Chapter Discussion One Piece Chapter 1064 "Egghead's Research Stratum"

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Robin's outfit has "400" on it. Punk Records has "= 68". 400 - 332 = 68.

Chapter 332 is yet another chapter number clue leading us back to the mole with the Japanese sun. This isn't the first time Oda has redirected us here using number clues. This time I think Oda is giving us a clue that the Straw Hats are going to split up again. The hole the mole is digging is supposed to connect 2 places in the cover story series, however this cover has 10 holes. I think these 10 holes are a hint that the Straw Hats are going to go to different islands by themselves soon. All this foreshadowing needs to make sense, and this leads us to Zoro slaying a dragon over the Wano Capital. Assuming the dragon is Kaidou, this may mean we'll see a combined version of Kaidou and Big Mom in some dragon form. Zoro tanking Hakai may have been foreshadowing for Zoro facing this monstrosity by himself. This means Luffy would need to not be present when Kaidou and Big Mom return. When the Straw Hats separate I think Zoro would go to Wano by himself. I think each Straw Hat will also go to key islands they visited along the way. Nami will go to Skypiea, Usopp will go to Elbaf, Sanji will go to Whole Cake/Germa Kingdom, Chopper will go to the Minks, Robin will go to the Revolutionaries, Franky to Water 7, Brook I don't know and Luffy/Jinbe might go to Fishman Island. All this would have to happen at the end of the story. I've also had this theory that Luffy would make Vander Decken throw Noah towards a kidnapped Shirahoshi. I think the purpose of them separating is to all meetup at the same location. Zoro would bring Pluton to this location, Nami would move Skypiea using Zeus. Sanji would bring the Germa army, Usopp with the Giant Pirates, Chopper rolls up with Zou and the Minks, Robin brings the Revolution, Franky brings Iceberg's ship island, and Jinbe/Brook I don't know.

I also have this theory of Dragon, Kuma, Shanks, Mihawk, and now even Shaka and his assistants being a part of this conspiracy theory. I think Luffy's crew was designed and planned by this group. Caesar would essentially be the Buggy of this group. Don't you find it weird how Queen was attacking even his allies? Is Judge really a bad father or was he manipulating Sanji to become Luffy's cook? I actually think Zoro is Shaka's first clone. Zoro is actually a clone with Roger, Kuma, Kaidou and Ryuma's genes. I think when Bonney first met Zoro, her calling him brother and pretending he died has a deeper meaning. Through cloning Zoro would be Bonney's brother. Why does Zoro look like Ryuma? Because Zoro has Ryuma's genes. Why does Zoro represent Ace in the duality of Zoro and Sanji to Ace and Sabo? Because Zoro has Roger's genes. Shanks didn't just lose his arm, he used this to manipulate Luffy the son of Dragon and Garp to become the Pirate King. Mihawk randomly showing up at Baratie was planned, he even met up with Shanks after. I think Dragon knew the Orange Admiral, and Nami was the daughter of them. Who transported Zoro and Nami to East Blue? Dragon. Who put Sanji in East Blue? Judge. Who put Usopp in East Blue? Shanks through Yasopp. I also think there are more conspirators who planned the other crew's joining process. Possible conspirators are Hiriluk, Kureha, Kuzan/Aokiji, Jaguar D. Saul, Tom, Franky's parents, whoever gave Brook his fruit, Fisher Tiger and Toki.

At the end of the day Kuma, Shanks, Mihawk, Dragon and these other conspirators have played huge roles in bringing the Straw Hats together and separating them. This has always been their goal. ZKK is going to happen. Toki was most likely the mockingbird of this organisation which originated from the Void Century. ZKK, is just one of their main goals. Nika didn't need any cloning to achieve, Zoro was created for a purpose.
This is a bit long winded but I'm here to tell you something. People like you who think and got something to share, its different and wild. It an oppurtunity to see a whole new world. I don't believe in Zoro killing a dragon(kaido) unless Zoro kills luffy's father or something but the effort is noticed.

Coming from me, I won't come at you become I'm intolorant. Later
The heart pirates are giving a fantastic showing here, and Law is proving he's a top tier, but the Law fans who think he's going to win are delusional. Blackbeard is going to be defeated by Luffy and no one else. Ya'll are starting to look like Zoro fans with ZKK. BB is almost certainly getting Law's poneglyphs here because there's no other way he can get the Zou one and he's surely going to be competing with Luffy to get to Laugh Tale.
The heart pirates are giving a fantastic showing here, and Law is proving he's a top tier, but the Law fans who think he's going to win are delusional. Blackbeard is going to be defeated by Luffy and no one else. Ya'll are starting to look like Zoro fans with ZKK. BB is almost certainly getting Law's poneglyphs here because there's no other way he can get the Zou one and he's surely going to be competing with Luffy to get to Laugh Tale.
I agree! This makes me actually believe that the last poneglyph is on Beehive island as it was given as one of the options in the road to Laughtale chapters. That Luffy will find out that BB kidnapped koby and fought law. So he will go and defeat him and then it goes straight to Laughtale.

Warchief Sanji D Goat

Amagami Sister!⛩️
  • doesn't try to headshot Jean Bart for some reason
  • doesn't teleport Jean Bart away and headshot Law
  • disappears from the fight
lame, only retards are eating this trash ass fight up
I’m glad law Vs Bb wasn’t off screened. I give props to law’s crew. Best way for them to fight is in the sea.
Good chapter, looking forward to more vegapunk and RA interactions
On the ship near winner island
Which ship? And how do you know he's here and not into another 'mission'?
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Yeah, if anything I feel like this panel proves that she’s not dead, lmao.
Big News Morgans strikes again!

Probably a fake to get time to gather her full crew plus Elbaph's help... Then she will go all out and probably will die here somehow.
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Who's calling Sakazuki?
By the eyeshapes, IMO it's upper middle Marine, or even a new Marine/character.
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He is working with Akainu and no one knows not even WG.

This chapter is big hint - fight just got started and somehow Akainu knows immediately but he still choose to do nothing.

Second, when Gorosei asked Akainu about what to do with kuzan who joined BB then Akainu said it's not his business as kuzan left Navy - you don't expect such things from man of Absolute Justice.
So Kuzan grow up a moustache in less than a day... We knew he is such a chad, but that's too much even for Chazan. :crazwhat:
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By the bbp fodder's words, it is implied that she's done narratively, so its possible that she's alive but I doubt she's gonna be important again
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She's maybe important for Elbaph considering the damage she did to the giants.
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It’s good to have confirmation that Kuzan is a member of the BB pirates. The current cover story has been quite an interesting one.

I’d be more impressed with Law’s crew if Oda didn’t take 84 years to give them proper feats. Now it’s like eh? I still think Law’s getting defeated but I will give him credit where credit’s due.

Usopp’s outfit disturbs me.

Kuma’s race is bear.