You are not right. You are putting several words in my mouth. Yes Big Mom was nerfed, and no Queen isnt even close to her in strength. But how can you then bring
that Feat as an example for Big Mom's might? Thats ridiculous. Its like me saying Greenbull is a monster cause he stalls Morley when holding back completely. That would be an awful example for his strength.
And I know why you did that. Cause Big Mom throwing Queen through some buildings is almost the best Feat we saw from her in over half a decade of massive screen time.
You gotta admit Oda did her so dirty.
I said excuse cause you try to sweet talk Big Mom getting knocked out by Queen a little too much, acting like it was not her fault and not part of her character. Just admit that Big Mom is a liability and its part of her character to nerf herself all the time, in addition to her overall low iq and weak psychological characteristics.
No, it would be like you saying "Whitebeard is just ill, if he wasnt ill he would be the strongest in the verse, thats why we arent allowed to count his illness". But we gotta
accept illness is
part of Whitebeard in his old age and a nerf which is part of his character,
just like the nerfs on Big Mom are part of her character.
Stop it. At this point of the story
you should know that bandages arent necessarily a sign for being exhausted and injured. Its just there to show that a character passed a fight/war.
For example Sengoku had a full body bandage after the Marineford war, even though we saw him being completely clean at the end of the war and barely fought.
Its just a plot device Oda uses. And I dont doubt that King and Queen were injured after their fight, but they had a whole week to recover. So you cannot tell me they werent at least close to full recovery.
No, thats not what I'm saying. Luffy and co were surely not at 100%. But
1) King and Queen are ancient zoan users and thus recover
much quicker than regular humans. They were
not who Shanks was refering to.
2) Not being fully recovered is something that surely makes a different in a high diff fight in the long run. But
you cannot tell me that if 2 characters X and Y get negged by Z in no time with no efforts, that it would make any difference if X and Y were 100% fit instead of 90%.
What I'm telling you is that if Greenbull mid to high diffed them, I could definitely understand people saying that the fight could be harder for Greenbull if he fought them pre Wano Arc. But you
cannot say that in a neg diff.
Again same bandage argument which is faulty. Cause bandages can never tell you much about the state a character is at that moment. Do you really think Marco was
in need of bandages? Dude is literally a Phoenix and barely fought in the war. Oda just gave everyone bandages to show that they passed a war.
If there was a character appearing in Wano and
negging Luffy at that point, without a doubt it would
not make a difference for Luffy if he had a 2-3 days more of rest to get back to 100%. If he came and high to extreme diffed Luffy after multiple hours of fighting, okay, fair argument that his fatigue costs him the fight in the long run.
Its simple logic. Oda clearly dropped the sentence "I told you not to attack me. As an Admiral I cannot be beaten by mere Commanders." after negging them to show the
huge difference in power an Admiral has in comparison to a Commander. I swear it was clear to everyone apart of all these Yonkotards who are envious that Greenbull utterly fodderized the 2 strongest fighters - one of the best Feats of another Yonko was to throw one of those Commanders through some buildings.

There are levels to this game.