Character Discussion For the so called "World's Strongest Creature and Pirate" it seems like not that many cared about Kaido's defeat


Foul Legacy

Not many cared?

The world imbalance came in. Aramaki himself said it's a mess outside.

A yonkou falling can never be not a big event.

Though I want to see how many would care about Garp falling.

Is this the panel from which you people deduced they didn't wanna anger kaido?

Here's the breakdown

Statement 1 - We sacrificed one of our agents and enraged kaido

---> they already acted in a way that could anger Kaido and not that they fear kaido will get angry if they do something.

-----> and, its more to do with balance of power but let's leave this

Statement 2 - this may be better than the alternative. It's imperative that we snuff out something this problematic. This statement is followed by Venus talking about Gomu Gomu so we can deduce that the alternative Saturn talked about is Nika

----> Thus, elders believe taking out Nika is more important and they are ready to do so even if it enrage kaido.

Same Nika whom they fought on egghead without any fear lmao
Damn. Man hasn't stopped coping yet. Even your fav BB calls Kaido a dreaded monster. Have some shame 🤣


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I don't think anything I say will get to your head. Why bother? You literally creating your own head canon and doing dissection in detail lol. I don't need to make excuses.
Excuses lmao

you don't have anything to argue against the panel...

I guess you have habit of taking statements literally without reading the context in which it's given


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Lmao. Gorosei hyped Kaido. Reborn - Nah it's some conspiracy. It has actually a complete different meaning and the correct meaning is what I say.

You said Elders fear kaido? You said they didn't wanna anger kaido?

Panel says they already acted in a way that could enraged kaido and it's because they are more worried about Nika...same Nika whom they are fighting and Nika isn't able to do anything to them.

Is it clear or should I simplify it more for you?

You need to come out of the bubble which you created where in WG and other top tiers fear Kaido when they don't