You call that a source.. Lol
The dude literally laid down universal common ancestry, made assumptions about it, and proceeded to calle a scientific theory a FACT
Like what's the point even? "Oh Bleak Look At this dude making calims and his claims are facts so don't ignore facts " do actually think this is an appropriate and academic way to discuss this topic?
Just quoting a video of an explanaiton from a random narrator with 0 credentials in the topic.
If you had read a research on the matter you'd understand they never claim factuality for a reason, because they know assumptions and involved
The most you can do is beat around the bush like Zenos7 and not deal with the point
"A theory never becomes a fact. It is an explanation of one or more facts. A well-supported evidence-based theory becomes acceptable until disproved. It never evolves to a fact, and that's a fact."
If you use logic my guy..
Something that makes sense due to a well constructed explanaiton ≠ its a universal fact and reality because it has comprehensible and elaborate explanaitons
If you ask any academic biologist Darwinism, the theory you are championing as a fact, is being critiqued on an academic level concurrently in major academic institution
The whole fundamental idea of darwanism " the survival of the fittest gene" or whatever.. Is inaccurate and cannot explain human sociology
Here is concise explanaiton to why and this gentleman has the expertise to back it up he's doing PhD in Philosophy of Biology as we speak, unlike the youtuber you quoted who has no active credentials in this realm
Here're another video (5 minutes) of him explaining why similarity throughthe mechanism of natural selection just makes theory more probable which is premised upon assumptions and doesn't make it factual
I did my due courtesy watching that lullaby 😂😂 it was presented well bht it is what it is there are problematic aspects go it but hopefully you go through these video and understand a bit or 2 about this heated topic
you beat around the bush with the definition to avoid facing the fact that scientific theories aren't facts and can evolve and change
You don't seem to be even addressing it.. you call me a flat earther but damn for someone this arrogant you sure never deal with the point and rather choose to remain vague with your definition of whatever a scientific theory is to your crooked understanding.