General & Others Could the editors be forcing Oda's hands to make Luffy an overpowered protagonist?

You're the one who tried using "Luffy having trouble with lower tier opponents" as an excuse, and I bring up examples of Zoro having trouble with "Lower tier opponents" as a counter argument, and all I see from you is "That doesn't count" rebuttals. Like I said, Oda does that shit for dramatic purposes, so your Ulti reference was moot to the original argument in the first place.

Oda drew the whole Ulti/Page One scene with Luffy clear enough that we know if Luffy would have gotten even the slightest bit serious, he'd have mopped the floor with both of them. The only reason Ulti got the drop on him in the first place, is because he was focused on Page One, after he blitzed the dust off of her, and smashed her into the ground.
I see. Your point is vague because you're dancing around what we already talked about. I never said that something doesn't count, I said Gyukimaru was never portrayed as a threat to Zoro, he fucking sat on the guy. Whereas Luffy said he needed Gear 4 against Ulti and a rather powerful character knocked her down to help him out before it escalated. He didn't break out of the grip and he never used Adv CoA to get them off of his ass. So anyone saying he'd wreck King with it has nothing to go on aside from the opening shot that just made Kaido smile.

Ulti knocked Luffy down when they first met, but you haven't brought up one person who's actually even tagged Zoro. Across a dozen posts you'd have made a specific comparison if you had a point, but all you managed was wasting my time by making me explain shit I've already shown from the manga.
I see. Your point is vague because you're dancing around what we already talked about. I never said that something doesn't count, I said Gyukimaru was never portrayed as a threat to Zoro, he fucking sat on the guy. Whereas Luffy said he needed Gear 4 against Ulti and a rather powerful character knocked her down to help him out before it escalated. He didn't break out of the grip and he never used Adv CoA to get them off of his ass. So anyone saying he'd wreck King with it has nothing to go on aside from the opening shot that just made Kaido smile.

Ulti knocked Luffy down when they first met, but you haven't brought up one person who's actually even tagged Zoro. Across a dozen posts you'd have made a specific comparison if you had a point, but all you managed was wasting my time by making me explain shit I've already shown from the manga.
Luffy was going to use G4 against both Ulti and Page One to end them quickly. Those are two Veteran Level characters, that are Zoan's, known for their durability. How long do you think they would have lasted had Luffy used G4? It'd have been one shot KO's for both of them. That's a form that even Big Mom used Haki to defend against, and she's an Iron Balloon, who can't tank attacks like nobodies business. It's literally no different than when Luffy used G2 to defeat Blueno, then went on the fight and defeat Rob Lucci, who was in a whole different realm in terms of strength compared to Blueno.

G4 is that powerful, and if you add AdCoA to the mix, Luffy would wreck King with it. Zoro wasn't just losing to King because his attacks were ineffective, they just weren't as effective as the could be, as he did make King draw blood. Zoro was losing because King outclassed in in strength, speed, durability, the whole nine yards. Something Luffy would not struggle with, because he already proved he could go 11 hours against a Yonko Commander, meanwhile Zoro was about to lose in five minutes against one until he unlocked one of the strongest offensive powers in the verse. Something Luffy didn't need to beat a YC1.

Not to mention, Zoro can't even use AdCoC for more than a minute, as it damn near almost killed him. He said so himself. Meanwhile, Luffy is using it like it's nothing, and going toe to toe with the man who has the reputation of being the Strongest Being alive, and in a one on one fight, you always bet on this man.

So how you guys can sit here and straight faced say Zoro is comparable to Luffy, is beyond me.
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Don't worry, it's all in your head. You are making the classic mistake of overestimating the rubber boy.

1) His fight with Kaido is not a 1v1, the gauntlet can't be ignored. He's also about to get ragdolled by Kaido again.

2) He won't even be the one to defeat Kaido. The King of Hell is not done. "The battle is not over until his head is severed".

Whatever Luffy gets as a PU won't be enough to beat Kaido. He is not overpowered by any means, it's quite the opposite.



Zoro Worshipper
Don't worry, it's all in your head. You are making the classic mistake of overestimating the rubber boy.

1) His fight with Kaido is not a 1v1, the gauntlet can't be ignored. He's also about to get ragdolled by Kaido again.

2) He won't even be the one to defeat Kaido. The King of Hell is not done. "The battle is not over until his head is severed".

Whatever Luffy gets as a PU won't be enough to beat Kaido. He is not overpowered by any means, it's quite the opposite.

Oda displayed how his Base is definitely not good enough to damage him enough to beat him considering he probably unleashed some of his strongest attacks but Kaido doesn't seem so serious and he will have to afford G4 hoping to defeat Kaido and maybe awakening.

What a pleasure if the Grandmaster will sustain him.
It's almost like Oda threw in that line from Izo to counter the nonsense you started on about how the Gifters numbers didn't matter as a threat
Comparing Izo who is fighting since the start of the raid to a Fresh Zoro
The fact that you compare Izo and Zoro tells a lot about Zoro's performance
Comparing Izo who is fighting since the start of the raid to a Fresh Zoro
The fact that you compare Izo and Zoro tells a lot about Zoro's performance
Zoro was being conservative because of the major battle ahead and went on to face the two Yonko, one of them being the same Kaido who buried Izo in a 9vs1.

Izo is hurt pretty badly and won't have the ability to slow CP0 much, despite them being hurt by Drake. That same small group of Gifters had also been through six volumes of war but whatever you need to tell yourself to downplay Zoro lol
Zoro was being conservative because of the major battle ahead and went on to face the two Yonko, one of them being the same Kaido who buried Izo in a 9vs1.

Izo is hurt pretty badly and won't have the ability to slow CP0 much, despite them being hurt by Drake. That same small group of Gifters had also been through six volumes of war but whatever you need to tell yourself to downplay Zoro lol
Being conservative ? When he was huffing ?
Doesn't sounds like a good way to save stamina and health
So you agree he should have way done better than Izo and not be stalled ?
Nothing states it's the same group of gifters and they aren't all gifters
Don't forget that it started because you was downplayning Luffy
Should it even matter? His next opponents are absolutely more overpowered so it's just a part of the development in order not to make future developments not so much of an as*pull...

Luffy's newfound power has just been unlocked... There would always be after effects and limits at first...
Yes, they be slipping weed in his cofee.

Seriously tough, only a couple of manga authors can do warever the fuck they want, Oda is one of them. What jump gonna do about it? cancel one piece?