Game 01: Generic Mafia [Game Thread]

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Vote Count


Rej >
Reborn > Rej
Playa4321 > Kiwipom
Gambit > Kiwipom
Naomi > Gambit
TheAncientCenturion > Gambit
Kiwipom > Gambit

Vote Count

Rej - 1 vote
Gambit - 3 votes
Kiwipom - 2 votes
Bogard - 1 vote

Non Voters

Hhhmm interesting opinion.. Again, I don't give a fuck if he is new or not. His posts led me to suspect him... And I cannot grasp why you and TAC view him as townie when he reeks scum in his every posts... I had brought a decent case against him and the least he could do is to defend himself.. He did but I was not satisfied with that..

Your eventual votes on me made it more suspicious. One suspects the other who you guys dont have infrmation and backed it up with a tieing vote is scummy af.

because they are asking questions about the game if lynch or no lynch? which looks sus? they are a newbie! and wth not satisfied by their answer?

No i put vote on you, because of playa random vote tactic, then you hopped on case and put weak reasons why kiwi is scum, which i don't buy at all.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Vote Count


Rej > Rej>TheAncientCenturion>Bogard>TheAncientCenturion>Bogard
Reborn > Rej
Playa4321 > Kiwipom
Gambit > Kiwipom
Naomi > Gambit
TheAncientCenturion > Gambit
Kiwipom > Gambit

Vote Count

Rej - 1 vote
Gambit - 3 votes
Kiwipom - 2 votes
Bogard - 1 vote

Non Voters

I later unvoted Rej. sorry for not quoting you.

Also, I think you all are really jumping on the guns here. People you guys opted - gambit and kiwi are not giving me vibes of scum.

The reason is its first day and sk is minority so I doubt he/she will involve themselves in chaos so heavily like these two.

Mafia are two guys working in tandem so their approach would be careful but both of them here are creating havoc solo. They are least worried about their reputation and leaking info imo.

You guys are getting blind by what you are seeing instead of reading between the lines.

And, if anyone of these highly active participant in central drama turns out to be townie, we will be in serious disadvantage.

I am with rej here. Bogard is my primary suspect. If he doesn't show up, I am lynching him


I will never forgive Oda
Well if people unvote @Kiwipom, I'll unvote @Gambit. I think Gambit is suspicious but not enough for me to normally vote him. But I'm pretty confident Kiwi isn't evil. He's been active and trying to help in limited capacities and trying to learn the game. If it comes down to it, I'll rather take a gamble on Gambit than a certified loss on Kiwi.

Also, I'm not sure about Bogard. Don't get me wrong, it'd be funny if we lynched him. But I don't know why he appears sus to you @Reborn


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I know you did but you need to bold it... no need to tag though
Unvote Rej

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Well if people unvote @Kiwipom, I'll unvote @Gambit. I think Gambit is suspicious but not enough for me to normally vote him. But I'm pretty confident Kiwi isn't evil. He's been active and trying to help in limited capacities and trying to learn the game. If it comes down to it, I'll rather take a gamble on Gambit than a certified loss on Kiwi.

Also, I'm not sure about Bogard. Don't get me wrong, it'd be funny if we lynched him. But I don't know why he appears sus to you @Reborn
I am not an expert but one thing I am good at is observing people and noticing their behavior.

The reason you give me vibe of townie is because I tried to read you behavior by putting you in different roles and our past discussion experience helped me draw an inference that you could be townie (though your act is suspicious especially the length you are going to defend kiwi - mafia teaming) but as I said the behavior reading of both you and kiwi from past experience and in this thread makes me feel you both are townie as of now at least.

But with Bogard it's totally different. Not only he dodged questions and went inactive the moment rej questioned him, but also he is showing least interest in the game.

Another thing which is an issue here is Bogard told kiwi before during sign up that he can guide her but yesterday when rej questioned him, he acted as he doesn't know anything about this game. Weird behavioral change vibe and lack of honesty here.
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I will never forgive Oda
Unvote Rej

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I am not an expert but one thing I am good at is observing people and noticing their behavior.

The reason you give me vibe of townie is because I tried to read you behavior by putting you in different roles and our past discussion experience helped me draw an inference that you could be townie (though your act is suspicious especially the length you are going to defend kiwi - mafia teaming) but as I said the behavior reading of both you and kiwi from past experience and in this thread makes me feel you both are townie as of now at least.

But with Bogard it's totally different. Not only he dodged questions and went inactive the moment rej questioned him, but also he is showing least interest in the game.

Another thing which is an issue here is Bogard told kiwi before during sign up that he can guide her but yesterday when rej questioned him, he acted as he doesn't know anything about this game. Weird behavioral change vibe and lack of honesty here.
I wouldn't take past game experiences or material said pre-game too seriously, honestly. I also said I'd guide Kiwi but I'm almost as clueless as he is. Bogard's likely busy with work and the many additions to a growing forum, if we want to look beyond the perspective of the game.

I don't think his absence is enough to justify a vote against him. I'm sure when he comes back he'll be the same snarky @Bogard .


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Also @playa4321 you started this the random lynching and once chaos got started you are totally gone. It's like you triggered something and watching from distance enjoying us fighting like cats lmao

Please clarify you stand asap
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I wouldn't take past game experiences or material said pre-game too seriously, honestly. I also said I'd guide Kiwi but I'm almost as clueless as he is. Bogard's likely busy with work and the many additions to a growing forum, if we want to look beyond the perspective of the game.

I don't think his absence is enough to justify a vote against him. I'm sure when he comes back he'll be the same snarky @Bogard .
I know this very well and that's why I haven't lynched him yet and waiting for him to clarify his stand so that I don't end up lynching a townie just based on my hunch but he isn't showing up at all. So how shall we take this then? Leave it unnoticed? Isn't this exactly what he wants if he is a scum


I will never forgive Oda
Also @playa4321 you started this the random lynching and once chaos got started you are totally gone. It's like you triggered something and watching from distance enjoying us fighting like cats lmao

Please clarify you stand asap
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I know this very well and that's why I haven't lynched him yet and waiting for him to clarify his stand so that I don't end up lynching a townie just based on my hunch but he isn't showing up at all. So how shall we take this then? Leave it unnoticed? Isn't this exactly what he wants if he is a scum
I do not forget. If Bogard acts suspicious, I'll have him hanging ASAP.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I do not forget. If Bogard acts suspicious, I'll have him hanging ASAP.
Tell me one thing how will you find him suspicious if he isn't leaking any info? Lol

The same goes for Haku.

Anyway, I am not lynching anyone as there is still time before voting concludes. I hope they come online and remove my doubts. This is already me giving them chance to prove that they are townie. I don't think I can do anything more than this considering how strong my behavioral vibes are rn
Also @playa4321 you started this the random lynching and once chaos got started you are totally gone. It's like you triggered something and watching from distance enjoying us fighting like cats lmao

Please clarify you stand asap
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I know this very well and that's why I haven't lynched him yet and waiting for him to clarify his stand so that I don't end up lynching a townie just based on my hunch but he isn't showing up at all. So how shall we take this then? Leave it unnoticed? Isn't this exactly what he wants if he is a scum
I was sleeping LMAO, it is 7am morning in my country. But I get that what I want and this game need, reactions.
Before someone coming with "you are a villian" , stop it and get some help.:suresure:

Why I vote for @Vonal in first place? I choose one of the inactiv user and try to get a reaction. And my plan worked, Vonal write something and you post a suspect post against me, first reaction.

Then I change my vote to Gambit and don't directly get any reaction.

Then I change again my vote and give it to you and see, Gambit directly jump on the wagon and choose you too. Either he is a villian who want to take the advanced or he believe that you was a villian.

To make a list who is good or bad in the first day is just bad. Also we need posts and a active game with tons of reactions or we can't find any villian, because that @Reborn I randomly choose user woth giving them a lynch vote.

When is the end of the vote time?
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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I was sleeping LMAO, it is 7am morning in my country. But I get that what I and this game need, reactions.
Before someone coming with "you are a villian" , stop it and get some help.:suresure:

Why I vote for @Vonal in first place? I choose one of the inactiv user and try to get a reaction. And my plan worked, Vonal write something and you post a suspect post against me, first reaction.

Then I change my vote to Gambit and don't directly get any reaction.

Then I change again my vote and give it to you and see, Gambit directly jump on the wagon and choose you too. Either he is a villian who want to take the advanced or he believe that you was a villian.

To make a list who is good or bad in the first day is just bad. Also we need posts and a active game with tons of reactions or we can't find any villian, because that @Reborn I randomly choose user woth giving them a lynch vote.
What's with you and coincidences? Lmao

You mentioned vonal and he came immediately as if you knew he is online.

And, now I mentioned you, and you came immediately as if you were lurking :kriwhat:

Anyway, you give me town vibe as of now because you didn't dodge Kiwipom and my question and addressed our concern. That's enough transparency for me. So I will leave you as of now (but I will be keeping my eye on you) :kata:

Now, since you got enough reactions, I would like to know whom you find as primary suspect? You must be having some intuitions because it's you who started this to get reactions and since you got plenty of them so whom you find scum?
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@playa4321 we have 2 and a half hours left before day 1 ends @Izumi can clarify further
Ok now.. I admit that Kiwi's case is rather weak than nothing... I am notfamiliar with him being a newbie but again it shouldn't be taken against me..

I voted him for the cases i presented and I needed for him to amswer back which he did... When he responded, I honestly think that he was just defending just fine but I needed a reinsurance so I asked him again... He didn't falter and slipped which I liked... The only thing now that bugged me is how he viewed 4 townies that easily.. But it is his reads and I respect that... I will unvote him for the sake of newbie card but I will keep my watch on him...

Unvote Kiwi @Izumi

Now let's take a fresher outlook on the first player who hardly believe on the towniness of Kiwi, Naomi... You should realize that we don't have any information just yet... The only person who can identify who's town or not is the mafia day cop... The way she hardly lean on Kiwi being town is suspicious on my end; why? Why not?? Lemme ask you all this, if Kiwi isn't newbie, would you have believed that he is 100% town? Naaah... But why someone without ominformation believe he is one? It means she is hiding something... I am pretty sure that Naomi is scum by that outlook and it is supported by the way she tryna deduce my reasoning about Kiwi and the way she quickly created a wagon on me.. I would not take it against TAC and Kiwi for jumping on the wagon but on the first one who triggered it..

Vote lynch Naomi
Ok now.. I admit that Kiwi's case is rather weak than nothing... I am notfamiliar with him being a newbie but again it shouldn't be taken against me..

I voted him for the cases i presented and I needed for him to amswer back which he did... When he responded, I honestly think that he was just defending just fine but I needed a reinsurance so I asked him again... He didn't falter and slipped which I liked... The only thing now that bugged me is how he viewed 4 townies that easily.. But it is his reads and I respect that... I will unvote him for the sake of newbie card but I will keep my watch on him...

Unvote Kiwi @Izumi

Now let's take a fresher outlook on the first player who hardly believe on the towniness of Kiwi, Naomi... You should realize that we don't have any information just yet... The only person who can identify who's town or not is the mafia day cop... The way she hardly lean on Kiwi being town is suspicious on my end; why? Why not?? Lemme ask you all this, if Kiwi isn't newbie, would you have believed that he is 100% town? Naaah... But why someone without ominformation believe he is one? It means she is hiding something... I am pretty sure that Naomi is scum by that outlook and it is supported by the way she tryna deduce my reasoning about Kiwi and the way she quickly created a wagon on me.. I would not take it against TAC and Kiwi for jumping on the wagon but on the first one who triggered it..

Vote lynch Naomi
I came to defense who i thought is town, Plus you seem eeger with bs info by lynching, give me a break! :pepeanger:

by next day be 3 kills total, (with town miss lynch) then next day other 3+ if scum get there way!
They are engaged with the game, and asking question. This is town read imo from new player.
Now that some bullshit reason... Because one is active doesn't mean he is town.. Remember that an SK and A mafia require to be active in scumhunting and townhunting, too to reasonably choose a better target and leverage on their night abilities without hitting one another during early game... There are lot of players around the globe who opted to be active rather than lurk to blend in well and not be suspected... That alone does encompass towniness; it's tactic.. Your material is the most bullshit thing i have heard this phase and I find it hard to believe that that alone is your reason... You reek too much information that he is town and slippes hard on the gutter with that foul play..

Guys where are you..?
  1. @Reborn
  2. @playa4321
  3. @TheAncientCenturion
  4. @Finalbeta
  5. @Kiwipom
  6. @Bogard
  7. @Haku
  8. @Vonal
  9. @Gambit
  10. @Celestia
  11. @Rej
  12. @Naomi
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