a bounty as big as Jack, but probably this will be her first bounty, and will be a record for a first one i think, and of course to paralel Ace, who was son or Roger, had a strong DF and was a officer of WB and yet didnt get a 1b as he was just a "new" pirate, if compared with other emperors officers like Marco, King and Kata, pretty much what Yamato will also be if she become a pirate after Wano.

Seems like the bounties between 500m and 1.5b are mostly for Emperors officers and some few captains who are emperors in making(like Luffy), as just the fact of u being associeted with a Emperor can put your bounty over Pirate captains that can be stronger than u. We can see that WB, BM and Kaido crews all have this logic.

If we see, most of the independend captains stay between 200-500m.

As Teach with a 2.2b was already seen as a emperor this probably means that only few over 2b bounties exist, probably only the Emperors, Dragon, Ray and Mihawk.

So for post-Wano i see Shanks, Teach and Luffy as established Emperors, while Kid, Law and Buggy as candidades with bounties around 1.5b, with Buggy as the favoritos as he already have a huge fleet like the emperors and is seen by the world as a legend(even if its a gag), different from Law and Kid who are strong but just dont have the fame and fleet to be emperors

What u guys think was Teach post Marineford bounty????

Think he got 1.247b for defeating Ace, betraying the WG, invading the ID, forming a strong crew, killing WB and eating two DF, them+1b for defeating Marco and the WB pirates.
Kidd & Law are having 1.5B+
Buggy isn't candidate for Yonko spot
Kidd already had his own fleet.

At worst :
Kidd 2.047 B
Law 1.920 B
Killer 700 M

At best :
2.470 B
Law 2 B
Killer 850 M
Luffy - 4,500,000,000 (current bounty x3)
*I'm tempted to say 5bil but Blackbeard is typically a step ahead of Luffy so it makes sense for him to achiever the 5bil mark before him
Law - 2,500,000,000 (+2 bil)
Kidd - 2,470,000,000 (+2 bil)
*Law has a higher bounty than Kidd atm, so no reason to think Kidd will have a higher bounty for achieving the same feat.
Zoro - 1,800,000,000 (Luffy's bounty x 0.4)
Sanji - 1,777,000,000 (Back to 7 pattern)
*Zoro has better feats this arc but at this point it's pretty obvious that the Zoro/Sanji bounty dynamic will stay.
Killer - 1,200,000,000 (+1bil)
*Killer will scale to Kidd. Regardless of feats, if Kidd has a high bounty, so will Killer. Killer's bounty is usually btw 0.4 and 0.5 of Kidd's.
God Usopp - 700,000,000 (+500mil for taking out P1 & Ulti).
*Imo Usopp's bounty will remain the 4th highest in the crew till EoS. He doesn't deserve this atm but I think he'll earn it on Elbaf.
Jinbe - 600,000,000
Nico Robin - 530,000,000 (Only Dead)
*It's easy to over-inflate Robin's bounty coz of how important she'd be after Wano but I think an "only dead" poster will be enough to emphasize her threat level
Franky - 494,000,000
Brook - 488,000,000
Nami - 366,000,000
Monster Chopper - 300,000,000
*Chopper will finally have a real bounty
Luffy - 4,500,000,000 (current bounty x3)
*I'm tempted to say 5bil but Blackbeard is typically a step ahead of Luffy so it makes sense for him to achiever the 5bil mark before him
Law - 2,500,000,000 (+2 bil)
Kidd - 2,470,000,000 (+2 bil)
*Law has a higher bounty than Kidd atm, so no reason to think Kidd will have a higher bounty for achieving the same feat.
Zoro - 1,800,000,000 (Luffy's bounty x 0.4)
Sanji - 1,777,000,000 (Back to 7 pattern)
*Zoro has better feats this arc but at this point it's pretty obvious that the Zoro/Sanji bounty dynamic will stay.
Killer - 1,200,000,000 (+1bil)
*Killer will scale to Kidd. Regardless of feats, if Kidd has a high bounty, so will Killer. Killer's bounty is usually btw 0.4 and 0.5 of Kidd's.
God Usopp - 700,000,000 (+500mil for taking out P1 & Ulti).
*Imo Usopp's bounty will remain the 4th highest in the crew till EoS. He doesn't deserve this atm but I think he'll earn it on Elbaf.
Jinbe - 600,000,000
Nico Robin - 530,000,000 (Only Dead)
*It's easy to over-inflate Robin's bounty coz of how important she'd be after Wano but I think an "only dead" poster will be enough to emphasize her threat level
Franky - 494,000,000
Brook - 488,000,000
Nami - 366,000,000
Monster Chopper - 300,000,000
*Chopper will finally have a real bounty
This looks about right. However, I feel Nami is going to get a big bounty boost by the end of Wano as well when CP sees that she stole a piece of BMs power.

As for killer well see where Oda feels generous. If he’s going to give him that level of bounty he should accomplish something good In wano