define the word "objective" and you'll see what I mean
I'm talking about moral realism that means ethical sentences like "kill is wrong" express propositions (this means that these sentences can be true or false) that refers in some level to objective features of the world
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Not a consequence of social interaction, a consequence of social pressure. The pressure to keep the species alive and well.

There is no such thing as "objective morality".

To us, morality is simply a social pressure and a result of our sociological context. Nothing more. Its not "objective", its in fact completely related to our experience.

Morality differ from one person to another.

For example, for me, you supporting far right bullsh*t is bad, its morally wrong. And yet, for you it's the right thing to do. Morality comes from the the world and our own experience. In that way, it can't be objective.

What is important in reality is not morality. What are important are the facts:

Is it morally bad to support far right ideas ? Depending on the person, not necessarily.
Are far right ideas bad for the wellbeing of humankind ? Objectively yes.

That's why I do not look at morality but I always look at the facts and their impact on society to tell you that you are bigoted.

social pressure is still a kind of social interaction


Besto Friendo
It doesn't matter if you believe you can fly. You can't. Gravity will give you a wake up call. Reality is objective. This is delusion.
it doesn't matter if you believe god exist up in the sky

you can't see him, you can't touch him, you can't prove his existence

so therefore "his morality" is not objective in our world

it's actually funny you used a scientific definition for gravity to defend your religious "objective" morality, lmao
That is why your takes are schizophrenic, you are detached from reality.
Talking to yourself?
I'm talking about moral realism that means ethical sentences like "kill is wrong" express propositions (this means that these sentences can be true or false) that refers in some level to objective features of the world
There are many exceptions to ethical sentences like "killing is wrong"
it doesn't matter if you believe god exist up in the sky

you can't see him, you can't touch him, you can't prove his existence

so therefore "his morality" is not objective in our world

it's actually funny you used a scientific definition for gravity to defend your religious "objective" morality, lmao
I was talking about the objective REALITY in that post. Read what Mathias posted.
it doesn't matter if you believe god exist up in the sky

you can't see him, you can't touch him, you can't prove his existence

so therefore "his morality" is not objective in our world

it's actually funny you used a scientific definition for gravity to defend your religious "objective" morality, lmao
What if he can see God tho?