That is why your takes are schizophrenic, you are detached from reality.
Talking to yourself?
I'm talking about moral realism that means ethical sentences like "kill is wrong" express propositions (this means that these sentences can be true or false) that refers in some level to objective features of the world
There are many exceptions to ethical sentences like "killing is wrong"
it doesn't matter if you believe god exist up in the sky

you can't see him, you can't touch him, you can't prove his existence

so therefore "his morality" is not objective in our world

it's actually funny you used a scientific definition for gravity to defend your religious "objective" morality, lmao
I was talking about the objective REALITY in that post. Read what Mathias posted.
it doesn't matter if you believe god exist up in the sky

you can't see him, you can't touch him, you can't prove his existence

so therefore "his morality" is not objective in our world

it's actually funny you used a scientific definition for gravity to defend your religious "objective" morality, lmao
What if he can see God tho?


Yellow Flash
What if he can see God tho?
let's think about it, this is interesting

if he sees god, and i don't

which one defines reality and illusion?

considering the way humanity works, the majority or those in the side who have power will define reality

like Doflamingo put it, the winners decide history and reality in this case lmao

so it ends up not being objective, once again
So by objective morality you just mean its an objective fact that morality as a concept in humans exists?
Yes and we are meant to abide by it. Objective=factual. Just because animals and plants don't discern morals,it doesn't mean people shouldn't. Its literally ingrained in you genes to be a social creature. If you behave in anti-social ways,you reap what you sow.
@Toby D. Dog i quotted you by accident,sorry. That was meant for logiko.
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I can read his words and so can you.
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Reality exists outside of human perception. Eg ultrasound exists even tho humans can't hear it
Shit,i was talking aobut this 5 min ago and you were tolling me.


Yellow Flash
Reality exists outside of human perception. Eg ultrasound exists even tho humans can't hear it
except we now can prove that ultrasound exists, and now we can tell it's objective 100%

but before, when it couldn't be defined and proved, to humans saying that shit would be delusion

once there was proof, and the majority agreed with it, in our brains it became reality

i understand what you mean, if you remove humans from the discussion, ultrassound is there 100%

but if humans are there, the talk about reality among them is defined by what the majority believes or those in power that make it so

you see where i'm coming from?

let's say god exists, and he gave us the 10 Ten Commandments, and they are objectively moral like NAMELESS says

right now, because there's absolutely no way to prove his existence or not, either way, we can't be 100% sure that morality is objective, because we can't confirm it

however, in the future, if we find a way to prove it OR the grand majority or those in power simply make it the truth, it can be seen as the objective morality from the perspective of the humans