General & Others Could the editors be forcing Oda's hands to make Luffy an overpowered protagonist?

Nope Luffy's speech bubble have two marks which points toward him
The one which says I'll do it in 3 sec don't have them, is located on Sanji's side of the panel and is under Sanji's first speech bubble
Therefore it's Sanji who said I'll do it in 3 sec

Also he said I and not WE so he's not taking Luffy into account

Yamato was fighting Sasaki at this moment she wasn't with Luffy

Even without Jimbei Sanji wasn't struggling to beat the gifters contrary to Zoro

So Zoro needed help lmaaooo

You are already coping

Facts are there Luffy didn't get stalled by gifters and won't have been contrary to Zoro

You can't talk about Kid I don't care dude
You're sitting here trying to say that Zoro, when he already possessed the attack power to cut Kaido and have him dodge without even using his strongest moveset, couldn't get past Gifters. People showed up to make sure Luffy didn't waste energy on them but that doesn't count.

Between the Apoo attack that he paid back and Indra, Zoro didn't actually get hit in combat. But he had puffy breaths so same thing right.

K thanks for playing
Now that we are so close to final arc, do you want Luffy to be only at yonko commander level? He needs to be at least equal to the yonkos to challenge the strongest of all time, Blackbeard.

Dont worry about Zoro fans. Nobody in the manga mid-diffed a YC1 level fighter on panel other than Kaido. He also got the AdCoC which only a handful of the very strongest characters can have. Zoro fans are good.
You're sitting here trying to say that Zoro, when he already possessed the attack power to cut Kaido and have him dodge without even using his strongest moveset, couldn't get past Gifters.
You are the one who start you said Luffy needed help to not be stalled by gifters
I showed you it's false that's all stop criying dude

Congratulations You got trashed just take your L
LMAO yeah I do. Sanji and Jinbe specifically went to go help Luffy so that he wasn't stalled by Gifters just the same, and stay tuned for the rest of this post

Ohhh King had help. That's what makes him different from Luffy pre CoC

>Luffy and Zoro had no idea who Apoos df worked
>Luffy was already in a 2v1
> rooftop fight was a team against opponents stronger than them. If Kaido and Big Mom would fight any of the rooftop 5 in a 1v1 they would win where as Marco and king are peers
so my theory that he would need CoC to be strong enough gets shit on by him using CoC to be strong enough. Got it.

Luffy went head to head with a lower tier opponent and without using his greatest powers was in trouble.

Yeah that's the same as Marco, Whitebeard's best man, giving King some trouble before getting knocked on his ass and giving up before King even got serious lol
The Rock series was used without Adv CoC. Chapter 1000 showed that.
Luffy aint that strong like Bakugou and Deku, there aint such huge difference between him and other top or high tiers.

Luffy is just reaching the peak of his abilities which can be increased.
You're not proving me wrong lmao, just pouring salt on the Sanji fans who laughed about Zoro getting stalled only to have their man call an individual Gifter strong.

One shot sneezes at? It's probably pointless to try understanding what this shit is supposed to mean, how about you find a scan.
Don't need scans for anything. Your Ulti argument is absurd. Oda draws shit like that for dramatic purposes, just like him having a bunch of scrubs impede Zoros progress. That shit is not indicative of a characters strength.

Should we talk about how Zoro failed to get Shusui back from Gyukimaru, when in reality he should have one shoted him and been done and over with long before Killer ever arrived?
That's IF Luffy's fruit is special because it's all super powerful when Awakened.
IF is the key word.

There's no point in preparing in advance or anything. Luffy is already powerful without something special from his fruit (if we assume that Gorosei was talking about his fruit). Unless his fruit has a hidden passive skill that make the user learns x3 faster the Hakis or something like that.
Don't need scans for anything. Your Ulti argument is absurd. Oda draws shit like that for dramatic purposes, just like him having a bunch of scrubs impede Zoros progress. That shit is not indicative of a characters strength.
The shit Oda draws is not indicative of what he writes. Lmao classic. I can imagine you get bodied in almost every thread, with this attitude.

In grasping for straws you managed to get a hold of Gyukimaru, so back to school I guess:

Zoro, two swords instead of his normal three, toyed with him
He never even bothered to put on a bandanna when going back. And before you try to argue that Zoro trying to talk to this guy is some sort of reflection of inability, remember that Kawamatsu directly mentioned that he wasn't trying... while blocking Kawamatu's sneak attack
For the record you do remember Kawamatsu, right?
A guy strong enough to hurt Kaido and at the level of competing with Jack if we look at the Asura and the Mink bosses, is not able to touch Zoro while confirming that he's not serious.

But why isn't Zoro serious is the question, right? Neither of them are so if Zoro isn't serious against a sword thief that we both understand that he can beat easily, it also just says that he doesn't feel killing intent. Gyukimaru, as we learn through the SBS, was supposed to be in shock that Zoro is just like Ushimaru, so that would explain why he doesn't try to threaten Zoro enough to justify getting cut down. It's not that it isn't true, Oda just cut it for the sake of storytelling. So he gave the Zoro boner to Kawamatsu but we all know how this story will go with Benkei, because we have Google right?

Zoro didn't attempt to seriously pursue fights with Kyoshiro, Kawamatsu, or Gyukimaru and if you remember, that was also the point of his whole mission in Wano: to recruit the strong samurai. Each of of those three survived to help in the battle against Kaido, so none of them can be used as a knock against him.

but wait by your own logic why the fuck were you bringing up Gyukimaru in a Luffy thread, lol
The shit Oda draws is not indicative of what he writes. Lmao classic. I can imagine you get bodied in almost every thread, with this attitude.

In grasping for straws you managed to get a hold of Gyukimaru, so back to school I guess:

Zoro, two swords instead of his normal three, toyed with him
He never even bothered to put on a bandanna when going back. And before you try to argue that Zoro trying to talk to this guy is some sort of reflection of inability, remember that Kawamatsu directly mentioned that he wasn't trying... while blocking Kawamatu's sneak attack
For the record you do remember Kawamatsu, right?
A guy strong enough to hurt Kaido and at the level of competing with Jack if we look at the Asura and the Mink bosses, is not able to touch Zoro while confirming that he's not serious.

But why isn't Zoro serious is the question, right? Neither of them are so if Zoro isn't serious against a sword thief that we both understand that he can beat easily, it also just says that he doesn't feel killing intent. Gyukimaru, as we learn through the SBS, was supposed to be in shock that Zoro is just like Ushimaru, so that would explain why he doesn't try to threaten Zoro enough to justify getting cut down. It's not that it isn't true, Oda just cut it for the sake of storytelling. So he gave the Zoro boner to Kawamatsu but we all know how this story will go with Benkei, because we have Google right?

Zoro didn't attempt to seriously pursue fights with Kyoshiro, Kawamatsu, or Gyukimaru and if you remember, that was also the point of his whole mission in Wano: to recruit the strong samurai. Each of of those three survived to help in the battle against Kaido, so none of them can be used as a knock against him.

but wait by your own logic why the fuck were you bringing up Gyukimaru in a Luffy thread, lol
Lmao, I love how all your reasonings only applies to Zoro. Nothing but excuses when it comes to your boy, but put other people in similar situations, and the blinder goggles come on.

I don't have to write a book defending Luffy. Since you put so much effort into mansplaining Zoros situations, which I already know about, then you should be smart enough to read between the lines with the Luffy situations. So go figure it out yourself, and quit being hypocritical.
I don't have to write a book defending Luffy.
Nobody asked you to write anything. I'm more likely to beg you not to actually, lol. If you remember I asked you to show scenes of what you're trying to say because otherwise you're just pulling all this out of your ass.

Anyway, I hope you're not actually a guy if you say something stupid like "mansplain." The fuck does my gender have to do with anything lol
Nobody asked you to write anything. I'm more likely to beg you not to actually, lol. If you remember I asked you to show scenes of what you're trying to say because otherwise you're just pulling all this out of your ass.

Anyway, I hope you're not actually a guy if you say something stupid like "mansplain." The fuck does my gender have to do with anything lol
It has nothing to do with your gender, lmao. You're trying to preach the obvious to me. I'm just rolling with your hypocrisy at this point. I'm fully capable of reading between the lines of the Zoro situations. Funny how your not catching on that all I'm doing is throwing likewise Zoro situations at you, that you clearly read between the lines with, yet fail to do that in situations involving Luffy.
It has nothing to do with your gender, lmao. You're trying to preach the obvious to me. I'm just rolling with your hypocrisy at this point. I'm fully capable of reading between the lines of the Zoro situations. Funny how your not catching on that all I'm doing is throwing likewise Zoro situations at you, that you clearly read between the lines with, yet fail to do that in situations involving Luffy.
Situations involving Luffy. Like what, I've been asking for examples. If you bring up Gyukimaru to compare to me knocking Luffy for how Ulti was handled, then tell me about how he sat on her and asked her to give up lol. Or how Zoro was fighting Gyukimaru and said "shit I'm gonna need Asura for this." I'd rather see it than you just saying it of course, but you can't show it. You're just vague as fuck with all this talk about hypocrisy
Situations involving Luffy. Like what, I've been asking for examples. If you bring up Gyukimaru to compare to me knocking Luffy for how Ulti was handled, then tell me about how he sat on her and asked her to give up lol. Or how Zoro was fighting Gyukimaru and said "shit I'm gonna need Asura for this." I'd rather see it than you just saying it of course, but you can't show it. You're just vague as fuck with all this talk about hypocrisy
What panels do you want exactly? The one where Luffy completely blitzes past Ulti and pile drives her, before she even knew what hit her?

The panel where Luffy uses basic CoA in a headbutt clash?

The one where he is dealing with Page One, and she sneaks him from behind and grips both of his arms?

What the fuck exactly did Ulti do that has you so wowed?


Zoro Worshipper
Power creeps run so fast.

Luffy was barely low difficulty material for Kaido around chapter 1010 and now he can probably push him to at least high if both started on their 100%
What panels do you want exactly? The one where Luffy completely blitzes past Ulti and pile drives her, before she even knew what hit her?

The panel where Luffy uses basic CoA in a headbutt clash?

The one where he is dealing with Page One, and she sneaks him from behind and grips both of his arms?

What the fuck exactly did Ulti do that has you so wowed?
Make an actual sentence to compare something.... you mentioned Zoro before but had no scene to reference, now you mention scenes that happened but don't correlate them to how Luffy compares with Zoro. You didn't even mention Zoro in this post so what conclusion can be reached lol
Make an actual sentence to compare something.... you mentioned Zoro before but had no scene to reference, now you mention scenes that happened but don't correlate them to how Luffy compares with Zoro. You didn't even mention Zoro in this post so what conclusion can be reached lol
You're the one who tried using "Luffy having trouble with lower tier opponents" as an excuse, and I bring up examples of Zoro having trouble with "Lower tier opponents" as a counter argument, and all I see from you is "That doesn't count" rebuttals. Like I said, Oda does that shit for dramatic purposes, so your Ulti reference was moot to the original argument in the first place.

Oda drew the whole Ulti/Page One scene with Luffy clear enough that we know if Luffy would have gotten even the slightest bit serious, he'd have mopped the floor with both of them. The only reason Ulti got the drop on him in the first place, is because he was focused on Page One, after he blitzed the dust off of her, and smashed her into the ground.
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