Is Bleach Better than Kingdom?

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Current Shin with 5k vs Naki with 5k

Shin would beat Naki ass, too strong and one instinct move to turn the tide. Nobody would stop his rampage
Present Shin would need fewer than a 1000 to tear through a 5K Na Ki Unit.

Shin knows where to press to make it hurt and he inspires tremendous momentum and martial might out of his men when he leads.

Na Ki would get obliterated. There is just no comparison here. It's prime Iron Mike versus an above average contender six weight classes down.
No, dude, I'm not going to trust you. Cut this shit out already. :kobeha:

Kyou Kai left a damn near decade ago, bruh. Where is your mind at? Shin is 26, he's a general now. Ri Boku just compared his maneuvers at Gian to Great General Duke Hyou. Get with the program.

Shin would crush Na Ki's 1K unit with 300 ordinary troops, never mind elites.
Zenou also can maneuvers thats not what is meant to be a general

we saw him lose its the same Shin who only acts for momentary he cant control the battlefield

Naki with 100 would own Shins 300

Shin would fall for his traps he is still an idiot an general a real general in reallife doesnt fight on the front he is at the HQ and supervise all battlefields you guys did talk about Shin and Naki

No russian general takes a weapon and attacks the enemy he stays behind thats what Riboku and Ousen do

Shin will always be a brute who can move with a elite unit he will be never a match anyone with his brain
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Current Shin with 5k vs Naki with 5k

Shin would beat Naki ass, too strong and one instinct move to turn the tide. Nobody would stop his rampage
Nah we saw it in the manga too without Kyokai and Ten he is nothing he lost all his battles because he doesnt understand tactics a war doesnt function like OP

Shin is incompetent it is annoying for me too but he doesnt understand anything instinct isnt superior to tacts which Riboku showed very hard when he buried the 390.000 soldiers instict didnt helped them
Shin would straight up solo the 100 and kill Naki after having a passionate night with him
No need for 300 men
Like he did it at the border where no names nearly cost him his title

As long as you think this is OP or Naruto you will never understand what warfare is

The author just highlights some individuals so it doesn't get boring

All Shin is good for is the shounen action nothing more

Naki would wipe the floor with him taking a glaive and charging forward is what only fools would do
Bro just stop..
If you want to clown around, there is always OP Battledome.
Please dont compare Shin to this bum. Shin is on another level.
Yeah brute strength but not brainwise

Let's suggest something

Shin doesn't have Ten and Kyokai and wouldn't be on the battlefield he would assume his position like real generals in the tent HQ

Honestly what would that Monkey do while ordering his army ?
Yeah brute strength but not brainwise

Let's suggest something

Shin doesn't have Ten and Kyokai and wouldn't be on the battlefield he would assume his position like real generals in the tent HQ

Honestly what would that Monkey do while ordering his army ?
Even if I believe Naki is smarter than Shin (not true actually), still the battle would end up like this:
Even if I believe Naki is smarter than Shin (not true actually), still the battle would end up like this:
I just troll a bit I hate how Hara potrays Shin

Its prob Shounen decided that Shounen MCs are stupid or something like that

All the faces he makes when something is happening it's straight annoying I don't care about Shin honestly

I love Kanki,Riboku, Ousen,Mouten and so on

For me Shin always be a troll that just serves as an idiot sorry guys someone at his position needs an better behavior

When does he forms all his lanes alone without Ten ?

When does he starts to think before the battle happens

This instinct shit is just an excuse to let the MC stay stupid
He has great instincts, he will be fine =>
after nearly 730 chapters I have more expectations than this its too shallow

why cant he plan a campaign why does Mouten or Ten need to explain anything to him why isnt Shin the one who explains anything to Bihei and the rest

Its annoying this instinct shit is just an excuse to have him shine but staying an idiot
Yeah brute strength but not brainwise

Let's suggest something

Shin doesn't have Ten and Kyokai and wouldn't be on the battlefield he would assume his position like real generals in the tent HQ

Honestly what would that Monkey do while ordering his army ?
What manga have you been reading, bruh?

We saw Shin command from the rear at Shukai. It’s not outside of his skillset, it’s just not his preference. It’s no different for Mou Bu, who can lead from the rear and deploy tactics, but prefers to lead at the front, mace in hand.

The main issue here is that you’re conflating Shin’s general country bumpkin ignorance and in-eloquence with stupidity.

Shin understands warfare. It’s practically all he has known from ages 14-26. That’s 12 years of fighting in some of the most intense battles in Qin history, including a Coalition War. Twelve years as a leader of men in the business of warfare.

You underestimate Shin far too much or simply haven’t been paying attention.
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after nearly 730 chapters I have more expectations than this its too shallow

why cant he plan a campaign why does Mouten or Ten need to explain anything to him why isnt Shin the one who explains anything to Bihei and the rest

Its annoying this instinct shit is just an excuse to have him shine but staying an idiot
Its not the only time he displayed his instinctual abilities, but this is the most notable one as Riboku compared him to Duke Hyou who was the "epitome of the instinctual type"

Copying from wiki =>
During the invasion of Qin by the Coalition Army at The Battle at Kankoku Pass on the first day, Shin demonstrated an awakening of his abilities as an instinctual-type. While he was able to sense that the rear would be attacked, he moved accordingly. In the following days, he felt that there was something wrong with the enemy as he thought that the Chu army was kind of quiet in their attacks.

He later hones and strengthens his instinct throughout his military service. At the end of the Chiyoyou Campaign after the enemy headquarter has been seized, Shin managed to sense that there's another army moving in the nearby forest. He charged in alone and with that surprise attack, he killed Rei Ou of the Wei's Seven Fire Dragon in a single swoop. After 3 years, during the Battle at Shukai Plains, his instincts developed to the level where he could command his unit with pure intuition and matched Gyou’un, a talented instinctual commander.

His instinct continued to evolve to Duke Hyou's level as he withdrew his army from the right wing position and reinforced Gaku Ka Army during Zhao's Retaliation Arc. This allowed them to break free of Ri Boku's entrapment that he made in 6 months. This move was unpredictable and made Ri Boku felt like he was fighting the late great general himself and later praised him as a worthy opponent.
What manga have you been reading, bruh?

We saw Shin command from the rear at Shukai. It’s not outside of his skillset, it’s just not his preference. It’s no different for Mou Bu, who can lead from the rear and deploy tactics, but prefers to lead at the front, mace in hand.

The main issue here is that you’re conflating Shin’s General country bumpkin ignorance and in-eloquence with stupidity.

Shin understands warfare. It’s practically all he has known from ages 14-26. That’s 12 years of fighting in some of the most intense battles in Qin history, including a Coalition War. Twelve years as a leader of men in the business of warfare.

You underestimate Shin far too much or simply haven’t been paying attention.
Its not the only time he displayed his instinctual abilities, but this is the most notable one as Riboku compared him to Duke Hyou who was the "epitome of the instinctual type"

Copying from wiki =>
During the invasion of Qin by the Coalition Army at The Battle at Kankoku Pass on the first day, Shin demonstrated an awakening of his abilities as an instinctual-type. While he was able to sense that the rear would be attacked, he moved accordingly. In the following days, he felt that there was something wrong with the enemy as he thought that the Chu army was kind of quiet in their attacks.

He later hones and strengthens his instinct throughout his military service. At the end of the Chiyoyou Campaign after the enemy headquarter has been seized, Shin managed to sense that there's another army moving in the nearby forest. He charged in alone and with that surprise attack, he killed Rei Ou of the Wei's Seven Fire Dragon in a single swoop. After 3 years, during the Battle at Shukai Plains, his instincts developed to the level where he could command his unit with pure intuition and matched Gyou’un, a talented instinctual commander.

His instinct continued to evolve to Duke Hyou's level as he withdrew his army from the right wing position and reinforced Gaku Ka Army during Zhao's Retaliation Arc. This allowed them to break free of Ri Boku's entrapment that he made in 6 months. This move was unpredictable and made Ri Boku felt like he was fighting the late great general himself and later praised him as a worthy opponent.
730 chapters

All he did was this 10 years of leading his own unit all he did was instinctively acting

It's as I wrote this is disappointing if Shin would lead his own campaign with his stupidity he would lose his whole army but due him being a shounen something like that never will happen in real life he would lose
730 chapters

All he did was this 10 years of leading his own unit all he did was instinctively acting

It's as I wrote this is disappointing if Shin would lead his own campaign with his stupidity he would lose his whole army but due him being a shounen something like that never will happen in real life he would lose
No matter how disappointing he is, you cant compare him to nobodies like Naki. But I agree with you on the point that Ten is hindering Shin's growth, she needs to go.
No matter how disappointing he is, you cant compare him to nobodies like Naki. But I agree with you on the point that Ten is hindering Shin's growth, she needs to go.
She needs to go or he needs to think more Ten can stay but Shin needs to think of the strategies not Ten

They did in Naruto too that dude ended the manga with 2 jutsus

The same way Luffy being an idiot the whole time

Now Shin they prob want to give him instinct and let him being stupid it's annoying
730 chapters

All he did was this 10 years of leading his own unit all he did was instinctively acting

It's as I wrote this is disappointing if Shin would lead his own campaign with his stupidity he would lose his whole army but due him being a shounen something like that never will happen in real life he would lose
Bruh, your reading is slanted by a blatant bias towards intellectual archetypes of generals that wield subversion and subterfuge, and a clear dislike for those that rely on straightforward martial prowess.

While you may resent the fact Shin isn’t more intellectual and doesn’t express his abilities the way a Ou Sen or Kan Ki does and decry the simplicity of his methods, you fail to recognise such is the privilege of the mighty.

Generals of overwhelming might that inspire men to become monsters when they lead from the front, heroic figures such as Ou Ki, Duke Hyou, Ren Pa, and now Shin, have demonstrated the ability to tear through whatever the enemy throws at them by charging fearlessly ahead and making adjustments on the fly.

Again, Shin understands warfare. He lives it. He has been living it for twelve years. The sheer wealth of experience he has has afforded him extraordinary keen senses and instincts. It’s why he only he and Kan Ki sensed trouble ahead, and not one of the talented strategists among Ma Ron, Ka Ryo Ten or Mou Ten. It’s why he was able identify his best options at Gian, why he had the foresight to intercept the attempt on Kan Ki’s life at Atsuyo, why he was the one to identify Ou Hon’s whereabouts at Eikyuu. Shin truly sees from the view of a general.

From saving the Duke Hyou Army by making the decision to turn and face Man Goku to countering Gyou’un at Shukai and now making the decision to cut losses and reinforce the left wing before the lines collapsed entirely - Shin’s crunch time decision-making is simply elite and demonstrates his deep understanding of warfare.

It’s in the dialogue.

Kankoku Pass, Shukai, Gian - every time, Shin has been able to rationalise his decision, albeit not in the most eloquent terms, but that’s irrelevant.

As for planning campaigns, Shin is not the guy you go to for the planning stages of a campaign. He’s the guy you hand the plan when all has been taken care of and trust to make his adjustments as and when necessary.

There is a reason why Instinctual Types have animal themes and speak of fires - to them, warfare is a living thing, and they are at their best in the moment.

Right now, it’s a short list of generals you can put in front of Shin and expect to win under equal terms. Instinctual Types may be bullshit, but it’s Hara’s world.
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The Kanki redemption implications from the coalition arc has turned into Kanki becoming an obstacle to Qin imo
If Kanki is to be killed by Shin i would like a full on war where Shin has to overcome him not just Kanki losing and trying to escape just to be executed by Shin
Let him join Yan and Kill him a few years later and maybe that's the achievement that makes Shin a great general
The Kanki redemption implications from the coalition arc has turned into Kanki becoming an obstacle to Qin imo
If Kanki is to be killed by Shin i would like a full on war where Shin has to overcome him not just Kanki losing and trying to escape just to be executed by Shin
Let him join Yan and Kill him a few years later and maybe that's the achievement that makes Shin a great general
Ideally, Kan Ki goes to Yan.

The only way I'd want to Kan Ki to stay around longer is if he turned into a bona fide enemy of Qin. That would be fantastic. I'm actually hoping the popularity of the character is putting pressure on Hara to keep him alive.

Yan in particular is in need of some hype for their military machine. Right now it's just Ordo, and I hold him in higher regard than most, but if he's all they got, Yan is toast and it'll be over in no time.

The combination of Kan Ki's psychological warfare and Ordo's mountain tribes would likely be extremely formidable. Just imagine if they had an army-sized unit stronger than the Zenou clan. Who knows what Yan will have? They're the state with the most secrets, apparently, so I hope not to be disappointed.
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