Says Gakushou himself. Lol. He flat out states that Kan Saro is the greatest subordinate General amongst Shabishou's retinue.
Kan Saro is stated to be the
best commander in Seika aside from Shi Ba Shou.
Does that mean he is a stronger fighter than Fuu On and Gaku Shou? Is his army stronger than either the Gaku Shou or JKR armies? Is he a better strategist than Gaku Shou? A better leader? Is he the best because he's well-rounded? We don't know.
You need a lot of context to seriously examine anything and we simply do not have that context given the lack of data.
The Gaku Ka has gone throughout this manga punching way above their own weight.
Never like this. Not even Shukai comes close.
Unlike Shukai, their overall numbers weren't close (88K vs 120k compared to 140k vs 310k). They didn't have a strategic genius like Ou Sen to rely on. There was no Ou Sen Army to look to for support or guidance. There were no nearby armies to potentially retreat to.
Shukai also didn't come off the back off a massive atrocities the Zhao want to avenge either.
Regardless of advantages or not,
So you are ignoring the circumstances of the battle, which I repeat were:
- numbers
- terrain
- morale
- conditioning
the fact that Gakushou (one of the comparatively weaker Seika leaders) was pretty much set to wipe out Mouten's unit is still impressive. Lol.
You hype up and talk down the Seika commanders in whichever context suits you. You have nothing to base your perceived skill or power gaps on. That's just your own headcanon.
The Seika Army DWARFED the combined mass of HSA+GKA vs Zhao already fighting BY ITSELF. It could easily be anywhere from 40,000 to 60,000 strong.
With all the advantages it had, what is it you find so impressive about the
larger, fresher and better positioned army getting the the better of <10K army that was bleeding out and close to being overrun before reinforcements arrived?
Like, goddamn, can't you just say you're a fan of the Seika characters and leave it at that? Why the need for all this hyperbole and selective reading? I just don't get it.