Character Discussion Do you think with the Hype Crocodile has got recently that the next time he appears fighting that Oda will show him stronger than Doffy,Queen etc. ?

"Doffy doesent"
Having CoC literally comfirms you have Kingly Potential/Ambition. Doffy has CoC saying doesent isnt even a thing cause its comfirmed its just a matter of if he can reach his Goal.
That's irrelevant and we already know that. CoC is just a hype tool. Fact is he has no grand goals like crocodile whose purpose of taking over Alabasta was related to pluton a world level event, dreams about being PK, his views towards WB etc... While with DD... There is nothing. He is just a underworld broker, hiding and saving himself through other means(secrets from being CD, Kaidos protection). . That's why croco is being given a better role now.. And doffy was a just a minor villain in the overall scale..
Why are you comparing Crocodile with Dressarosa Dofla and Queen? :eeke:
He shouldn't be THAT strong but he probably is around YC1 because Oda likes him and brought him back for the endgame. Give him decent haki and awakening and put him against DF users and anything can happen. Think of Apoo trolling Luffy, Zoro and Kidd because they didn't understand Apoo's power and couldn't counter him.
There will be some growth for sure. He was "matching" Doflamingo already at Marineford, and even took hits from Joz without necessarily being taken out immediately. He also stopped Mihawk temporarily (though who knows how much Mihawk was trying vs not giving a shit)

Im not sure whst the purpose is for CG in terms of direct fights or endgame plot save for Mihawk, but I see Moria and Doflamingo also joining and being "similar" in scope.
S-Croco doesn't have a logia nor does he have haki, Croco can't do anything about the flame. This is going to be a water gun fight.
S-Croco's DF will be something similar to Smoothie's DF or Shu's DF I guess.

And I think every Warlords will get Adv CoC because I have Warlords vs Seraphims match-ups in the Final War.